Open handgun carry in many states has been like open rifle carry in Texas. It was always legal, but was hardly ever seen. Just like when it finally got here to Texas this year...almost nobody does it or where they do, it doesn't really raise any concern.
The problem with our shall issue licensed carry that came finally in 1996 was that it was so new after 126 years of prohibition that everything had to be hammered out in the legislature and the courts.
As usual the status quo/establishment wings of both parties had to be humored, dragged, buttered up, donated to, and so on... step by step with the NRA and TSRA making incremental progress.
In addition to the anti-gun leftists we (us "2nd amendment people") have to deal with the crony capitalist Chamber of Commerce types, nervous nelly retail lobby, police/private security monopolists, and Stetson wearing big "binness" types that think only "they" should have a gun.
Then you have to get the powerful county and city politicians/"bosses" to realize that the People are sovereign and when they act through the State (legislature), that you don't just get to blow them off 'cuz you're Boss Hogg of Hazzard County. Eg. 30.06 on public property, metal detectors for non-prohibited venues, arresting people for CWA, carrying while annoying (the cops).
Personally, I think the end goal should be summed up by one of this forum member's handle.... Anygunanywhere.... (I think I saw that handle here). Constitutional or concealed, license free, with no "prior restraint" by signs with criminal penalties, and special privileged people that carry where others can't.
If a blue state like Pennsylvania can have a Uniform Firearms Act with virtually no restrictions on carrying, and no criminal "signs", and permitless open carry...and deep blue Vermont was original Constitutional carry state, we can get there...I guess it will just be step by step.

4/13/1996 Completed CHL Class, 4/16/1996 Fingerprints, Affidavits, and Application Mailed, 10/4/1996 Received CHL, renewed 1998, 2002, 2006, 2011, 2016...). "ATF... Uhhh...heh...heh....Alcohol, tobacco, and GUNS!! Cool!!!!"