First LEO Contact - Capitol of Texas

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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First LEO Contact - Capitol of Texas


Post by tbaber »

Thanks for your indulgence but I had the picture perfect LEO contact with some of the most professional DPS Troopers I have ever encountered. I was making a delivery to the State of Texas Capitol - (Peoples Republic of Travis County) my home county. I approached the new ( I suppose Homeland Security Department improved) delivery entrance with caution as I had my weapon concealed in my console of the 99 Suburban. I noticed a solid work dog (brown lab)and also 2 troopers. I am new to this game as my plastic came less than 3 weeks ago and figured I would come clean if a weapon was not allowed. I would request to be able to back out, but if I was fine then proceed. Not only is it legal you don't even need to declare it to the DPS at the delivery entrance. I don't advocate or recommend anybody do this. They do ask for you DL and I also immediately indicated I was a CHL holder and I had a weapon (hands on wheel making eye contact) I was unfamiliar with their delivery procedure and weapons regulations and I required guidance. The officer was quick to put me at ease and I later found out that most of those servants we hire (elections) up there pack every day. He asked for my weapon of choice and said I was still working on the ideal configuration. What a good experience I had and my hat tip to the well trained and informed DPS staff at the Capitol. They are on their game.

Thanks for letting me post my experience. Honesty with LEO's is the best policy.

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Re: First LEO Contact - Capitol of Texas


Post by quidni »

tbaber wrote:... I also immediately indicated I was a CHL holder and I had a weapon (hands on wheel making eye contact) I was unfamiliar with their delivery procedure and weapons regulations and I required guidance.
What an excellent way of dealing with the situation! :thumbs2:

Gives notice, and puts them at ease that you're no threat. I'm gonna have to remember this line, just in case.
All guns have at least two safeties. One's digital, one's cognitive. In other words - keep the digit off the trigger until ready to fire, and THINK. Some guns also have mechanical safeties on top of those. But if the first two don't work, the mechanical ones aren't guaranteed. - me

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Re: First LEO Contact - Capitol of Texas


Post by Dutchster »

That's good to hear! The DPS guys at the capitol must have a real interest in knowing what other people carry...

I had occasion to visit the capitol last summer - a day or two after the mansion arson. I was in Austin for work and went for a walk after dinner. I intended to just walk the grounds but I was surprised to find that the building was still open. Even at 7:30 PM there was a large group of tourists from another country waiting to get in at the public entrance. I figured that was the line to enter so I fell in. Since a lot of people in the group had large shopping bags they were doing spot checks as they entered. One of the troopers apparently figured I didn't fit with the rest of the group (really??) and waved me off to the side. Not being 100% certain on the notification rules in Texas I opted to explain that I was visiting from out of state and carrying a handgun. The trooper lit right up and said "Good deal - let me see what you're packing!" So I flashed the entire group of Japanese tourists - all the sudden the chatter went up about three octaves and hit double time. The trooper looked me in the eye and said "Son, I don't know how things work up there in Ohio...but we just had an arson across the street. Where in the [bleep] is your spare magazine? Now go on and have yourself a great visit." Then he went back to searching their shopping bags. "rlol"

I spent about an hour just wandering the halls enjoying the architecture (very pretty building!). Whenever I came across the tourist group they'd quickly go to another area.
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Re: First LEO Contact - Capitol of Texas


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

Thanks for the post and welcome to TexasCHLforum.

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Re: First LEO Contact - Capitol of Texas


Post by WildBill »

tbaber wrote:Thanks for your indulgence but I had the picture perfect LEO contact with some of the most professional DPS Troopers I have ever encountered. What a good experience I had and my hat tip to the well trained and informed DPS staff at the Capitol. They are on their game. TB
:iagree: There is nothing better than a professional Texas Trooper with a sense of humor.
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Re: First LEO Contact - Capitol of Texas


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Dutchster wrote:The trooper looked me in the eye and said "Son, I don't know how things work up there in Ohio...but we just had an arson across the street. Where in the [bleep] is your spare magazine? Now go on and have yourself a great visit." Then he went back to searching their shopping bags. "rlol"
That is flat awesome! You would never hear a story like that coming out of Sacramento. :mrgreen:
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Re: First LEO Contact - Capitol of Texas


Post by Texvet »

Good for you - that situation could have gone the wrong way real quick. In fact, if you were from Texas, and visiting the Ohio Statehouse. You would have likely been face first on the floor - due to the lack of reciprocity between Ohio and Texas. I am a Texas resident, and TX CHL holder - temporaily relocated to Ohio (actually, born and raised for 32 years in OH) and still a little uneasy about carrying (in OH) because of the lack of reciprocity. Generally, and unless a person was doing something majorily stupid - I think/hope most LEO's would not make an issue of it.
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Re: First LEO Contact - Capitol of Texas


Post by KFP »

Texvet wrote:Good for you - that situation could have gone the wrong way real quick. In fact, if you were from Texas, and visiting the Ohio Statehouse. You would have likely been face first on the floor - due to the lack of reciprocity between Ohio and Texas. I am a Texas resident, and TX CHL holder - temporaily relocated to Ohio (actually, born and raised for 32 years in OH) and still a little uneasy about carrying (in OH) because of the lack of reciprocity. Generally, and unless a person was doing something majorily stupid - I think/hope most LEO's would not make an issue of it.
You may want to consider getting licensed through another state - Utah and Florida come to mind. Utah instructors in Ohio can be found on the Utah DPS website at ... ctors.html" onclick=";return false;

If you have Ohio specific questions there is an Ohio forum similar to ours that should be helpful and I'm sure that Dutchster would be able to offer some insights as well.
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Re: First LEO Contact - Capitol of Texas


Post by ghostrider »

>The trooper looked me in the eye and said "Son, I don't know how things work up there in Ohio...
>but we just had an arson across the street. Where in the [bleep] is your spare magazine? Now
>go on and have yourself a great visit." Then he went back to searching their shopping bags.

I love this country. :-)

Now, where was your spare magazine???
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Re: First LEO Contact - Capitol of Texas


Post by TxDrifter »

ghostrider wrote:>The trooper looked me in the eye and said "Son, I don't know how things work up there in Ohio...
>but we just had an arson across the street. Where in the [bleep] is your spare magazine? Now
>go on and have yourself a great visit." Then he went back to searching their shopping bags.

I love this country. :-)

Now, where was your spare magazine???

...and I would jokingly say Country = Texas :txflag: LOL
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Re: First LEO Contact - Capitol of Texas


Post by Dutchster »

Texvet wrote:Good for you - that situation could have gone the wrong way real quick.
Sorry for the very late reply, but just to clarify that I carry in Texas on a PA license. In fact, despite living next to PA, I think I've carried in TX on my PA license more than I've carried in PA period.
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