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2017 Bill Status Report

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 11:03 am
by Charles L. Cotton
Color-coded and linked bills are available on the 2017 Bill Status Report on the Texas Firearms Coalition website. Note: The color-coding on the TFC website is especially helpful for this final update.

Final update 6/2/17


HB14 (Murr (R, A+) Relating to the carrying of handguns by license holders on the property of state hospitals; providing a civil penalty.
Impact: Creates a civil fine for carrying a handgun into a state mental hospital.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 2/13/17; referred to Public Health Committee 2/16/17; public hearing 3/7/17; reported favorably w/o amendment 3/14/17; to Calendars 3/20/17; considered in Calendars 4/12/17; passed House 5/4/17; to Senate State Affairs Committee 5/5/17, public hearing 5/11/17, voted favorabely w/o amendment 5/18/17; on Intent Calendar 5/23/17, died in committee. However, language was added to HB435 that passed.
Comments: This is the preferred method of preventing the carrying of handguns into state mental hospitals. It lists the specific hospitals, so other non-mental hospitals will not be able to bootstrap themselves into being off-limits.

HB56 (Flynn, R, A+) Relating to the carrying of a handgun by a first responder engaged in the actual discharge of the first responder's duties.
Impact: Renders 30.06 and 30.07 signs unenforceable as to first responders responding to a call.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 11/14/16; public hearing 3/14/17; reported favorably as substituted 3/28/17; to Calendars 4/10/17. Died in Calendars. Similar language passed in HB435.
Comments: Unlike so-called “elitist bills,” this Bill does not allow first responders to carry in areas that are statutorily off-limits to LTCs. It would allow then to carry in locations posted with 30.06 or 30.07 signs without having to disarm.

HB99 (Keough, R, A) Relating to the enforcement of certain federal laws regulating firearms, firearm accessories, and firearm ammunition; creating a criminal offense.
Impact: Purports to prevent state agencies and employees from enforcing certain federal gun laws enacted after 9/1/2017.
Position on Bill: Neutral.
Status: Filed 11/14/16; Referred to Select Committee on State & Federal Power & Responsibility 3/1/2017; referred to State & Federal Power & Responsibility Select Committee 3/1/17; Died in Committee.
Comments: This Bill would send a signal to the federal government as have those passed in other states.

HB110 (Krause, R, A) Relating to the enforcement of certain federal laws regulating firearms, firearm accessories, and firearm ammunition within the State of Texas.
Impact: Purports to prevent enforcement of certain federal gun laws.
Position on Bill: Neutral.
Status: Filed 11/14/16; Referred to Select Committee on State & Federal Power & Responsibility 3/1/2017; died in committee.
Comments: This Bill would send a signal to the federal government as have those passed in other states.

HB111 (Moody, D, B-) Relating to an educational program and fee reductions to improve firearm safety.
Impact: This Bill would reduce the fee for a LTC for an applicant that bought a “secure storage device” by an amount equal to the cost of the device, or $40, whichever is lesser. The Bill would also require DPS to create a gun safety program, including a pamphlet promoting the program
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 11/14/16; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/13/17; died in committee.
Comments: While this is a “feel good bill,” it accomplishes nothing. There is a stand along bill to repeal all LTC fees, so this bill would be in conflict. The best gun safety courses in existence are those created by the NRA, including but not limited to the NRA Eddie Eagle Program and Home Firearm Safety Program. A better way to promote gun safety is to require all public school students be provided both of these programs in school at no cost to the school.

HB131 (Krause, R, A) Relating to exempting the intrastate manufacture of a firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition from federal regulation.
Impact: Another bill purporting to exempt guns and ammunition manufactured in Texas from certain federal gun laws.
Position on Bill: Neutral.
Status: Filed 11/14/16; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/21/17; public hearing 3/14/17; reported favorably w/o amendment 3/28/17; to Calendars 4/6/17; died in committee.
Comments: This Bill would send a signal to the federal government as have those passed in other states.

HB 191 (Bernal, D, F) Relating to the notice given by a property owner prohibiting a handgun license holder from carrying a handgun on certain property.
Impact: Amends TPC§§ 30.06 and 30.07 by reducing the size of required signs to 8.5"X11" maximum and leaving vertiage up to the DPS.
Position on Bill: Oppose this terrible bill!
Status: Filed 11/14/16; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/14/17; died in committee.
Comments: Guts TPC §30.06 that has been beneficial to property owners and Licensees for 20 years.

HB 234 (Anchia, D, F) Relating to wrongful exclusion of handgun license holders from property owned by or leased to a governmental entity and to certain offenses relating to the carrying of handguns on that property.
Impact: Limits the application of the "Fines for Signs" law (Tex. Gov't Code §411.209) to government property occupied by a governmental agency. It exempts governmental agencies and entities from the statutory fines, if a non-governmental entity or person is "occupying" governmental property. It also amends TPC §30.06 and 30.07 such that signs are enforceable on government property if occupied by a non-governmental entity or person.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 11/14/16; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee; public hearing on 4/18/16; died in committee.
Comments: This Bill does the opposite of what must be done.

HB 246 (Anchia, D, F) Relating to the notice given by a property owner prohibiting a handgun license holder from carrying a handgun on the property.
Impact: Amends TPC §§30.06 and 30.07 by allowing the use of a pictogram (international slash symbol) to bar entry by Licensees with a handgun.
Position on Bill: Oppose this terrible bill!
Status: Filed 11/14/16p referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/13/17; died in committee.
Comments: Guts TPC §30.06 that has been beneficial to property owners and Licensees for 20 years.

HB 255 (Anchia, D, F) Relating to the offense involving the carrying of handguns by license holders on the premises or property of certain recreational facilities.
Impact: Creates an offense for carrying a handgun on the property (not merely "premises") of most any sporting event venu as well as theaters, golf courses and numerous other areas.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 11/14/16; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee; public hearing on 4/11/16 – pulled down by author; public hearing reset for 4/18/16; died in committee.
Comments: This Bill would create fertile grounds for another Orlando-style mass shooing.

HB259 (Anchia, D, F) Relating to the creation of certain offenses concerning firearm sales at gun shows; authorizing a fee
Impact: Requires a background check for all sales at “gun shows” except to LEO’s and LTC. Has a very broad definition of “gun show.”
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 11/14/16; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/13/17.
Comments: Another unnecessary and burdensome requirement.

HB 282 (Anchia, D, F) Relating to the carrying of handguns on the campuses of and certain other locations associated with institutions of higher education.
Impact: Allows public colleges to "opt-out" of campus-carry.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 11/14/16; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/13/17; died in committee.

HB 291 (Johnson/Dallas, D, D) Relating to limiting the locations in which a license holder may openly carry a handgun; restricting an exception to a criminal offense
Impact: Makes it unlawful for a Licensee to openly carry a handgun in a city with a population between 1.2 and 1.4 million people.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 11/14/16; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/13/17’ died in committee.
Comments: This probably would apply only to Dallas.

HB300 (King, R, A) Relating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun.
Impact: Removes the fee for a new or renewed LTC. NOTE: Committee substitute establishes a fee of $40 for new and renewal LTC applications, while preserving the discounts for military, veterans, people over age 60 and law enforcement.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 3/9/17; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 6/13/17; public hearing on 3/21/17; reported favorably as substituted 3/28/17; sent to Calendars 4/6/17; laid on table for SB16 5/2/17. SB16 passed.

