The road went straight for about a good 150 feet+ then turned right and dropped under an overpass. The way was clear and as I started to lean into my turn I saw headlights pop up over the top of the turn. Didn't think anything about it, it was over 150 feet away. Then I realized THIS GUY IS FLYING LOW!
I goosed the throttle and cleared the intersection before I got creamed. As I entered the street I turned onto I hear rubber screaming and I turned around to see a police car going sideways down the street I just turned off of !
Knowing that this guy was going to be coming after me I immediately pulled over, before he had even started coming after me, put the bike on it's kickstand, shut it off, got off it, and stood there with my hands in the air.
The cop got out of his car RANTING at me, loudly demanding my license, registration, insurance, etc, etc.
The whole time I am apologizing to him as soon as he exited his car, telling him I hadn't meant to pull in front of him, that I had seen him when he came over the rise, I'm sorry to have caused him to slide, etc, etc. And I meant every word, it WAS unintentional on my part, but the guy was yelling at me, calling me names, being REALLY abusive.
Finally I said to him, in an apologetic tone-not smart mouthed or anything, just honestly- "Hey man, I'm really sorry that happened. I saw you come over the rise and I thought I had enough time to make the turn. *But you were going MUCH faster than 35 miles per hour.*"

THAT was the point where he shut up and he IMMEDIATELY got a LOT calmer, telling me he was afraid my partner was going to turn behind me, blah-blah-blah.
He then returned my license etc. and told me to be careful on my motorcycle and let me go.
~Hmmm.....well now officer......just out seein' how fast the ol' cruiser will go are we?~
I guess he really didn't want to write me up and then explain why there was a good, at least, 50 - 60 feet of tire tread marks from his slide - in a 35 mph zone. I imagine it also helped that there were TWO of us, I had a witness.
Too bad I couldn't ticket HIM for speeding!