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Any updates?

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 11:31 am
by K.Mooneyham
Good day to you all,

I have noticed there is very little talk about the current legislative session. There isn't even a separate section set up for it, in contrast to earlier years. Does anyone have any good updates about what is going on in the session regarding firearms or self-defense bills that are working their way through the system? Or has nothing been posted because nothing is really going on this time? Hopefully something positive will come out this year. Lots of states have either passed pro-2A legislation or have it in-work. Some of that has been just "catchup" to where Texas is already at (Ohio SYG, for instance), but some has gone beyond in the form of "Constitutional Carry" (merely using the colloquial term) or "2A Sanctuary" (colloquial, as well). Thanks in advance, I'll check back soon and see if anyone has any good news.

Moderators, please move if this is the wrong section of the forum, my apologies.

Re: Any updates?

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 4:15 pm
by parabelum
I think that bills we support will die on a vine and there’s a bit of discouragement in the air. My opinion.
We will be likely moving in the next year to a friendlier 2A State. TX is good, but not good enough.

Re: Any updates?

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 5:05 pm
by KC5AV
I suspect that the current legislative session has fallen by the wayside due to the ongoing turmoil within the NRA.

Re: Any updates?

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 5:36 pm
by AF-Odin
The Permitless Carry Bill was voted out of committee. Check out the TSRA website, go to the PAC tab and sign up for legislative alerts.

Re: Any updates?

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 8:08 pm
by Flightmare
AF-Odin wrote: Sat Apr 10, 2021 5:36 pm The Permitless Carry Bill was voted out of committee. Check out the TSRA website, go to the PAC tab and sign up for legislative alerts.
I agree. I have more confidence on this and other pro-2A legislation passing than I have in recent legislative sessions.

Re: Any updates?

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 11:04 am
by K.Mooneyham
AF-Odin wrote: Sat Apr 10, 2021 5:36 pm The Permitless Carry Bill was voted out of committee. Check out the TSRA website, go to the PAC tab and sign up for legislative alerts.
Thank you, I will go check it out.

Re: Any updates?

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:06 pm
by jerry_r60
SB 550 It's been reported out of committee "favorably without Amendment". It removes the "shoulder or "belt" language out of law, just leaving "Holster" for appropriate method of open carry. Not a giant leap but it's a positive bill (to my non lawyer eyes anyway).

There is a companion bill in the House, still in committee: HB 4358

HB 1856 has come out of committee (substituted) favorably and has been sent to Calendars. This one's intent is to improve 2a protections in hotels.
Here is some text from the bill analysis:

"It has been noted that an inconsistent patchwork of protections exists for lawful gun owners
while traveling in Texas. There have been calls for the state to step in and ensure that Texans'
Second Amendment rights are respected while staying in hotels during their travels.
C.S.H.B. 1856 seeks to strengthen legal protection for lawful gun owners by prohibiting hotels
from adopting certain restrictive firearms policies."

HB 1911 Constitutional Carry bill has been reported favorably out of committee and has now been sent to Calendars.

Re: Any updates?

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 2:29 pm
by Flightmare ... ill=HB1927

HB 1927 will be having a floor hearing on Thursday, 4/15/2021. This is Rep Schaefer's version of permitless carry. There are 5 authors and 56 co-authors for this bill at the time of this post.

Re: Any updates?

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 3:05 pm
by puma guy
Flightmare wrote: Tue Apr 13, 2021 2:29 pm ... ill=HB1927

HB 1927 will be having a floor hearing on Thursday, 4/15/2021. This is Rep Schaefer's version of permitless carry. There are 5 authors and 56 co-authors for this bill at the time of this post.
From TSRA:
On the same day, likely after the Constitutional Carry debate, HB 1500 by Representative Hefner will be debated on the floor. This is the bill that will prevent any Governor of Texas from infringing on our 2A rights during a disaster or state of emergency. This is not about the current Governor but rather seeks to make sure if we get any pro gun-control Governor's in Texas, they cannot disable our rights when we need them the most!
There is also a link on the TSRA website to watch or listen to the debate Thursday at 10AM..

Re: Any updates?