HB339 (Burrows, R, A) Relating to the removal of a fee for the issuance of an original, duplicate, modified, or renewed license to carry a handgun.
Companions: SB16 – Identical; HB300 – Duplicate; HB1024 – Duplicate
Impact: Removes all fees for obtaining, replacing, updating or renewing a License to Carry a Handgun.
Position on Bill: Support
Status: Filed 11/15/16; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/16/17; died in committee. SB 16 passed.

HB356 (Huberty, R, A) Relating to the carrying of concealed or holstered handguns by certain handgun license holders attending a meeting of the board of trustees of a school district or the governing body of an open-enrollment charter school.
Impact: Allows LTC’s to attend school board meetings of they are a member of the board or superintendent of the school.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 11/15/16; referred to Education Committee 2/16/17; public hearing 4/17/17, died in committee.
Comments: All LTCs should be able to carry, there is no justification to single out elected officials or superintendents.

HB372 (Springer, R, A+) Relating to the handgun proficiency required to obtain or renew a license to carry a handgun.
Impact: Reduces the minimum caliber for LTC qualification to .22 caliber.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 11/15/16; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/16/17; died in committee. SB263 removing minimum caliber passed.

HB375 (Stickland, R, A) Relating to providing for the carrying of handguns without a license and to related offenses and penalties.
Impact: Makes it lawful to carry a handgun without a License to Carry a Handgun.
Position on Bill: Neutral.
Status: Filed 11/16/16; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/16/17; public hearing 3/28/17; died in committee.
Comments: TFC does not oppose unlicensed carrying of handguns. However, this Bill opens to many Penal Code and Government Code sections to potential anti-gun amendments. A narrowly crafted bill could be supported, although it has no chance of passage in 2017.

HB391 (Howard, D, F) Relating to the carrying of handguns on the campuses of and certain other locations associated with institutions of higher education.
Impact: Allows public colleges to "opt-out" of campus-carry.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 11/17/16; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/16/17; died in committee.
Companion Bill: Identical to HB282

HB392 (Howard, D, F) Relating to certain offenses involving the carrying of handguns by license holders on the premises of certain hospitals, mental health facilities, and nursing facilities.
Impact: Creates an offense for carrying a firearm in a mental hospital. [See comments below.]
Position on Bill: Oppose this very bad bill.
Status: Filed 11/17/16; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/16/17; died in committee.
Comments: The bill will be pitched as a “fix” for mental hospitals, but it does far more than address such entities. Also, a much better mental hospital fix will be filed.

HB403 (Springer, R, A+) Relating to the handgun proficiency required to obtain or renew a license to carry a handgun.
Impact: Removes a minimum caliber of handgun for use in the LTC range qualification.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 11/17/16; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/16/17; died in committee. SB263 removing minimum caliber passed.

HB421 (Rinaldi, R, A+) Relating to the exemption from application of the Private Security Act of certain persons who provide security services on a volunteer basis at a place of religious worship.
Impact: Exempts volunteer church security personnel from Section 1702.333, Occupations Code. This allows LTCs to carry self-defense handguns while volunteering.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 11/21/16; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/16/17; public hearing 3/7/17; reported favorably as substituted 3/28/17; to Calendars 4/10/17; died in Calendars Committee. Entire bill was added to SB2065 that passed.
Comments: A bill with the same impact has been filed by Rep. Schaefer in 2013 and 2015.

HB435 (King, Ken, R, A) Relating to the application of certain weapons laws to and liability for certain actions of volunteer emergency services personnel licensed to carry a handgun
Impact: Multifaceted impact. 1) Immunity for governmental entities whose “volunteer emergency services personnel” (VESP) with an LTC discharge their firearms; 2) creates a defense to TPC §30.06 and §30.07 for VESP; 3) exempts VESP from TPC §§46.03, 46.035 and §46.035(b) & (c) while they are rendering emergency services.
Position on Bill: Support due to HB14 amended language.
Status: Filed 11/21/16; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/16/17; public hearing 3/14/17; reported favorably w/o amendment 3/28/17; to Calendars 4/6/17; passed House 5/3/17; to Senate State Affairs Committee 5/12/17; public hearing 5/18/17; passed Senate w/amendment 5/24/17; House concurred with Senate Amendment 5/26/17 (Bill passed). Note: The civil fine language from HB14 dealing with state mental hospitals was amended into HB435.
Comments: This Bill grants immunity to governmental agencies and entities which encourages them to allow VESP with an LTC to carry their self-defense handguns. This is a good change. The Bill also allows VESP to carry their handguns while rendering emergency services without the risk of prosecution for carrying in off-limits locations. This too is a necessary improvement. However, the Bill also provides a defense to TPC §§30.06 and 30.07 merely because they are VESP, whether or not they are “on duty.” This goes too far. Such exception should apply, but only when actually rendering emergency services.

HB447 (Bell, R, A+) Relating to the civil liability of certain businesses in connection with allowing or forbidding handguns on the business premises.
Impact: Provides immunity from civil liability to a businesses for the acts or omissions of an LTC, if the business does not prohibit both open-carry and concealed-carry.
Position on Bill: Support. (See explanation below.)
Status: Filed 11/22/16; referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Committee 2/16/17; public hearing 3/28/17; died in committee.
Comments: Unlike SB86 by Sen. Hall, this bill would deny immunity if a business allows concealed-carry but prohibits open-carry.

HB465 (Anchia, D, F) Relating to the prosecution of certain offenses involving the carrying of weapons at amusement parks or locations associated with schools or educational institutions.
Impact: Render every square inch of a school off-limits to LTCs, not merely the “premises.” Also designates numerous other areas a “school” including libraries, after school programs, etc.
Position on Bill: Opposed.
Status: Filed 11/29/16; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/16/17; died in committee.

HB466 (Anchia, D, F) Relating to limiting the locations in which a license holder may openly carry a handgun; restricting an exception to a criminal offense.
Impact: Allows cities with a population of at least 750,000 people to prohibit open-carry, if the measure is carried in a popular referendum.
Position on Bill: Opposed.
Status: Filed 11/29/16; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/16/17; died in committee.
Comments: This bill would create a patchwork of gun laws that is a trap for honest citizens.

HB485 (Fallon, R) Relating to an exemption from the sales tax for firearms and hunting supplies for a limited period.
Impact: Creates a sales tax exemption period for guns and hunting supplies.
Position on Bill: Neutral.
Status: Filed 11/30/16; referred to Ways & Means Committee 2/16/17; died in committee.
Companion Bill: SB133

HB497 (Rinaldi, R, A) Relating to the liability of a business that allows handguns to be carried on the business's premises.
Impact: Creates immunity from civil liability for the acts of a person in possession of a handgun while on the business property, if the business does not prohibit the possession of handguns.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 12/5/16; Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Committee 2/16/17; public hearing 3/28/17; died in committee.

HB514 (Simmons, R, A) Relating to the authority of certain personal protection officers to carry certain weapons.
Impact: Exempts licensed personal protection officers from TPC §§46.02 and 46.03 when they are engaged in protecting someone.
Position on Bill: Neutral.
Status: Filed 12/6/16; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/16/17; public hearing 4/11/17; reported favorably w/o amendment 4/18/17; to Calendars Committee 5/1/17; died in Calendars Committee.
Comments: Unlike other bills that create an exception for some but not all LTCs, this Bill applies only to licensed security guards that have a personal protection endorsement. Also, it applies only when they are “working.” Such people cannot carry out their job duties, if they must disarm before entering property covered by TPC §§46.02 or 46.03.

