I am in the process of my first renewal. I haven't had to show the license at all for 4 years, and then about 3 weeks ago I was stopped and ticketed for an expired registration. I deserved that one. Got it fixed and everything is fine. Then this morning I was rear ended pretty hard and I called for LEO assistance. Everything handled with the wreck just fine.
In both cases (Leander PD and Austin PD respectively) I declared and showed the plastic. They both asked where it was - I responded. Then they glanced at the plastic and told me to put it away. Very professional and absolutely well handled.
Now for the laugh... the APD officer wanted me to find a newer insurance card since mine expired on 28 May, 2009.

And I was like

He insisted that I needed to find a current card

Then he realized that it was still May and not June. I'm glad I didn't hit my head that hard to lose a whole month.