Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners

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Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

Below is an article posted on TexasFirearmsCoalition.com. I'll be releasing a podcast on this today or tomorrow. This betrayal by Bonnen is astounding and it better start an avalanche of complaints via email and phone calls. These need to go not only to Dennis Bonnen's office, but to everyone else listed in the article. (Don't confuse Speaker Dennis Bonnen with his brother Greg Bonnen.) To put this in perspective, this will be the worst legislative session I've seen in my 39 years of being a legislative and political advocate. This will be an entirely defensive session, solely because of Speaker Bonnen's deliberate and calculated actions.

Reprinted with permission from Texas Firearms Coalition wrote:Newly elected Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, Republican Dennis Bonnen, campaigned as a pro-Second Amendment candidate. However, actions speak far louder than words and we now see he lied. For the first time in decades, a Speaker has appointed anti-gun Democrats to chair the two most important House Committees for Texas gun owners. Speaker Bonnen appointed D-rated, anti-gun Democrat Poncho Nevarez as Chair of the Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee and F-rated, anti-gun Democrat Nicole Collier to Chair the Criminal Jurisprudence Committee. These are the two committees that hear all gun and self-defense related bills. Committee chairmen have the sole authority to decide whether a bill in their committee will get a hearing or a vote. The net result will be every anti-gun bill filed in the House will get a committee hearing. Pro-gun bills either will not get a hearing or won't get a committee vote in time to reach the House floor for debate and voting. Don’t be fooled. A bill can be killed by not giving it a committee vote, or by voting it out of committee too late in the session for it to reach the floor. This presumes it isn’t killed in the House Calendars Committee. (See below.)
Here is a quick breakdown of these two critical committees. The Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee has nine members, including five Republicans and four Democrats. The Republicans are all “A” rated by NRA and TSRA, but the Democrats boast three who are “F” rated and one, the Chairman, earned a “D” rating.
The Criminal Jurisprudence Committee also has nine members. Five are “A” or “A+” rated Republicans and four are Democrats. The four Democrats include the “F” rated Chairman Nicole Collier, “D” rated anti-gun Joe Moody and two who have a “??” rating because they wouldn’t answer the NRA/TSRA Questionnaire. (A “?” rating is actually an “F” in hiding.)
In addition to the Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee and the Criminal Jurisprudence Committee, there is another critical committee to consider. The House Calendars Committee can and does kill bills behind the scenes. Once again, Speaker Bonnen betrayed gun owners by giving us a very slim one-vote margin in Calendars. However, the Calendars Committee is unique because any one member can “tag” a bill. In simple terms, it means a bill can be killed by being “tagged.” D-raged, anti-gun Democrat Joe Moody was appointed by Speaker Bonnen to service as Vice-Chairman of the Calendars Committee.
Any schedule conflict or illness could easily erase the one-vote pro-gun margins in these committees resulting in anti-gun bills passing out of these committees and the killing of pro-gun bills. Speaker Bonnen’s betrayal of gun owners is monumental and Texas gun owners will not forget him or those who voted him in as Speaker.
I almost forgot. To make matters worse, Speaker Bonnen elevated D-ranged, anti-gun Joe Moody to Speaker Protempore.

Nothing is going to change this session, but every Texas gun owner must make his or her voice heard. Call and email Governor Abbott and let him know your feelings about Bonnen’s betrayal. Call your Representative and let him or her know how you feel and that you are not happy that he/she voted for Bonnen as Speaker. Again, they can’t change anything this session, but gun owners must start working now to ensure that Dennis Bonnen never again holds the Speaker’s gavel.
There must be a huge groundswell against Speaker Bonnen’s betrayal of gun owners. Call your gun-owning friends and ask them to get involved also. Post this notice on your Facebook page and other social media platforms that you use. The only way to prevent this from happening again is to make the political price of betrayal so high that no elected official can afford it.
I have been a Second Amendment activist for thirty-nine years. Through good times and bad, politically and legislatively speaking, I’ve never seen this level of betrayal. Don’t let Speaker Bonnen turn Texas into California or New Jersey. Get involved now; send those emails and make those calls.

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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by philip964 »

Wow! Can’t believe these politicians.

I’ll write a letter to the Gov and Sarah Davis.
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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by ScottDLS »

Well...on to 2021.... :mad5
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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by bblhd672 »

With a betrayal like this by the "top" Republican in the Texas House, I wonder how many anti-gun bills will pass the House with the support of other formerly 2nd Amendment friendly Republicans?

Will call and write Gov. Abbot and Rep. Tenderholt
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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by Nuts »

I will definitely let Abbott know my outrage. Unfortunately, my rep will not listen since he just got out of jail.

It makes me sick that I shook his hand and told him how glad I was he was speaker at abbots inauguration.
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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by SewTexas »

My prediction.... Stickland and his crew will end up getting mad and blowing up the session, education and transportation will pay, dems will scream....may not be a bad thing.
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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by imkopaka »

Of all the people...Nevarez and Collier?? I haven't forgotten all the disgraceful anti-gun bills they introduced last session! What was Bonnen THINKING?? :banghead:
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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by The Annoyed Man »

How could this have happened? Did nobody have even a suspicion that he would have pulled a move like this? What have the dems got on him?
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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by jason812 »

Just remember, he was unanimously voted as speaker. I don't care about secret meetings were the decision is made and then basically agreed upon in public. The vote is what is on record and I will believe the vote.
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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by Papa_Tiger »

I wonder what his priorities this session are and if he had to make concessions in other areas (such as the 2A) to give his legislative priorities a chance to pass the House. Based on certain committee assignments, seems like it is going to be a kick the can down the road session as nothing too controversial from either major party is going to get through to the floor.
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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by chamberc »

Papa_Tiger wrote: Wed Jan 23, 2019 3:54 pm I wonder what his priorities this session are and if he had to make concessions in other areas (such as the 2A) to give his legislative priorities a chance to pass the House. Based on certain committee assignments, seems like it is going to be a kick the can down the road session as nothing too controversial from either major party is going to get through to the floor.
What's the point in a majority when the majority are against us anyway... I say this with a good friend having been in the legislature... they turn into middle of the road liberals the minute they get there...
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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by mojo84 »

Not the least bit surprised. What is his NRA 2nd Amendment rating?

http://votesmart.org/candidate/evaluati ... EjX9GlMGyU
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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by AF-Odin »

Emails sent to Gov Abbott, Lt Gov Patrick, and Speaker Bonnen expressing my displeasure. truly our lives liberty, and property are at risk when the legislature is in session.
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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by RoyGBiv »

mojo84 wrote: Wed Jan 23, 2019 4:00 pm Not the least bit surprised. What is his NRA 2nd Amendment rating?

https://votesmart.org/interest-group/12 ... ?of=rating
I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.!
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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by mojo84 »

RoyGBiv wrote: Wed Jan 23, 2019 4:06 pm
mojo84 wrote: Wed Jan 23, 2019 4:00 pm Not the least bit surprised. What is his NRA 2nd Amendment rating?

https://votesmart.org/interest-group/12 ... ?of=rating
That was more rhetorical than an actual question. However. I understand it's not easily discerned via this medium.
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