HB556 (Keough, R, A) Relating to the civil liability of certain persons in connection with allowing or forbidding handguns on the premises of a business or apartment complex.
Impact: Creates strict liability for apartment complexes for injury or death suffered by an LTC, if the complex prohibits the carrying of concealed handguns by LTCs. It also grants immunity from civil liability for the acts of an LTC to complexes that do not prohibit concealed-carry by an LTC.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 12/9/16; referred to Judiciary & Civil Justice Committee 2/20/17; public hearing scheduled 3/28/17; died in committee.

HB560 (Springer, R, A+) Relating to the places where a person may carry a handgun if the person is licensed to carry a handgun and to certain related criminal offenses.
Impact: Greatly reduces the areas that are statutorily off-limits to LTCs. (See Comments below.)
Position on Bill: Support by all possible means!
Status: Filed 12/9/16; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/20/17; died in committee.
Comments: A detailed analysis of HB560 is available in the TFC Short-Shot: HB560, the most important self-defense bill introduced since SB378 in 2007. (To be released Monday, 12/12/16.)

HB606 (Springer, R, A+) Relating to the liability of a person who allows handguns to be carried on property owned, controlled, or managed by the person
Impact: Provides immunity to any person or entity that owns, controls, or manages property and who does not prohibit the carrying of handguns by giving notice pursuant to TPC §30.06 or 30.07. This immunity applies to claims based upon the person’s or entity’s failure to prohibit the possession of handguns on the property, unless the claim is based upon gross negligence.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 12/15/16, referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Committee 2/22/17; public hearing 3/28/17; reported favorably as substituted; to Calendars Committee 5/2/17; died in Calendars Committee.

HB621 (Leach, R, A) Relating to requirements for certain applicants to obtain an original, duplicate, modified, or renewed license to carry a handgun; waiving a fee.
Impact: Repeals fee for issuance of an LTC to peace officers and members of the Texas Military forces. It also exempts peace officers from the requirement to take the LTC course.
Position on Bill: Neutral.
Status: Filed 12/16/16; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/22/17; public hearing 4/4/17; reported favorably as substituted 4/18/17; to Calendars Committee 5/1/17; died in Calendars Committee.

HB781 (Shaheen, R, A) Relating to the issuance of a handgun license.
Impact: Requires DPS to issue a temporary LTC available as a download from the DPS website that is valid until the permanent license is issued.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 1/2/17; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/20/17; died in committee.

HB782 (Shaheen, R, A) Relating to the handgun proficiency required to obtain or renew a license to carry a handgun.
Impact: Drops the minimum caliber to qualify for an LTC from .32 cal. to .22 cal.
Position on Bill: Support
Status: Filed 1/2/17; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/20/17; died in committee. SB263 passed removing the minimum caliber requirement.

HB866 (Moody, D, B- ) Relating to lethal violence protective orders; creating a criminal offense.
Impact: Creates a protective order titled a “Lethal Violence Protective Order” that is grossly overbroad. It allows far too many people to apply for the order on behalf of another person.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 1/9/17; referred to Criminal Jurisprudence Committee 2/23/17; public hearing 3/20/17; died in committee.

HB 873 (Pickett, D, B-) Relating to prohibiting certain establishments serving the public from restricting a peace officer or special investigator from carrying a weapon on the premises.
Impact: Prohibits most private property owners from prohibiting peace officers from carrying handgun on business property, regardless whether they are on duty or off duty.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: 01/09/2017; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/23/17; public hearing 3/21/17; reported favorably w/o amendment; to Calendars 4/13/17; considered in Calendars 4/18/17; placed on General State Calendar for 4/20/17; passed House 4/20/17; to Senate State Affairs Committee 5/1/17; public hearing 5/8/17; reported favorably w/o amendment 5/8/17; passed Senate 5/12/17.
Comments: This is yet another elitist bill because it applies to peace officers even when they are off-duty. TFC supports this concept, but only if it applies both to peace officers and LTCs.

HB 899 ( Nevárez, D, F) Relating to the notice given by a property owner prohibiting a handgun license holder from carrying a handgun on certain property.
Impact: Guts Tex. Penal Code §§30.06 and 30.07 by repealing the require language and size for a sign.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 1/9/17; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/23/17; public hearing 4/11/17; died in committee.
Comments: Tex. Penal Code §30.06 has worked well for property owners and licensees for twenty years. This is nothing more than an anti-gun bill filed by an anti-gun Representative at the request of Bloomberg-supported anti-gun groups.

HB913 (Alvarado, D, F) Relating to the prosecution of the criminal offense of the possession, manufacture, transport, repair, or sale of certain prohibited explosive weapons.
Impact: Prohibits possess, etc. of explosive weapons even if the person has NFA papers and stamp.
Position on Bill: Neutral as substituted
Status: Filed 1/10/17; referred to Criminal Jurisprudence Committee 2/21/17; public hearing scheduled for 3/6/17; reported favorably as substituted 3/20/17; to Calendars 4/10/17; passed Hosue 5/3/17; to Senate Criminal Justice Committee 5/15/17; reported favorably w/o amendment 5/18/17; passed Senate 5/24/17.
Comments: Current Texas law allows the possession of so-called explosive weapons, if the person has NRA paperwork. This Bill would remove the ability to lawfully possess these weapons.

HB 927 (White, R, A) Relating to the regulation of firearms, air guns, knives, ammunition, and firearm and air gun supplies; imposing a civil penalty.
Impact: Expands the current preemption statute to prohibit the “storage, carrying, [or] wearing” of firearms. It also creates a civil fine virtually identical to Tex. Gov’t Code §411.209 that applies to the posting of unenforceable §30.06 signs.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 1/11/17; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/21/17; died in committee.
Comments: It is unfortunate that this Bill is necessary to deal with dishonest local officials like the City of San Antonio.

HB968 (Metcalf, R, A) Relating to the prosecution of the offense of possessing a weapon in certain prohibited places associated with schools or postsecondary educational institutions.
Impact: Clarifies that “school activity grounds” that are off-limits for possession of firearms are only those owned and controlled by the school. That is, grounds on the school campus.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 1/12/17, referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2\27\17; died in committee..
Companion Bill: SB349 (Identical)
Comments: This clarification is necessary because of dishonest people claiming that anywhere a school student is located is off-limits, if he/she is there as part of a school-sponsored activity. Watch for upcoming TFC Short Shot on this Bill.:

HB 980 (Wray, R, A) Relating to reducing certain fees for a license to carry a handgun for county jailers.
Impact: Reduces the LTC license fee for jailers to $25.
Position on Bill: Neutral
Status: Filed 1/12/17, referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2.27.17; public hearing 4/11/17; reported favorably w/o amendment 4/18/17; to Calendars Committee 5/1/17; died in Calendars Committee.

HB 981 (Wray, R, A) Relating to the carrying of handguns by and an exemption from application of the Private Security Act of certain persons who provide security services on a volunteer basis at an established place of religious worship.
Impact: Allows LTCs to carry handguns in churches and other places of worship while serving on a volunteer security team.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 1/12/17, referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2.27.17; public hearing 4/25/17; reported favorably w/o amendment 4/25/17; to Calendars Committee 5/4/17; died in Calendars.. SB2065 passed with the volunteer church security language included.
Comments: This bill is a very good bill, but it unnecessarily amends portions of Tex. Penal Code §46.035. Those provisions should be removed in committee.

