radar gun stop

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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radar gun stop


Post by ron_houston »

I was headed north on the Gulf Freeway and took the Edgebrook exit. I was driving my Corvette and I'll admit that I came off the freeway a little fast. And there he stood, at the first side street, a motorcycle cop with his radar gun. He gave me the hand signal to turn into the side street, which I did. I kept both hands on the steering wheel as he walked up to me. When he got to my window I said "officer, I am wearing a concealed handgun". He looked at he and asked where it was. I told him on my right hip, and said would you like to hold it. He asked me where my drivers license was and my registration and insurance. I told him my driver's license was in my left rear pocket and the car papers were in the glovebox. He seemed really calm as I got everything for him. He walked back to his bike and ran my driver's license and it came back clean and dispatch added the details about my CHL.
Now he clearly had me for about 10-15 mph over the speed limit.
But he walked back to me and handed me my papers and license and said "we really appreciate it when we are told about concealed handguns when we first walk up"....then he added "and you do realize that driving a red Corvette gets you noticed by all police officers, so try real hard to go a little slower from now on" he then added "and have a nice day sir"
yep, sometimes all of us have a really good day.

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Re: radar gun stop


Post by Richbirdhunter »

Attitude matters
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Re: radar gun stop


Post by OldCurlyWolf »

That red Vette does attract LEO attention. So do red "Anything Sporty". :thumbs2:
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Re: radar gun stop


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

ron_houston wrote:I was headed north on the Gulf Freeway and took the Edgebrook exit. I was driving my Corvette and I'll admit that I came off the freeway a little fast. And there he stood, at the first side street, a motorcycle cop with his radar gun. He gave me the hand signal to turn into the side street, which I did. I kept both hands on the steering wheel as he walked up to me. When he got to my window I said "officer, I am wearing a concealed handgun". He looked at he and asked where it was. I told him on my right hip, and said would you like to hold it. He asked me where my drivers license was and my registration and insurance. I told him my driver's license was in my left rear pocket and the car papers were in the glovebox. He seemed really calm as I got everything for him. He walked back to his bike and ran my driver's license and it came back clean and dispatch added the details about my CHL.
Now he clearly had me for about 10-15 mph over the speed limit.
But he walked back to me and handed me my papers and license and said "we really appreciate it when we are told about concealed handguns when we first walk up"....then he added "and you do realize that driving a red Corvette gets you noticed by all police officers, so try real hard to go a little slower from now on" he then added "and have a nice day sir"
yep, sometimes all of us have a really good day.
Going from a red one to a yellow one didn't help. I guess I'll try blue next.

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Re: radar gun stop


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My Corvette looks like a Toyota Tundra! Vrrroooom!
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Re: radar gun stop


Post by Bitter Clinger »

That's why you should take it on the track! :woohoo

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Re: radar gun stop


Post by Jago668 »

Friend of mine used to have a burgundy saturn station wagon, and being a mom had a car seat in the back. I think mom + station wagon + car seat is like stealth mode for cops. She blew past a highway patrol gunning people around Ferris (on I45) doing just north of 85mph. He never even blinked. If that is stealth mode, a red corvette is as far opposite as you can get.
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Re: radar gun stop


Post by puma guy »

Jago668 wrote:Friend of mine used to have a burgundy saturn station wagon, and being a mom had a car seat in the back. I think mom + station wagon + car seat is like stealth mode for cops. She blew past a highway patrol gunning people around Ferris (on I45) doing just north of 85mph. He never even blinked. If that is stealth mode, a red corvette is as far opposite as you can get.
Sort of like the Taurus SHO's a few years back. Who would think a Taurus could do 143 MPH! Well, if Ferris didn't get her Palmer or Hutchins, or Garrett or Alma or Rice or Ennis probably did! :lol: Rice 800 people and has six cops!

Edited to correct information.
Last edited by puma guy on Tue Oct 20, 2015 5:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: radar gun stop


Post by The Wall »

I didn't know they made Corvette's in any other color than red. :lol: Great story on getting stopped. I think I got out of a ticket once for just saying "Yes Sir" and "No Sir" when asked a question. I've only been stopped 3 times in 50 years. My DL and CHL sit back to back in my wallet so I can hand them both over at the same time.

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Re: radar gun stop


Post by MONGOOSE »

Car color, when it comes to tickets and insurance rates, is an urban myth.
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Re: radar gun stop


Post by FL450 »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
ron_houston wrote:I was headed north on the Gulf Freeway and took the Edgebrook exit. I was driving my Corvette and I'll admit that I came off the freeway a little fast. And there he stood, at the first side street, a motorcycle cop with his radar gun. He gave me the hand signal to turn into the side street, which I did. I kept both hands on the steering wheel as he walked up to me. When he got to my window I said "officer, I am wearing a concealed handgun". He looked at he and asked where it was. I told him on my right hip, and said would you like to hold it. He asked me where my drivers license was and my registration and insurance. I told him my driver's license was in my left rear pocket and the car papers were in the glovebox. He seemed really calm as I got everything for him. He walked back to his bike and ran my driver's license and it came back clean and dispatch added the details about my CHL.
Now he clearly had me for about 10-15 mph over the speed limit.
But he walked back to me and handed me my papers and license and said "we really appreciate it when we are told about concealed handguns when we first walk up"....then he added "and you do realize that driving a red Corvette gets you noticed by all police officers, so try real hard to go a little slower from now on" he then added "and have a nice day sir"
yep, sometimes all of us have a really good day.
Going from a red one to a yellow one didn't help. I guess I'll try blue next.
Gulf Fwy feeder between Edgebrook and Monroe has been a long time radar spot
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Re: radar gun stop


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
ron_houston wrote:I was headed north on the Gulf Freeway and took the Edgebrook exit. I was driving my Corvette and I'll admit that I came off the freeway a little fast. And there he stood, at the first side street, a motorcycle cop with his radar gun. He gave me the hand signal to turn into the side street, which I did. I kept both hands on the steering wheel as he walked up to me. When he got to my window I said "officer, I am wearing a concealed handgun". He looked at he and asked where it was. I told him on my right hip, and said would you like to hold it. He asked me where my drivers license was and my registration and insurance. I told him my driver's license was in my left rear pocket and the car papers were in the glovebox. He seemed really calm as I got everything for him. He walked back to his bike and ran my driver's license and it came back clean and dispatch added the details about my CHL.
Now he clearly had me for about 10-15 mph over the speed limit.
But he walked back to me and handed me my papers and license and said "we really appreciate it when we are told about concealed handguns when we first walk up"....then he added "and you do realize that driving a red Corvette gets you noticed by all police officers, so try real hard to go a little slower from now on" he then added "and have a nice day sir"
yep, sometimes all of us have a really good day.
Going from a red one to a yellow one didn't help. I guess I'll try blue next.

May I suggest ACU Camo? :lol:
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Re: radar gun stop


Post by TVegas »

That's awesome that the officer directly acknowledged it. The only time that I've been pulled over since getting my CHL I was doing 40+ in a 30 (not a neighborhood) and the motorcycle cop just took my drivers license, ran it, came back and gave me a warning. I was shocked he didn't want my CHL and insurance.
:txflag: Thanks and Gig 'em! :thumbs2:
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Re: radar gun stop


Post by John Galt »

Charles L. Cotton wrote: Going from a red one to a yellow one didn't help. I guess I'll try blue next.


Black doesn't help either. :mrgreen:

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Re: radar gun stop


Post by jb2012 »

apparently they really like f150's as well!! haha or maybe I need to get rid of these lead shoes I don't know which? :mrgreen:
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