Political Capital-Prohibited Places vs Constitutional Carry

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Re: Political Capital-Prohibited Places vs Constitutional Carry


Post by Jusme »

steveincowtown wrote:
Jusme wrote:

I have no doubt that it could work in Texas just as well as it does other places, however, even with the Super Majority, in the House and Senate, a lot of them only won their office by the slimmest of margins, and have constituents, who don't put the Second Amendment at the top of their priority list. We have won a lot of victories, and will continue to do so, but I think that a full on assault, pushing for Constitutional Carry, will result in some of the more liberal Republicans, to back away, and bow to pressure from the left, in their districts.
Jusme, most who were elected in Texas in 2014 won by HUGE margins. I can count on one hand the elections for State Senate and House that were even close:


As to there being some liberal Republican's that have infiltrated the ranks, you will get no argument from me there! I don't feel like we should let it Straus us out too much though. :txflag:


What worries me I guess more than the people who are in office now, is that with the huge influx of people moving into the State, especially in the north Texas area, is that they came from other states, not so right leaning, while there may be a significant number who came here due to the fact that we are more 2A friendly, just as many if not more are following jobs. Those people can definitely sway the vote the other way, in some of the more affluent suburbs north of DFW. Politicians, no matter how right wing they may be, realize that there positions are tenuous if there voting base leans more left.
I agree that there may not be a better time to try to get legislation passed in our favor, there is still a large contingent of people who don't see things like we do, and their priorities lie elsewhere. My point is that, I think if we push too much, too soon, it will backfire, not only for the legislation, but for representatives who are trying to keep their jobs. Again JMHO.
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Re: Political Capital-Prohibited Places vs Constitutional Carry


Post by AJSully421 »

Sorry, but 2015's HB 308 does not go far enough.

Easiest bill on the planet:

"A person who is licensed under subchapter H, Chapter 411 of the Government Code is explicitly exempt from every part of Chapter 46 of the Texas Penal Code.

This bill takes effect as of September 1, 1995... because these laws should have never existed in the first frigging place."

Next, when constitutional carry passes in a few more sessions, then we need for license holders to be exempt from 30.06/7... make those only apply to non-licensed carriers only.

We have MORE THAN proven that we are the good guys. I am tired of the crap!
"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan, 1964

30.06 signs only make criminals and terrorists safer.

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Re: Political Capital-Prohibited Places vs Constitutional Carry


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

1. We do not have a super majority in the Senate. That's why we had to change Senate rules to allow bills to reach the floor for debate with only 19 votes.
2. Party Platforms don't matter in the least; they are routinely ignored. It shouldn't be that way, but it is.
3. Unlicensed carry will not pass in 2017. Spending one dime of political capital on it would hurt the effort to promote bills that can pass. It will be interesting to see if any of the open-carry organizations even try next session.
4. Rendering 30.06/30.07 signs is neither desirable nor possible. Private property rights folks, most of whom are also strong Second Amendment supporters, would oppose it in huge numbers. Forcing property owners to confront people carrying handguns rather than allowing them to post enforceable signs is a concept that very few people support.
5. Removing the duty to disclose your LTC to a LEO was overwhelmingly opposed in 2009 and that's why we removed all penalties by adding that language to the DPS sunset bill.


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Re: Political Capital-Prohibited Places vs Constitutional Carry


Post by rotor »

To be honest, I don't know that I support constitutional carry if that means anyone that can own a gun in Texas can carry concealed or open. I trust the people that have earned their LTC and just as many of you have said, you would sell a gun to anyone with an LTC. The people on this Forum I trust. I know an awful lot of people that can legally own a gun that I wouldn't want to be near if they carried. I have concluded in my professional career that at least 20% of the population is crazy- just look at how they vote- and I don't trust them with a gun. I don't trust them with a car. I don't have statistics to back this up- it is just a feeling.
If I feel this way our legislature probably feels this way. I do support removal of restrictions. I think that a LTC holder should be able to go anyplace a LEO can go.
I hope this doesn't generate tons of hate discussion.
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Re: Political Capital-Prohibited Places vs Constitutional Carry


Post by RoyGBiv »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:4. Rendering 30.06/30.07 signs is neither desirable nor possible. Private property rights folks, most of whom are also strong Second Amendment supporters, would oppose it in huge numbers. Forcing property owners to confront people carrying handguns rather than allowing them to post enforceable signs is a concept that very few people support.
I'd like to see some of the teeth taken out of 30.06/07... Maybe one of these would work?

1. Make violations an infraction. A $25 ticket, or something similar. Maybe make that applicable to 30.06 only and leave 30.07 as is. Leave the trespass after being asked to leave stuff as-is also.?

2. Tennessee did this.... Tennessee Businesses That Disarm Concealed Carry Permit Holders Now Liable for Their Safety

3. ??
I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.!
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Re: Political Capital-Prohibited Places vs Constitutional Carry


Post by G.A. Heath »

We have to consider the following. Limited time in session means that everyone is fighting to get time for their bills, and this is where political capital comes into play. The more political capital you have the more time you can get your bill and the further you can advance it. Unlicensed Carry is dead for 2017 because of specific people and specific groups including the "author" of the house version of the bill. Don't believe me? Then listen to this: http://traffic.libsyn.com/opencarryrepo ... kland1.mp3 (MP3 format) or go here http://gunrightsintexas.com/055a/ (Blog post with embedded player). This is a clip of Phillips and Stickland that I made available some time back.
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Re: Political Capital-Prohibited Places vs Constitutional Carry


Post by CleverNickname »

rotor wrote:To be honest, I don't know that I support constitutional carry if that means anyone that can own a gun in Texas can carry concealed or open.
There's a number of states where unlicensed open carry is legal, and a number where unlicensed concealed carry is also legal. None of those states have had any major problems. Show some stats to back up your feelings if you think you're correct.