HB 982 (Wray, R, A) Relating to the carrying of a handgun by a first responder engaged in the actual discharge of the first responder's duties.
Impact: Prohibits a political subdivision from prohibiting statutorily-defined “first responders” who have an LTC from carrying a handgun while actually responding to an emergency.
Position on Bill: Support
Status: Filed 1/12/17, referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2.27.17; died in committee. HB435 passed with similar language that applies to volunteer first responders.
Comments: This is not an elitist bill as it applies only to first responders who are responding to a call.

HB 987 (Anchia, D, F-) Relating to use of force or deadly force in defense of a person.
Impact: Essentially repeals the Texas version of the Castle Doctrine that passed in 2007 as SB378.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 1/12/17, referred to Criminal Jurisprudence Committee 2.27.17; died in committee.
Comments: This is a typical “support your local criminal” bill filed by an F-rates, anti-gun, pro-criminal Democrat.

HB 1024 (Kacal, R, A) Relating to the removal of a fee for the issuance of an original, duplicate, modified, or renewed license to carry a handgun.
Impact: Repeals all fees related to obtaining or renewing a License to Carry a Handgun.
Position on Bill: Support
Status: Filed 1/13/17; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 3/6/17; died in committee. SB16 passed drastically reducing the LTC fees.
Companion Bills: SB16 (Identical); HB339 (Duplicate)

HB 1153 ( Davis, Sarah, R, A-) Caption: Relating to the offense involving the carrying of handguns by license holders on the premises of state hospitals and state supported living centers
Impact: Creates an offense for carrying a handgun in a state mental hospital and state run living centers.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 1/19/17; to Public Health Committee 5/21/17; died in committee.
Comments: This Bill is terrible. It is grossly overbroad and it deletes the application of the narrow definition of “premises” such that all of the property on which state hospitals and living centers are located will be off-limits to LTCs. The inclusion of “living centers” also excludes carry of handguns in facilities that do not have “mental patients” as that term is generally understood.

HB 1209 (Burns, R, A) Relating to the punishment for the offense of unlawfully carrying a handgun by a license holder.
Impact: This Bill equalizes the penalties for violation of Tex. Penal Code §46.035.
Position on Bill: Support
Status: Filed 1/23/17; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/22/17; died in committee.
Comments: Prior session changes to the Penal Code created a situation where virtually identical offenses carries different penalties. This bill corrects this disparity.

HB 1229 (Blanco, D, F) Relating to prohibiting the transfer of a firearm to a person listed in the terrorist screening database maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Impact: This Bill would create an offense for “selling, renting, leasing, loaning or fiving” a firearm to someone a person knows to be on the FBI’s “Terrorist Watch List.”
Position on Bill: Oppose
Status: Filed 1/24/17; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/22/17; public hearing 4/25/17; died in committee.
Comments: The level of stupidity behind this bill is mind-boggling! The FBI terrorist watch list is confidential.

HB1267 (Schaefer, R, A+) Relating to the exemption from certain security licensure of certain persons who provide security services on a volunteer basis at a private primary or secondary school or at a place of religious worship.
Impact: Exempts volunteer security personnel for churches and schools from the security guard provisions in the Occupations Code. This will allow LTCs to carry handguns while serving on those volunteer security teams.
Position on Bill: Support
Status: Filed 1/25/17; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/23/17; died in committee. Very similar language dealing with volunteer church security personal passed in SB2065.

HB1337 (Leach, R, A) Relating to the carrying or storage of a handgun by a firefighter at the fire station to which the firefighter is assigned
Impact: Prohibits cities and counties from prohibiting a paid firefighter who has a LTC from possessing their handgun in the fire station.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 1/27/17, referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 2/27/17; died in committee.

HB1637 (Schaefer, R, A+) Relating to warning signs applicable to the carrying of weapons on the premises of certain holders of alcoholic beverage licenses and permits and to grounds for cancellation of those licenses and permits.
Impact: Multifaceted impact: 1) Repeals TABC authority to cancel a liquor license because the licensee allows the possession of handguns on the property; 2) repeals the requirement to post the two blue “unlicensed possession” and 51% signs.
Position on Bill: Neutral.
Status: Filed 2/7/17; referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures Committee 3/6/17; died in committee.
Comments: More information is needed in order to take a position on this Bill.

HB1692 (Hefner, R, AQ) Relating to the transportation or storage of a handgun or other firearm or ammunition by a license holder in a motor vehicle in a parking area of a primary or secondary school.
Impact: This Bill essentially extends the protections of the Employer Parking Lot law to teachers and other school employees in K-12th grade public and private schools. This is an excellent Bill!
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 2/8/17; referred to Public Education Committee 3/14/17; public hearing 4/27/17; reported favorably w/o amendment 5/2/17; to Calendars Committee 5/5/17; died in Calendars Committee. Same language was added to SB1566 that passed.

HB1771 (Price, R, A) Relating to the use of certain weapons in or on the beds or banks of the Canadian River in Potter County.
Impact: Prohibits shooting firearms and bows, except for shotguns firing shot, in the river bed or on the bank of the Canadian River for a two-mile section of the River.
Position on Bill: Neutral.
Status: Filed 2/13/17; referred to Culture, Recreation & Truism Committee 3/28/17; public hearing 3/28/17; reported favorably as substituted and referred to Local & Consent Calendar 4/10/17; placed on Local & Consent Calendar for 4/21/17; back to committee and reported favorably as substituted 4/4/17; to Calendars Committee 4/17/17; passed House 4/20/17; to Senate Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs Committee 5/4/17; passed Senate 5/19/17.
Comments: More information is needed in order to take a position on the Bill. It will likely be opposed due to the precedential impact on other rivers and shooting areas.

HB1819 (Springer, R, A+) Relating to the criminal consequences of engaging in certain conduct with respect to a firearm silencer.
Impact: If firearm suppressors are removed from the scope of the NFA, then this Bill will make it lawful to possess, manufacture, transport, repair to sell suppressors.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 2/13/17; referred to Criminal Jurisprudence Committee 3/9/17; public hearing 3/20/17; reported favorably as substituted 3/27/17; to Calendars 4/3/17; passed House 5/6/17; to Senate State Affairs Committee 5/9/17; public hearing 5/11/17; reported favorably w/o amendment 5/12/17; passed Senate 5/17/17.
Companion Bill: SB842 – Identical.
Comments: This Bill retains the status quo regarding Texas law on suppressors, unless federal law changes. If it does, then this Bill will make it lawful to possess suppressors without requiring a future change of Texas law.

HB1827 (Hinojosa, Gina, D, ?/F) Relating to prohibiting carrying a firearm while intoxicated; creating an offense.
Impact: Creates a Class A misdemeanor offence for possessing a firearm while intoxicated, even if no injury or damage is done and/or no other violations have occurred. Exempts drunk LEOs.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 2/14/17; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 3/9/17; died in committee.

HB1911 (White, R, A) Relating to granting authority to carry a firearm to an unlicensed person who otherwise meets certain requirements for a handgun license and to related criminal offenses; creating a criminal offense.
Impact: Allows the carrying of a handgun without the need for a license-to-carry. (a/k/a “constitutional carry.)
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 2/15/2017; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 3/13/17; public hearing 3/28/17; reported favorably as substituted 4/18/17; to Calendars Committee 4/26/17; died in Calendars Committee.

HB1914 (Cain, R, AQ) Relating to the issuance of a citation for the offense of trespass by certain persons carrying handguns.
Impact: Requires the issuance of a citation and prevents a custodial arrest for a person charged with a violation of TPC §§30.06 or 30.07.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 2/15/17; referred to Criminal Jurisprudence 3/13/17; died in committee.

