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Re: A woman defends her castle - multiple inside videos

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 5:12 pm
by TheArmedFarmer
Amazing video. That guy must have been sleeping with a pistol in his hand. Sound asleep while his wife takes care of the bad guys.

Re: A woman defends her castle - multiple inside videos

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 5:14 pm
by philip964
He must sleep with it in his hand.

Re: A woman defends her castle - multiple inside videos

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 5:48 pm
by mr1337
AndyC wrote:I forgot to mention - that was Port Elizabeth in South Africa. Burglars in that country have the habit of tying folks up with wire and torturing the householders with knives, steam-irons, etc - so yes, many folks have a firearm literally under the pillow. ... s-20150512" onclick=";return false;
That actually makes sense now. I was in disbelief when I saw the video earlier today and the man instantly produced a handgun upon waking up.

Re: A woman defends her castle - multiple inside videos

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 7:08 pm
by Jim Beaux
I was surprised at my reaction watching the jackals slink through the house - I am in a rage. I will be prudent & keep the rest of my thoughts to myself.

Re: A woman defends her castle - multiple inside videos

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 7:59 pm
by Jumping Frog
Jim Beaux wrote:I was surprised at my reaction watching the jackals slink through the house - I am in a rage. I will be prudent & keep the rest of my thoughts to myself.
You aren't the only one thinking them. . .

Re: A woman defends her castle - multiple inside videos

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 8:36 pm
by ScooterSissy
Only thing I could add would be some range time might have brought a happier ending...

Re: A woman defends her castle - multiple inside videos

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 2:15 pm
by BobCat
Too bad the cats couldn't talk...

Re: A woman defends her castle - multiple inside videos

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 2:20 pm
by ELB
Yikes. Exciting night.

Good for her, and I hope the kitties are ok.

Re: A woman defends her castle - multiple inside videos

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 7:35 pm
by Javier730
ScooterSissy wrote:Only thing I could add would be some range time might have brought a happier ending...

Re: A woman defends her castle - multiple inside videos

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 10:27 am
by VMI77
Cats. "rlol" The do make tasty tacos though (just kidding, I love animals, just prefer dogs to cats). My 5 dogs would have been barking loud enough to wake the dead. Then again, I understand in SA the perps often poison your dogs. At first I thought they were old school with those revolvers. I like revolvers for carry at times but at home at night it's going to be a Glock or CZ, or something of that nature...if not a rifle or shotgun. But I've read that a revolver is about the only handgun you can legally own in SA? I read an article awhile back about a Minister using a snubbie to defend his congregation against attackers with AKs.

Re: A woman defends her castle - multiple inside videos

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 11:42 am
by drjoker
VMI77 wrote:Cats. "rlol" The do make tasty tacos though (just kidding, I love animals, just prefer dogs to cats). My 5 dogs would have been barking loud enough to wake the dead. Then again, I understand in SA the perps often poison your dogs. At first I thought they were old school with those revolvers. I like revolvers for carry at times but at home at night it's going to be a Glock or CZ, or something of that nature...if not a rifle or shotgun. But I've read that a revolver is about the only handgun you can legally own in SA? I read an article awhile back about a Minister using a snubbie to defend his congregation against attackers with AKs.
Do a search of Andy c's posts. Any gun is difficult to to legally own in sa. Revolvers are fine for most folks. For most folks, the gun will not be the rate limiting factor. In other words, you can own any gun, but you will still lose a shoot out with mr miculek or the garland Texas police officer who took out 2 terrorists armed with aks, bullet proof vests, & kt s2000 with a glock at 25 yards. If you shoot as well as these guys, then, the rate limiting factor is your gun and not you. Otherwise, the rate limiting factor is you.

Cats have musk glands that supposedly make them taste horrible. However, some hunters tell me that it is an easy matter to remove musk glands. They tell me that bobcat stew is quite a delicacy.

Re: A woman defends her castle - multiple inside videos

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 5:15 pm
by BobCat
Cats have fangs and claws. We usually keep our claws retracted, but they come out instantly when needed.

As far as more range time / happier ending - the good guys are safe, the bad guys ran, nobody got dead and nobody got arrested.

Getting thrown in jail for shooting someone - even if later found not-guilty and released - is to be avoided if possible.

I think the outcome was real satisfactory; only better ending would be the cops grabbed the bad guys and threw them in jail.