Or do you think that the character of Texans is markedly inferior to those of residents of other states?
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Re: Political Capital-Prohibited Places vs Constitutional Carry


Post by TexasJohnBoy »

Charles L. Cotton wrote: I don't care if we pass nothing else -- remove off-limits killing zones now!!!

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Re: Political Capital-Prohibited Places vs Constitutional Carry


Post by OlBill »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:Unlicensed open-carry will not pass in 2017 and it may not even be filed. Open-carry groups will focus on NRA/TSRA bills and issues trying to once again take credit for bills that we passed last session and that we will pass in 2017. They did that at the end of 2015 and they will do so again in 2017. They show up at a public hearing on NRA/TSRA bills, testify in support, then claim they got the bills passed. Thankfully, only the folks in their echo chamber buy that garbage.

Removal of off-limits areas for LTCs should be the single flagship bill in 2017 and if it is not, then a great disservice has been inflicted on the most law-abiding of Texans. The political climate is perfect to see the bill pass. Local officials are blatantly ignoring Tex. Gov't Code §411.209 (SB273), playing games with lame excuses that sound like they came from a five year old, and risking taxpayer money while doing so.

So-called "gun free zones" are a magnet for criminals whether they come to commit mass murder or to rape or rob a lone victim. With the increased threat of attacks by terrorists, the need to remove unnecessary off-limits areas is greater now than in the past. Even Harvard agrees that "gun free zones" are a magnet for violent criminals.

I don't care if we pass nothing else -- remove off-limits killing zones now!!!

I'm with you.

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Re: Political Capital-Prohibited Places vs Constitutional Carry


Post by rotor »

CleverNickname wrote:
rotor wrote:To be honest, I don't know that I support constitutional carry if that means anyone that can own a gun in Texas can carry concealed or open.
There's a number of states where unlicensed open carry is legal, and a number where unlicensed concealed carry is also legal. None of those states have had any major problems. Show some stats to back up your feelings if you think you're correct.

Or do you think that the character of Texans is markedly inferior to those of residents of other states?
No slight to Texans, I just think there are too many unbalanced people out there that I don't think should even own guns let alone carry. They may have a constitutional right to carry but that doesn't mean I trust them. You see a guy walking down the street with Nazi swastikas carved on his forehead and if you don't get that tingle in your spine something is wrong. When you have your LTC it has rendered a certain amount of "certification" that you are one of the good guys. We all use the argument that we should be able to carry where LEO carry because we have been checked out by having a LTC. If I feel this way I would imagine that many legislators feel this way. Again, I have no statistics that constitutional carry could be bad but we all brag about the statistics that LTC holders have an extremely low bad guy rate. It's all just a gut feel knowing how many bipolar and worse people are out there that legally can own a gun.
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Re: Political Capital-Prohibited Places vs Constitutional Carry


Post by mojo84 »

Charles L. Cotton wrote: With the increased threat of attacks by terrorists, the need to remove unnecessary off-limits areas is greater now than in the past. Even Harvard agrees that "gun free zones" are a magnet for violent criminals.

I think think this right here is the key to getting the ball over the goal line. Well, this and the travk record LTC have established.
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Re: Political Capital-Prohibited Places vs Constitutional Carry


Post by AJSully421 »

mojo84 wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote: With the increased threat of attacks by terrorists, the need to remove unnecessary off-limits areas is greater now than in the past. Even Harvard agrees that "gun free zones" are a magnet for violent criminals.

I think think this right here is the key to getting the ball over the goal line. Well, this and the travk record LTC have established.
I agree. Knock it down to Courtrooms, airports, and prisons for license holders.
"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan, 1964

30.06 signs only make criminals and terrorists safer.

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Re: Political Capital-Prohibited Places vs Constitutional Carry


Post by srothstein »

I fully support Charles statement and the removal of all off-limits areas. But I honestly do not think that will happen. I will be very happy to see 46.035 repealed this year. I would like to see 46.15 modified as well to see LTCs exempted like peace officers, but I don't see it happening this session. We should be able to get it through within a few years though.

I also do not see too many changes in 30.06/07 getting through this year. I would not argue with a few there, but I really do not see it happening.

If we can just get 46.035 repealed this session with no steps backwards in other areas, I count it as a winning year.
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Re: Political Capital-Prohibited Places vs Constitutional Carry


Post by mr1337 »

srothstein wrote:I fully support Charles statement and the removal of all off-limits areas. But I honestly do not think that will happen. I will be very happy to see 46.035 repealed this year. I would like to see 46.15 modified as well to see LTCs exempted like peace officers, but I don't see it happening this session. We should be able to get it through within a few years though.

I also do not see too many changes in 30.06/07 getting through this year. I would not argue with a few there, but I really do not see it happening.

If we can just get 46.035 repealed this session with no steps backwards in other areas, I count it as a winning year.
I'd support 46.035 being repealed, even if we couldn't get courthouses, racetracks, and polling places, leaving those for another session.

I don't know the likelihood of getting one or both, but even just getting 46.035 would greatly improve 2nd Amendment rights for the majority of LTC holders. Dallas & FW Zoo arguments about being a theme park or educational institution would be moot. People would be able to see a show at a 51% location downtown on a weekend night without forfeiting their right of self-preservation, and we could get rid of the unnecessary double enforcement of hospitals and religious places.
Keep calm and carry.

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