HB1915 (Cain, R, AQ) Relating to the prosecution of the offense of possessing a weapon in certain prohibited places associated with schools or educational institutions
Impact: Another bill to clarify the scope of off-limits area when used for school-sponsored activity grounds.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 2/15/2017; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 3/13/17; died in committee.
Comments: While clarifying language is necessary, there are better bills to accomplish the goal. This Bill unnecessarily expands off-limits areas to include “regional education service center[s] established under Chapter 8, Education Code.” In addition to being unnecessary, this ill-advised and unnecessary language has the potential to be a trap for LTCs.

HB1945 (Swanson, R, AQ) Relating to the criminal consequences of engaging in certain conduct with respect to a firearm silencer.
Impact: Removes firearm “silencers” from the prohibited weapons list.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 2/15/17; referred to Criminal Jurisprudence 3/13/17; died in committee. HB1918 passed with similar language.

HB1966 (Paul, R, A) Relating to the carrying of a concealed handgun on the premises of a condominium or multifamily residential rental property.
Impact: Prevents condominiums and apartment complexes from prohibiting the carrying of concealed handguns to and from a condo unit or apartment by owners, tenants and guests who are LTCs.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 2/15/2017; referred to Business & Industry 3/20/17; public hearing 4/17/17; reported favorably w/o amendment 4/19/17; to Calendars Committee 4/24/17; died in committee.

HB2022 (Goldman, R, A) Relating to warning signs applicable to the carrying of weapons on the premises of certain holders of alcoholic beverage licenses and permits.
Impact: Repeals the requirement for the holder of a liquor license to post the unlicensed “blue signs.”
Position on Bill: Oppose as filed.
Status: Filed 2/16/17; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 3/13/17; public hearing 4/10/17 left pending; public hearing 4/17/17; died in committee.
Comments: TFC has no objection to removing the blue signs, but not repealing the revocation authority of TABC will strongly encourage restaurants and other none-51% locations to post 30.06 signs to protect their liquor license.

HB2380 (Swanson, R, AQ) Relating to a defense to prosecution for the offense of trespass by certain persons carrying handguns.
Impact: Creates a defense to a charge of violating TPC §30.06 or §30.07 that defendant left the property when told to do so.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 2/24/17; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 3/20/17; public hearing 4/18/17; died in committee.
Comments: This is a well-intended bill for LTCs, but it has significant problems. Some LTCs are likely to believe this bill renders TPC §§30.06 & 30.07 signs unenforceable, thus requiring the property owner to give oral instructions to the LTC to leave. This is not the case and there are other problems.

First, it creates a defense to prosecution, meaning the LTC can be arrested and be required to 1) post a bond; 2) hire an attorney; and 3) assert the defense in a trial. Another problem arises when the owner or person in control of the posted property does not give oral notice to leave, but calls the police instead. This defense would not be available.

HB2083 (Shaheen, R, A) Relating to expedited processing of certain applications for a license to carry a handgun; waiving a fee.
Impact: Provides for expedited handling of an LTC application for persons who submit an active protective order along with their LTC application. The LTC application fee would also be waived.
Position on Bill: Support
Status: Filed 2/17/17; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 3/16/17; public hearing 4/11/17; died in committee.

HB2105 (Holland, R, AQ) Relating to the transportation and storage of firearms and ammunition in private vehicles on the campuses of institutions of higher education.
Impact: Allows any person who lawfully possesses firearms to store firearms and ammunition in their locked personal vehicles in a college parking lot. (The current protection applies only to LTCs.)
Position on Bill: Neutral.
Status: Filed 2/20/17; referred to Higher Education Committee (what!?) 3/14/17; died in committee.

HB2543 (Nevarez, D, F) Relating to the unlawful possession of a firearm by persons who are subject to certain judicial determinations; creating a criminal offense.
Impact: Would prohibit the possession of firearms if subject to certain judicial orders, or past mental findings.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 2/28/17; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 3/23/17; died in committee.
Comments: While part of the Bill are reasonable, it is overly broad in other aspects. If sufficiently amended to provide safeguards to people no longer suffering from certain mental issues, this Bill could be supported. Since the Bill was filed by an F-Rated Democrat, such an amendment is unlikely.

HB2583 (Martinez, D, C) Relating to prohibiting the reckless discharge of a firearm; creating an offense.
Impact: Creates an offense for recklessly discharging a firearm “lacking a reasonable target.”
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 2/28/17; referred to Criminal Jurisprudence Committee 3/20/17; public hearing 4/10/17; died in committee.
Comments: This is a grossly overbroad and ambiguous Bill. There are multiple statutes that cover the conduct Rep. Martinez claims he is targeting. The Bill could result in a life sentence in prison for a minor scratch. Overreaching, unnecessary and self-dealing are terms that apply to this terrible Bill.

HB2735 (Bohac, R, A) Relating to the carrying of a handgun by certain first responders and volunteer emergency services personnel; providing for a fee.
Impact: Creates a “first responder” classification for an eligible LTC, requiring additional training of 40 hrs or more and an additional fee. First responders are exempt from certain off-limits areas.
Position on Bill: Neutral.
Status: Filed 3/2/17; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 3/28/17; public hearing on 4/18/17; died in committee.

HB2772 (Phelan, R, A) Relating to requirements for peace officers to obtain an original, duplicate, modified, or renewed license to carry a handgun; waiving a fee.
Impact: 1) Exempts currently serving peace officers from the range portion of the LTC class; and 2) waived all LTC fees.
Position on Bill: Neutral.
Status: Filed 3/2/2017; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 3/27/17; died in committee.

HB3242 (Springer, R, A) Relating to eligibility for and the revocation of a license to carry a handgun.
Impact: 1) requires the revocation of an LTC held by a peace officer whose peace officer license has been suspended or revoked; 2) established a procedure for peace officers and certain court personnel to prove handgun proficiency other than by the LTC course; and 3) waives fees.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 3/7/17; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 3/30/17; died in committee.

HB3340 (Thompson, Senfronia, D, D) Relating to the provision of information regarding firearm safety and suicide prevention.
Impact: Would add “suicide prevention” to the LTC course.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 3/8/17; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 4/3/17; died in committee.
Comments: LTC are the most law-abiding of Texans (21 times less likely to commit a crime than the general public) and there is no evidence LTC suffer a higher suicide rate. This Bill targets the wrong audience and is merely another anti-gun Texas Gun Sense effort.

HB3390 (Meyer, R, A) Relating to the exemption from range instruction for certain persons applying to obtain a license to carry a handgun.
Impact: Extends the current five year exemption from the LTC range qualification requirement to ten years for persons having received handgun training in the military.
Position on Bill: Neutral.
Status: Filed 3/8/17; referred to Homeland Security and Public Safety Committee 3/31/17; public hearing on 4/18/17; died in committee.

HB3801 (Burns, R, A) Relating to the eligibility requirements for a license to carry a handgun.
Impact: Establishes a procedure for an LTC applicant to appeal the denial of an LTC based upon pending charges against the applicant.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 3/9/17; referred to Homeland Security and Public Safety Committee 3/30/17; died in committee.
Comments: While a person is considered innocent until proven guilty, this Bill would cause the Texas LTC to lose NICS exemption. It would likely cause some states to cancel reciprocity with Texas.

HB3922 (Stucky, R, AQ) Relating to the places where an active judicial officer may carry a handgun if the officer is licensed to carry a handgun.
Impact: Would create a defense to prosecution for judges being charged with violating 30.06.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 3/10/17; referred to Homeland Security and Public Safety Committee 3/31/17; public hearing 4/11/17; reported favorably w/o amendment 4/18/17; to Calendars Committee 5/1/17; died in Calendars Committee.

