Still won't vote for Trump?

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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by remanifest »

Abraham wrote:With P.C. being so prevalent, saying almost anything risque is verboten.

Conservatives are being infected with it too, sad to say.

Yes, Trump says a lot of things that make some of the easily upset, never would say even a hint of anything untoward, get the vapors...

And these are the men...

p.s. women also have a bit of locker room banter in them and express it. I don't see them being condemned...

Unless, you're some Casper Milquetoast, get over it!

Vote Trump!
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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by mojo84 »

TreyHouston wrote:
mojo84 wrote:
TreyHouston wrote:I'm not concerned one bit. Any real woman knows that man talk trash when they're together. And so do other guys.
Some do but not all men "talk trash' about women when they are together. I would prefer one that doesn't as my president.

Clayton Williams comes to mind. I just hope this isn't just the first of many bombs to drop.
1) so your telling me from teen to now, you have never engaged in "locker room" conversations... ya...ok....
*edited to remove statement *

2) Russia just moved nukes more advanced that what we have into East Europe and threatened to shoot down our planes who come too close. Iran keeps buzzing out battleships. N. Korea is always acting dumb. China has been practicing "Island take over drills with Russia. Russia is talking about reopening Cuba base.

WE NEED A FIGHTER! Someone who DEMANDS respect (or fear) from these countries.

3) You have to understand how powerful the CLINTON MACHINE is. It is corrupt and makes anyone, republican or democrat, into millionaires overnight. The clinton machine in the White House will make then all very rich. Them, not us!

4) you are falling victim to the media... don't do it! Don't be told what to think as they pass over REAL NEWS!!!!
I'm well aware of what is going on and how we got into the situation we find ourselves but thanks for the little lecture.

I sure hope Trump has the command of the situations and respect from foreign nations you think he does.

The people that got played in this whole thing are the people that didn't support a principled candidate that stands by his convictions and doesn't change them with wind.

While Trump may be a better option than Hillary, please don't fall for thinking Trump is the answer to our country's and world's situation.

By the way, I outgrew my immature locker room macho talk long before I reach my 50's. I would like to think a presidential candidate did also.
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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by mojo84 »

parabelum wrote:I've seen more woman come out in support of Trump in last 24 hrs then I had thought would be possible. Evangelical leaders back him.

I guess the Benedict Arnolds are finally coming out now. That's good. He will beat that witch.
I will vote for Trump because he is better than the alternative. However, I also recognize when people are trying to paint lipstick on a pig. Let's not try to fool ourselves.
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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by Wolverine »

It is interesting how the RNC establishment insisted conservatives should support Mitt and John to beat Obama, but they're not willing to support Donald to beat Hillary. I don't like Trump but Clinton is worse. If HRC wins because the Republican establishment won't "hold their nose" and vote for Donald, as they counseled us to do with their tepid choices, I'm done with the party. Never again will a vote for [third party] is a vote for [democrat] have any credibility.
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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by philip964 » ... ebate.html

Here is a wife with a sense of humor.
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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by allisji »

philip964 wrote:So a private conversation between Donald Trump and Billy Bush (no relationship that I know with the former Presidents) was recorded with a hot mike. This occurred over ten years ago. Donald said some very crude things about his groping abilities with women since he is a "star".
a nephew of former president George H.W. Bush is what I read. Though I didn't look further into the family tree. He looks a bit like a young George Bush to me.
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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by mojo84 »

allisji wrote:
philip964 wrote:So a private conversation between Donald Trump and Billy Bush (no relationship that I know with the former Presidents) was recorded with a hot mike. This occurred over ten years ago. Donald said some very crude things about his groping abilities with women since he is a "star".
a nephew of former president George H.W. Bush is what I read. Though I didn't look further into the family tree. He looks a bit like a young George Bush to me.
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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by gljjt »

Abraham wrote:I forgot to mention, Vote for Trump!
I'm not voting for Trump. I'm voting against Hillary. In order to most effectively vote against her means I'll press my electronic chad next to the trump name. There's theory and there's reality. And the reality is that if Hillary Clinton is elected president, with her views and lack of character, and with her nominating the next 2 or 3 Supreme Court Justices, itwill be the end of America as we know it.
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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by Bitter Clinger »

philip964 wrote:So a private conversation between Donald Trump and Billy Bush (no relationship that I know with the former Presidents) was recorded with a hot mike. This occurred over ten years ago.
So wait, wait...

They can find this private conversation from over 10 years ago and they CAN'T FIND THE 35,000 MISSING EMAILS?

REALLY? REALLY? :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by Middle Age Russ »

They can find this private conversation from over 10 years ago and they CAN'T FIND THE 35,000 MISSING EMAILS?
The Progressives are simply fantastic at digging, whether it is digging for some sort of dirt on non-progressive candidate, or digging furiously to keep their dead bodies buried. Either way, they are earth moving machines.
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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by Bitter Clinger »

Middle Age Russ wrote:
They can find this private conversation from over 10 years ago and they CAN'T FIND THE 35,000 MISSING EMAILS?
The Progressives are simply fantastic at digging, whether it is digging for some sort of dirt on non-progressive candidate, or digging furiously to keep their dead bodies buried. Either way, they are earth moving machines.
They are far worse that that! Wasn't this supposed to be a town hall type of forum? How does Anderson Pooper get away with asking his own questions, in a prosecutorial manner, less than 5 minutes in? The whole thing was rigged against Trump and he still pulled it out!
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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by bblhd672 »

Bitter Clinger wrote:
Middle Age Russ wrote:
They can find this private conversation from over 10 years ago and they CAN'T FIND THE 35,000 MISSING EMAILS?
The Progressives are simply fantastic at digging, whether it is digging for some sort of dirt on non-progressive candidate, or digging furiously to keep their dead bodies buried. Either way, they are earth moving machines.
They are far worse that that! Wasn't this supposed to be a town hall type of forum? How does Anderson Pooper get away with asking his own questions, in a prosecutorial manner, less than 5 minutes in? The whole thing was rigged against Trump and he still pulled it out!
They're all rigged! I don't even know why the Republican candidates agree to these charades. Rarely does any good come from their participation.
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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by J.R.@A&M »

Bitter Clinger wrote:
philip964 wrote:So a private conversation between Donald Trump and Billy Bush (no relationship that I know with the former Presidents) was recorded with a hot mike. This occurred over ten years ago.
So wait, wait...

They can find this private conversation from over 10 years ago and they CAN'T FIND THE 35,000 MISSING EMAILS?

REALLY? REALLY? :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
And further, they conveniently couldn't find this private conversation before the end of primary season??????!!!!!!
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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by TreyHouston »

New wikileaks releases reports that Hillary wanted Trump to win. That would give her best odds of getting president.... evidently they thought they had/have enough dirt on Trump to stop him. Don't fool yourself there's more coming.
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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by mojo84 »

TreyHouston wrote:New wikileaks releases reports that Hillary wanted Trump to win. That would give her best odds of getting president.... evidently they thought they had/have enough dirt on Trump to stop him. Don't fool yourself there's more coming.
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