So I got my license 3 or 4 months back and just finally got pulled over, also the first time I got pulled over on my bike. I was going into a wide turn and of course was accelerating throughout the turn as bikers should do

, I just happened to accelerate to 50+ in a 35 (but it's such a very fun turn). Saw the officer coming in perpendicular to the turn and got lit up. He walks up very fast (I turned on hazards, cut the engine and then put hands on my hips visibly) about 2 seconds later he comes up with a friendly air and shows me the radar and asks for ID. I show him both and am looking for my insurance (isn't easy to find with a full helmet on). Asks where I carry, I say I'm not because I'm on my way to campus (local university) he replies that's dumb, what are you supposed to do if something happens? We got into a short little conversation about CHL, basically just that not being able to carry on campus is a dumb limit. I have my cars insurance card, but can't find my bikes, he says it's fine and hands everything back and waits for me to pull out before he leaves so I don't get side-swiped.
Great encounter, and I'll watch my speed through my second favorite turn of my regular commute