HB3989 (Johnson, Eric, D, D) Relating to the locations where a person may openly carry a holstered handgun.
Impact: Extends the current amusement park off-limits areas to temporary set-ups and includes the parking area, if they are within the controlled access areas.
Status: Filed 3/10/17; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 4/3/17; public hearing on 4/18/17; died in committee..
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Comments: This Bill likely targets the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, but it is not legally limited to that event. It would render the entire parking lot of NRG stadium off-limits, thus disarming tens of thousands of Rodeo attendees from their drive to and from home to this dangerous part of Houston.

HB4024 (Walle, D, F) Relating to the authority of certain counties to regulate excessive noise levels affecting residential areas in unincorporated areas of the county; authorizing the imposition of a civil fine.
Impact: Allows counties to adopt noise ordinances and issue files up to $500. It applies to “residential addresses.”
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 3/10/17; referred to County Affairs 3/31/17; public hearing 4/13/17; reported favorably as substituted 4/19/17; to Calendars Committee 4/27/17; died in Calendars Committee.
Comments: This bill does not exempt statutorily-defined “sport shooting ranges.” Also, “residential addresses” is not defined and could include any property. There is no standard for noise, thus it is overly broad.

HB4037 (Anchia, D, F) Relating to certain criminal offenses concerning the unlawful transfer or purchase of certain weapons; increasing a criminal penalty.
Impact: Creates a state “straw purchase” offense; increased the penalty to a 3rd degree felony.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 3/10/17; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 4/3/17; died in committee.
Comments: This is already covered by federal law.

HB4200 (Hinojosa, D, F) Relating to the acquisition or attempted acquisition of a firearm by a person prohibited from possessing a firearm.
Impact: This Bill would 1) create an offense for “knowingly” purchasing or attempting to purchase a firearm when the person was prohibited from possessing firearms under state or federal law; 2) require FFLs to report the attempted purchase to the DPS; and 3) require DPS to investigate the attempted purchase and report to the appropriate local authorities for prosecution.
Position on Bill: Oppose this terrible bill!
Status: Filed 3/10/17; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 3/31/17; public hearing on 4/18/17; died in committee.
Comments: This Bill is in the top 10 worst bills ever filed in Texas! Every year, thousands of people are not allowed to purchase firearms from a federal licensed dealer, even though they are not prohibited from possessing firearms under state are federal law. Federal law provides an appeals process and most of those wrongfully denied are ultimately allowed to complete the purchase. Under Rep. Hinojosa’s HB4200, it would be too late. The firearms dealer would have already reported the attempted purchase to DPS and DPS would be using resources to investigate someone who never should have been prohibited form purchasing the firearm.

The Bill also makes federally licensed firearm dealers a de facto agent of law enforcement. It would force the DPS to investigate possible offenses while the wrongfully-denied citizen is going through the federal appeals process incorporated in the NICS background check system.


SB16 (Nichols, R,A & Huffman, R, A) Relating to the removal of a fee for the issuance of an original, duplicate, modified, or renewed license to carry a handgun.
Impact: Removes all fees for obtaining, renewing or modifying an LTC.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 11/30/16; referred to State Affairs Committee 1/24/17; public hearing 3/20/17; reported favorably as substituted 3/21/17; passed Senate 3/27/17; to House and referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 4/18/17; formal meeting 4/20/17; reported favorably w/o amendment 4/20/17; to Calendars Committee 4/24/17; passed House w/amendment 5/3/17; Senate concurred with House Amendment 5/11/17; signed by Governor 5/26/17.
Companion Bill: HB339 - Identical

SB 86 (Hall, R, A) Relating to the liability of a property owner who allows handguns to be carried on the owner's property.
Impact: Grants immunity from civil liability to property owners that do not ban possession of handguns on their property, unless such possession if unlawful. This immunity does not apply to willful or wanton conduct, or gross negligence by the owners.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 11/14/16; referred to State Affairs Committee 1/24/17; died in committee.
Comments: This Bill encourages property owners not to bar handgun possession by Licensees.

SB93 (Hall, R, A) Relating to prohibiting public funds from being used to enforce certain federal or international laws regulating firearms, firearm accessories, and firearm ammunition within the State of Texas.
Impact: Would prohibit the funding of enforcement of certain federal gun laws.
Position on Bill: Neutral.
Status: Filed 11/14/16; referred to State Affairs Committee 1/24/17; died in committee.

SB104 (Hall, R, A) Relating to prohibiting certain physician questions regarding firearms.
Impact: Would prohibit a physician, other than a psychiatrist, from inquiring about firearms in the home. It would also prohibit refusing to treat a patient based upon their refusal to provide such information.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 11/14/16; referred to Health & Human Services Committee 1/25/17; died in committee.
Comments: This is a good bill, but it has no teeth. There is no criminal offense and the State Board of Medical Examiners can, but are not required, to take disciplinary action against any physician that violated this prohibition.

SB133 (Creighton, R, A+) Relating to an exemption from the sales tax for firearms and hunting supplies for a limited period.
Impact: Creates a sales tax exemption period for guns and hunting supplies.
Position on Bill: Neutral.
Status: Filed 11/14/16; referred to Finance Committee 1/25/17; died in committee.

SB138 (Taylor, Van, R, A) Relating to the exemption from range instruction for certain persons applying to obtain a license to carry a handgun.
Impact: Exempts military veterans from the range portion of the LTC course, if they received handgun training within ten years.
Position on Bill: Neutral.
Status: Filed 11/14/16; referred to State Affairs Committee 1/25/17; public hearing 3/20/17; reported favorably w/o amendment 3/21/17; passed Senate 4/3/17; to House and referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 4/18/17; formal meeting 4/20/17; reported favorably w/o amendment 4/20/17; to Calendars Committee 4/28/17; referred back to committee 5/3/17; reported favorably w/o amendment 5/4/17; to Calendars Committee 5/8/17; died in Calendars Committee.

SB206 (West, D, F) Relating to certain criminal offenses concerning the unlawful transfer or purchase of certain weapons; increasing a criminal penalty.
Impact: Creates a felony offense if a person purchases or attempts to purchase a firearm to be given to someone the buyer knows intends to possess or use the firearm unlawully.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 11/14/16; referred to State Affairs Committee 1/25/17; died in committee.
Comments: The act(s) this Bill would address are already unlawful under state and/or federal law. This is just another attempt by F-Rated Royce West to pass an anti-gun bill.

SB220 (Menendez, D, D+) Relating to the offense involving the carrying of handguns by license holders on the premises of certain mental health facilities
Impact: This bill purports to deal with psychiatric hospitals, but it is far too broad.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 11/14/16; referred to State Affairs Committee 1/25/17; died in committee.
Comments: A much better bill will be filed to address guns in psychiatric hospitals.

SB221 (Menedez, D, D+) Relating to prohibiting the transfer of a firearm to a person listed in the terrorist screening database maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Impact: Creates an offense for selling, renting, leasing, loaning or giving a firearm to someone “the actor knows is included in the terrorist screening database maintained by the FBI.”
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 11/14/16; referred to Criminal Justice Committee 1/25/17; died in committee.
Comments: This is a joke! The terrorists watch list is classified and no one can see it! The level of stupidity of this bill boggles the mind.

