Bad LEO Encounter last night

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Re: Bad LEO Encounter last night


Post by Purplehood »

frazzled wrote:Respectfully so what? I missed the law where firearms had to be "secure." This ain't Chicago, yet. :headscratch

I can leave out guns, (bug)bombs, and idling Ducati motorcycles in every room in the house (except the Ducati's we're talking finite engine time) if I am of a mind.

(EDIT: again this is not meant to be hostile to the poster)
You wouldn't be the guy with the Ducati in front of Gander Mtn on Hwy 290 parked next to my Red Challenger, would you? The one that really, really didn't like BMW bikes?
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Re: Bad LEO Encounter last night


Post by frazzled »

Purplehood wrote:
frazzled wrote:Respectfully so what? I missed the law where firearms had to be "secure." This ain't Chicago, yet. :headscratch

I can leave out guns, (bug)bombs, and idling Ducati motorcycles in every room in the house (except the Ducati's we're talking finite engine time) if I am of a mind.

(EDIT: again this is not meant to be hostile to the poster)
You wouldn't be the guy with the Ducati in front of Gander Mtn on Hwy 290 parked next to my Red Challenger, would you? The one that really, really didn't like BMW bikes?

No but I could sympathize... Ducati rule BMW drool. :anamatedbanana

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Re: Bad LEO Encounter last night


Post by jlangton »

tfrazier wrote::iagree:
You said it better than I did. :tiphat:
I agree with both of you guys,and have the utmost respect for the good people that choose to do that for a living.
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-Thomas Jefferson.

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Re: Bad LEO Encounter last night


Post by Abraham »

Does anyone here agree that police state/authoritarian rule are amenable if the motivation is understood?

My guess is no one here agrees to that, thus: When an officer behaves in this manner he needs to be corrected immediately by his superiors and should either be placed on probation and observed or fired.

When an officer waves the red flag of autocracy, rookie or veteran, you've got a problem officer.

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Re: Bad LEO Encounter last night


Post by megs »

I think your wife should write the letter to compliment the good cop and also describe how the bully with a badge made her cry.

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Re: Bad LEO Encounter last night


Post by CompVest »

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Re: Bad LEO Encounter last night


Post by dac1842 »

I am a former LEO. Had an officer told my wife that, I would have called him or met him and asked him to provide the section and paragraph in the Penal Code that gave him the right to make that statement and to eventually confiscate my weapons. I then would have shown him the section and paragraph that talks about official oppression and malfeasance in office, pointed out the fourth amendment and second amendment and let him know that morons like him are what gives the good cops a bad name and keeps civil rights attorney's employeed. Then again my Dad always did say diplomacy was not a virture with me.
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