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 3:19 pm
by RoyGBiv
Flightmare wrote: Sat Apr 10, 2021 8:08 pm
AF-Odin wrote: Sat Apr 10, 2021 5:36 pm The Permitless Carry Bill was voted out of committee. Check out the TSRA website, go to the PAC tab and sign up for legislative alerts.
I agree. I have more confidence on this and other pro-2A legislation passing than I have in recent legislative sessions.
The TSRA email updates over the past 2 weeks are rather positive sounding... If you're not a member... Worth signing up.

Received just now...
Breaking News: Constitutional Carry Scheduled for the Floor

House Bill 1927 by Representative Schaefer is scheduled for the floor of The House for full debate on Thursday at 10. You'll recall that this bills DOES NOT eradicate the LTC system People who qualify to carry as an LTC (if the person isn't a felon, drug addict, fugitive from justice, etc) would be allowed to carry without a permit. Mostly, the people supporting these bills already carry, so the bills are more about rights being restored. There are now 20 other states as of today that have passed some form of Permitless carry. It's high time Texas joined them!

On the same day, likely after the Constitutional Carry debate, HB 1500 by Representative Hefner will be debated on the floor. This is the bill that will prevent any Governor of Texas from infringing on our 2A rights during a disaster or state of emergency. This is not about the current Governor but rather seeks to make sure if we get any pro gun-control Governor's in Texas, they cannot disable our rights when we need them the most!

Re: Any updates?

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 4:27 pm
by Papa_Tiger
RoyGBiv wrote: Tue Apr 13, 2021 3:19 pm
Flightmare wrote: Sat Apr 10, 2021 8:08 pm
AF-Odin wrote: Sat Apr 10, 2021 5:36 pm The Permitless Carry Bill was voted out of committee. Check out the TSRA website, go to the PAC tab and sign up for legislative alerts.
I agree. I have more confidence on this and other pro-2A legislation passing than I have in recent legislative sessions.
The TSRA email updates over the past 2 weeks are rather positive sounding... If you're not a member... Worth signing up.

Received just now...
Breaking News: Constitutional Carry Scheduled for the Floor

House Bill 1927 by Representative Schaefer is scheduled for the floor of The House for full debate on Thursday at 10. You'll recall that this bills DOES NOT eradicate the LTC system People who qualify to carry as an LTC (if the person isn't a felon, drug addict, fugitive from justice, etc) would be allowed to carry without a permit. Mostly, the people supporting these bills already carry, so the bills are more about rights being restored. There are now 20 other states as of today that have passed some form of Permitless carry. It's high time Texas joined them!

On the same day, likely after the Constitutional Carry debate, HB 1500 by Representative Hefner will be debated on the floor. This is the bill that will prevent any Governor of Texas from infringing on our 2A rights during a disaster or state of emergency. This is not about the current Governor but rather seeks to make sure if we get any pro gun-control Governor's in Texas, they cannot disable our rights when we need them the most!

I just read through the whole of HB 1927 and its supporting documentation. This is a FANTASTIC bill. I will certainly be writing my rep to support this!

Re: Any updates?

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 5:18 pm
by AF-Odin
Andi Turner is the new TSRA Legislative Director. She has been extremely active in promoting the positive bills and opposing the negative bills during this legislative session. She has organized some folks who have provided testimony for the pro and anti bills to great effect. Andi may be new to Texas, but previously worked pro-2A legislative issues in Maryland. Think with her efforts already, we can waive the waiting period to grant her Texas citizenship.

TSRA can always use new members. :tiphat:

Re: Any updates?

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 4:59 pm
by jerry_r60
HB1856 - Hotel Bill: It looks like it passed in the house today and is moving on to the senate.

Re: Any updates?

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 5:40 pm
by KLB
Does anyone know the prospects for SB 513? It could be crucially important if it passes, and we might sorely wish for it if it lapses.

Re: Any updates?

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 6:54 pm
by oljames3
KLB wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 5:40 pm Does anyone know the prospects for SB 513? It could be crucially important if it passes, and we might sorely wish for it if it lapses.
SB513 got two more coauthors yesterday, Creighton and Taylor, for a total of four. It was reported out of committee favorably, without amendments and has been place on the intent calendar. What this portends for the future of SB513, I have no idea. ... Bill=SB513

GOA Texas is a good place for info.