SB222 (Menedez, D, D+) Relating to designating June as Gun Violence Awareness Month.
Impact: Establishes June of each year as “Gun Violence Awareness Month.”
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 11/14/16; referred to Administration Committee 1/25/17; died in committee.
Comments: This bill is nothing more than a blatant anti-gun move to get the public to condemn the tool rather the criminal.

SB263 (Perry, R, A) Relating to the handgun proficiency required to obtain or renew a license to carry a handgun.
Impact: Removes a minimum caliber of handgun for use in the LTC range qualification.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 11/30/16; referred to State Affairs Committee 1/30/17; public hearing 3/20/17; reported favorably w/o amendment 3/21/17; passed Senate 4/4/17; to House and referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 4/18/17; public hearing 5/16/17; formal meeting 5/16/17; reported favorably w/o amendment 5/16/17; to Calendars Committee 5/19/17; passed House 5/25/17.
Companion Bill: HB403

SB264 (Perry) Relating to an application made by a county jailer to obtain a license to carry a handgun; reducing a fee.
Impact: Exempts county jailers from the range portion of an LTC class and reduces the fee to $25.
Position on Bill: Neutral
Status: Filed 11/30/16; referred to State Affairs Committee 1/30/17; public hearing 3/20/17; reported favorably as substituted 3/22/17; passed Senate 4/10/17; to House 4/11/17; referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 5/9/17; public hearing 5/16/17; reported favorably as substituted 5/16/17; to Calendars Committee 5/19/17; died in Calendars Committee.

SB349 (Creighton, R,A) Relating to the prosecution of the offense of possessing a weapon in certain prohibited places associated with schools or postsecondary educational institutions.
Companion: HB968 – Identical.
Impact: Clarifies that “school activity grounds” that are off-limits for possession of firearms are only those owned and controlled by the school. That is, grounds on the school campus.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 12/16/16; referred to State Affairs Committee 1/30/17; public hearing 4/24/17; reported favorably w/o amendment 4/25/17; passed Senate 5/9/17; to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 5/12/17; public hearing 5/16/17; reported favorably as substituted 5/16/17; to Calendars Committee 5/19/17; died in Calendars Committee.
Comments: This clarification is necessary because of dishonest people claiming that anywhere a school student is located is off-limits, if he/she is there as part of a school-sponsored activity. Watch for upcoming TFC Short Shot on this Bill.

SB434 (Rodriguez) Relating to lethal violence protective orders; creating a criminal offense.
Impact: Creates a protective order titled a “Lethal Violence Protective Order” that is grossly overbroad. It allows far too many people to apply for the order on behalf of another person.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 1/9/17; to State Affairs Committee 2/6/17; died in committee.

SB 449 (Burton, R, A) Relating to the carrying of a concealed handgun on the premises of certain businesses.
Impact: Prevents the TABC from cancelling a liquor license based upon the known presence of an LTC 1) with a concealed handgun on the premises of a 51% location; or 2) with a handgun carried openly or concealed on the premises of a location other than a 51% location.
Position on Bill: Neutral.
Status: Filed 1/9/17; referred to Business & Commerce Committee 2/6/17; died in committee.

SB 450 (Burton, R, A) Relating to the enforcement of certain federal laws regulating firearms, firearm accessories, and firearm ammunition.
Impact: Prohibits a state agency, political subdivision, an employee of either, or a law enforcement officer from assisting in the enforcement of any federal statute, order, rule or regulation regulating firearms, firearm accessories or ammunition, other than complying with the national instant criminal background check system.
Position on Bill: Support
Status: Filed 1/9/17; referred to State Affairs Committee 2/6/17; died in committee.

SB 458 (Huffines, R, A) Relating to the offense of carrying a handgun while intoxicated.
Impact: Limits the criminal offense of carrying a handgun while intoxicated to persons who have the handgun on their person, as opposed to being in the cabin of a motor vehicle.
Position on Bill: Neutral
Status: Filed 1/11/17; referred to Criminal Justice Committee 2/6/17; died in committee.

SB 459 (Huffines, R, A) Relating to the regulation or taxation of firearms, air guns, knives, or ammunition by a municipality or county.
Impact: Prohibits cities and counties from regulating the “sale, purchase or manufacture” of firearms or ammunition. Also prevents cities and counties from adopting a tax that applies to firearms or ammunition, other than taxes authorized by the state; i.e. sales tax.
Position on Bill: Neutral
Status: Filed 1/11/17; referred to State Affairs Committee 2/6/17; public hearing 4/27/17; reported favorably w/o amendment 5/8/17; passed Senate 5/11/17; to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 5/16/17; died in committee.

SB 577 (Nichols, R, A) Relating to the offense involving the carrying of handguns by license holders on the premises of state hospitals.
Impact: Renders specific state mental hospitals off-limits to LTCs.
Position on Bill: Support
Status: Filed 1/23/17; referred to State Affairs Committee 2/8/17; died in committee. HB435 passed after being amended to include this language.
Comments: Unlike HB1153 that is grossly overbroad, SB577 limits its application to specific mental hospitals.

SB583 (Campbell, R, A+) Relating to the punishment for the offense of unlawfully carrying a handgun by a license holder.
Impact: This Bill equalizes the penalties for violation of Tex. Penal Code §46.035.
Position on Bill: Support
Status: Filed 1/24/17; referred to State Affairs Committee 2/8/17; died in committee.
Comments: [This is not a companion bill to HB1209, but it has the same legal impact.} Prior session changes to the Penal Code created a situation where virtually identical offenses carries different penalties. This bill corrects this disparity.

SB618 (Estes, R, A+) Relating to the liability of certain property owners who allow handguns to be carried on certain property.
Impact: Provides immunity to any person or entity that owns, controls, or manages property and who does not prohibit the carrying of handguns by giving notice pursuant to TPC §30.06 or 30.07. This immunity applies to claims based upon the person’s or entity’s failure to prohibit the possession of handguns on the property.
Position on Bill: Support
Status: Filed 1/25/17; referred to State Affairs Committee 2/13/17; died in committee.
Comments: This Bill is very similar to HB606 by Rep. Springer.

SB842 (Perry/Estes, R, A+) Relating to the criminal consequences of engaging in certain conduct with respect to a firearm silencer.
Impact: If firearm suppressors are removed from the scope of the NFA, then this Bill will make it lawful to possess, manufacture, transport, repair to sell suppressors.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 2/13/17, referred to State Affairs Committee 2/27/17; died in committee. HB1918 passed with identical language.
Companion Bill: HB1819 – Identical.
Comments: This Bill retains the status quo regarding Texas law on suppressors, unless federal law changes. If it does, then this Bill will make it lawful to possess suppressors without requiring a future change of Texas law.

SB953 (Hancock) Relating to warning signs applicable to the carrying of weapons on the premises of certain holders of alcoholic beverage licenses and permits.
Companion: HB2022 – Identical.
Impact: Repeals the requirement for the holder of a liquor license to post the unlicensed “blue signs.”
Position on Bill: Oppose as filed.
Status: Filed 2/17/17; referred to Business & Commerce Committee 3/1/17; died in committee.
Comments: TFC has no objection to removing the blue signs, but not repealing the revocation authority of TABC will strongly encourage restaurants and other none-51% locations to post 30.06 signs to protect their liquor license.

SB1146 (Nichols, R, A) Relating to the carrying of handguns by license holders on the property of state hospitals; providing a civil penalty.
Companion: HB14 - Identical
Impact: Prohibits carrying firearms in specific state mental hospitals, creating a civil fine.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 2/28/17; referred to State Affairs 3/7/17; died in committee. HB435 passed with this language added.

