The clock is ticking (May 8), but what does it mean?

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Re: The clock is ticking (May 8), but what does it mean?


Post by tbrown »

It means the House Republicans will pass everything they want to pass out of the House, and nothing they don't. It means they will lie to us about gun bills and say they ran out of time, but an intelligent man will remember how much time they spent on fluff early in the session.

They're like a football team intentionally running down the clock, and they do it for the same reason.
sent to you from my safe space in the hill country

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Re: The clock is ticking (May 8), but what does it mean?


Post by doncb »

Reduced fees looks to pass and the politicians will talk about how they stood up for gun rights. Reduced fees are no different than if they reduced the fee for a drivers license. If 1911 doesn't pass MDA will celebrate and the politicians will make excuses about how they didn't have the time they needed, etc.
If you're standing still, you're loosing.

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Re: The clock is ticking (May 8), but what does it mean?


Post by Papa_Tiger »

Keep in mind, to date there have only been three regular bills that have cleared both the House and the Senate. Certainly, there is a race to the finish with the remaining legislation, but the legislative session is far from over. The biggest bottleneck is likely to be the House of Representatives, so if bills can get through there they have a pretty decent chance of passing in the Senate.

To me, the bills that will serve as a barometer of the House's support for gun rights this session are:
HB300/SB16 - Lowers the cost of the LTC to $40
HB1911 - Unlicensed carry
HB421 - Volunteer security in a place of worship exempted from private security act
HB560 - Reduction of off limits places for LTCs - Currently presumed dead

Here are some dates from the last session that people should keep in mind (pulled from here):
Day 119: Last day for committees to report House Bills and House Joint Resolutions - May 11, 2015
- Any House Bills left in committee are dead
Day 122: Last day for House to consider 2nd reading House Bills and House Joint Resolutions on Daily or Supplemental Calendar - May 14, 2015
- House Bills that don't get a second reading, i.e. made it through Calendars committee and had floor consideration are dead
Day 123: Last day for House to consider consent House Bills on 2nd & 3rd reading and ALL 3rd reading House Bills and House Joint Resolutions on Supplemental Calendar - May 15, 2015
Day 131: Last day for House committees to report Senate Bills and Senate Joint Resolutions - May 23, 2015
- Any Senate bill left in committee is dead
Day 134: Last day for House to consider 2nd reading Senate Bills and Senate Joint Resolutions on Daily or Supplemental Calendar - May 26, 2015
- House Bills that don't get a second reading, i.e. made it through Calendars committee and had floor consideration are dead
Day 139: Last day for House and Senate to adopt Conference Committee Reports, Last day for House to discharge House conferees and concur in Senate Amendments - May 31, 2015
Day 140: End of Session - June 1, 2015

The major bills we got last year were:
SB 11 - Campus Carry
Passed Senate - 3/19/2015
Reported out of House Committee - 5/15/2015
Passed House - 5/27/15
Conference Committee Report Adopted - 5/31/15

SB 273 - Fines for Signs
Passed Senate - 3/18/2015
Reported out of House Committee - 5/7/2015
Passed House - 5/23/2015

HB 910 - Open Carry
Passed House - 4/20/15
Reported out of Senate Committee - 5/19/2015
Passed Senate - 5/22/15
Conference Committee Report Adopted - 5/29/15

As you can see there is lots of action in the last month. I am somewhat concerned about HB1911 at this point, but I think that there is still time to it to come through.

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Re: The clock is ticking (May 8), but what does it mean?


Post by NotRPB »

To me, the bills that will serve as a barometer of the House's support for gun rights this session are:
HB300/SB16 - Lowers the cost of the LTC to $40
HB1911 - Unlicensed carry
HB421 - Volunteer security in a place of worship exempted from private security act
HB560 - Reduction of off limits places for LTCs - Currently presumed dead
SB 16 is on the HOUSE Floor now (Lowering Fees)
SB16 - Lowers the cost of the LTC to $40
Amendments on the floor
Point of Order

Live Stream ... nt_id=3154

You can follow all the amendments here as they happen, this is the senate bill that passed in March, now on the House Floor: [Dems file Amendments (like You must own a gun safe to get the discounted license fee), Stickland Poos the amendments] Rule 111 Section 2 Violation, POO Sustained
Stickland's point of order is sustained. That's two of Moody's amendments that have been taken down by a Stickland POO ... &Bill=SB16

Amendment striking $40 changing it to $10 adopted
Last edited by NotRPB on Tue May 02, 2017 1:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The clock is ticking (May 8), but what does it mean?


Post by tx85 »

The House has adopted one amendment (so far), which means SB16 will need to go back to the Senate again for a vote before it can reach the Governor's desk. ... 016H21.PDF

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Re: The clock is ticking (May 8), but what does it mean?


Post by tx85 »

Democrat POO raised - claiming bill that reduces fees or taxes is not yet eligible for consideration on the floor (because it's not yet day X of session)

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Re: The clock is ticking (May 8), but what does it mean?


Post by NotRPB »

tx85 wrote:Democrat POO raised - claiming bill that reduces fees or taxes is not yet eligible for consideration on the floor (because it's not yet day X of session)
Rep. Dutton raises a point of order on consideration of the entire bill. #txlege #POO
I THINK bills affecting TAXES can't be brought before the 119th day ... so they want to know if the LTC FEE is a FEE or a TAX
(Could be the other way around, not sure, but I think that's the rule)
POO withdrawn
Dutton's #POO has been temporarily withdrawn.
Rep. Burrows moves to reconsider his amendment.
tx85 wrote:The House has adopted one amendment (so far), which means SB16 will need to go back to the Senate again for a vote before it can reach the Governor's desk. ... 016H21.PDF
Burrows withdraws his amendment that would change fee to $10.
SB16 PASSES to 3rd reading
Last edited by NotRPB on Tue May 02, 2017 1:28 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: The clock is ticking (May 8), but what does it mean?


Post by Flightmare »

SB 16 passes 3rd reading 111-30
Deplorable lunatic since 2016

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