Stopped in a small home town

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Re: Stopped in a small home town


Post by magillapd »

Mando'a wrote:
austinrealtor wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote::shock:
yeah what he said with his non-verbal communication.

that doesn't seem right that anyone listening on a police scanner can pick up this kind of personal information.
No kidding, I'm surprised the transmissions aren't encrypted.

Most public safety communications are not encrypted. The systems are just too expensive. Alot of smaller agenices will have their dispatcher give info over the air because their officers do not have MCT's in their car. Larger agencies can either forward the information to their computers or the officers will just run it themselves.

However this points out something. While most citizens don't understand CHL or open carry in some states, we as CHL holders understand the laws. However, even some CHL's don't understand the inner workings of Law Enforcement. Only one way to learn though, knowledge is power...never stop learning!!

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Re: Stopped in a small home town


Post by drjoker »

Yeah, nothing is secret in small towns. You could literally eat supper at Luby's and the next morning everyone would ask you if you enjoyed your supper at Luby's last night.
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