SB1408 (Huffines, R, A) Relating to the carrying of a handgun by certain first responders and volunteer emergency services personnel.
Impact: 1) Creates a “first responder” classification for certain emergency service personnel; 2) creates a special training course for first responders who hold an LTC; 3) grants governmental immunity for the discharge of a firearm by a qualified first-responder.
Position on Bill: Neutral.
Status: Filed 3/7/17; referred to State Affairs 3/16/17; public hearing 4/10/17; reported favorably w/o amendments 4/11/17; placed on intent calendar 4/12/17; passed Senate 4/18/17; to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 5/8/17; public hearing 5/16/17; reported favorably w/o amendment 5/16/17; to Calendars Committee 5/19/17; died in Calendars Committee.

SB1447 (Estes, R, A+) Relating to the liability of a sport shooting range.
Impact: Strengthens the Texas Sport Shooting Range protection law by addressing unqualified “experts” testifying in range cases.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 3/8/17; referred to State Affairs 3/20/17; died in committee.

SB1704 (Buckingham, R, AQ) Relating to the eligibility requirements for a license to carry a handgun.
Companion: HB3801 - Identical
Impact: Establishes a procedure for an LTC applicant to appeal the denial of an LTC based upon pending charges against the applicant.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 3/9/17; referred to State Affairs 3/22/17; died in committee.
Comments: While a person is considered innocent until proven guilty, this Bill would cause the Texas LTC to lose NICS exemption. It would likely cause some states to cancel reciprocity with Texas.

SB1719 (Hall, R, A) Relating to a defense to prosecution for the offense of trespass by certain persons carrying handgun.
Impact: Creates a defense to prosecution under TPC §§30.06 and 30.07 that the LTC immediately left the posted premises immediately upon being told to do so.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 3/9/17; referred to State Affairs Committee 3/22/17; died in committee.

SB1736 (Hughes, R, A) Relating to the liability of a business that allows handguns to be carried on the business's premises.
Companion: HB497 - Identical
Impact: Creates immunity from civil liability for the acts of a person in possession of a handgun while on the business property, if the business does not prohibit the possession of handguns.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 3/9/17; referred to State Affairs Committee 3/23/17; public hearing 4/6/17 & 4/10/17; reported favorably as substituted 4/18/17; passed Senate 4/20/17; to Judiciary & Civil Justice Committee 5/5/17; formal meeting 5/16/17; reported favorably w/o amendment 5/16/17; to Calendars Committee 5/17/17; died in Calendars Committee.

SB1778 (Garcia, D, F) Relating to the provision of information regarding firearm safety and suicide prevention.
Companion: HB3340 - Identical
Impact: Would add “suicide prevention” to the LTC course.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 3/9/17; referred to State Affairs Committee 3/23/17; died in committee.
Comments: LTC are the most law-abiding of Texans (21 times less likely to commit a crime than the general public) and there is no evidence LTC suffer a higher suicide rate. This Bill targets the wrong audience and is merely another anti-gun Texas Gun Sense effort.

SB1942 (Hughes, R, A) Relating to the transportation or storage of a handgun or other firearm or ammunition by a license holder in a motor vehicle in a parking area of a primary or secondary school.
Impact: Prohibits public and private schools (K-12th grade) from prohibiting employees with an LTC from having guns in their cars.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 3/10/17; referred to State Affairs Committee 3/27/17; public hearing 5/1/17; reported favorably w/o amendment 5/1/17; passed Senate 5/8/17; to Public Education Committee 5/12/17; reportred favorably w/o amendment 5/16/17; to Calendars Committee 5/18/17; died in Calendars Committee. SB1566 passed with this language added..

SB1943 (Hughes, R, A) Relating to restrictive covenants regarding firearms or firearms ammunition.
Impact: Preempts home owners’ associations from regulating firearms or lawful discharge of firearms.
Position on Bill: Support.
Status: Filed 3/10/17; referred to State Affairs 3/27/17; public hearing 4/10/17; recommended for local & uncontested calendar 4/11/17; passed Senate 4/19/17; to House Business & Industry Committee 5/8/17; formal meeting 5/19/17; reported favorably w/o amendment 5/19/17; died without going to Calendars Committee.

SB1960 (Lucio, D, C) Relating to firearm safety awareness; decreasing the application and license fee for a license to carry a handgun.
Impact: The Bill would 1) reduce LTC fees to $25; and 2) create a firearms awareness taskforce made up of anti-gun groups.
Position on Bill: Oppose.
Status: Filed 3/10/17; referred to State Affairs 3/27/17; died on committee.


SJR 30 (Huffines, R) Proposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting this state or a political subdivision of this state from adopting or enforcing a law, ordinance, order, or other regulation requiring the registration of a firearm.
Impact: Prohibits the state or any political subdivision from requiring the registration of firearms.
Position on Amendment: Support
Status: Filed 1/11/17; referred to State Affairs Committee 1/30/17; died.
Comments: There is no legitimate reason for firearms registration. It is always a prelude to confiscation.


SCR 8 (Huffines, R) Designating the cannon as the official state gun of Texas.
Impact: Creates an official state gun, i.e. the cannon.
Position on Resolution: Neutral
Status: Filed 1/11/17; referred to Administration Committee 5/17/17; died.

HCR51 (Lang) Designating the 1847 Colt Walker pistol as the official state handgun of Texas.
Impact: [See above.]
Position on Bill: NEUTRAL
Status: Filed 1/26/17; referred to Culture, Recreation & Tourism 3/7/17; died.

Re: 2017 Bill Status Report

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 11:09 am
by Charles L. Cotton
As in prior years:

1. This thread is locked to make it easy for people to check the status of bills; and
2. A color coded and linked version of the 2017 Bill Status Report is on

People wanting to discuss bills can start separate threads in the Legislative Section. I would suggest each thread should discuss only one bill and that bill's number and short description should be in the title. This is NOT required, but it would help people track specific bill discussion.

The linking and color coding code is different for the Forum software and for the software used on the TFC website. It's far too much trouble to create and maintain what would amount to two completely different reports that will require numerous revisions and that will grow throughout the legislative session. Therefore, I strongly encourage people to use the version on the TFC website.


Re: 2017 Bill Status Report

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:56 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
Numerous bills added.

Re: 2017 Bill Status Report

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 9:14 am
by Charles L. Cotton
Added HB372 re caliber requirement for LTC range certification.

Re: 2017 Bill Status Report

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 1:40 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
Added HB375 - Unlicensed carrying of a handgun.

Re: 2017 Bill Status Report

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 11:16 am
by Charles L. Cotton
Updated: Added HB391 and HB392.

Re: 2017 Bill Status Report

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 12:08 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
Updated: Added HB403 and HB435.

Re: 2017 Bill Status Report

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 8:37 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
Updated: Added HB421 & HB447

Re: 2017 Bill Status Report

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 3:13 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
Updated: Added HB465 and HB466.

Re: 2017 Bill Status Report

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 11:11 am
by Charles L. Cotton
Updated: Added HB485, HB497, SB16 & SB263.

Re: 2017 Bill Status Report

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 12:23 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
Updated: Added HB514.

Re: 2017 Bill Status Report

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 2:07 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
Updated: Added: HB556 & HB560.

Re: 2017 Bill Status Report

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 4:12 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
Updated: Added HB606

Re: 2017 Bill Status Report

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:55 am
by Charles L. Cotton
Updated: Added HB621.

Re: 2017 Bill Status Report

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 11:03 am
by Charles L. Cotton
Updated: Added SB349.