First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano, TX!

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Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,


Post by LAYGO »

baraco01 wrote:Any of you recommend a laser jammer? Of course the one that you actually see that works. I am interested in getting one and one of those detectors/gps or any gadget that would record speed and location.
Read for tons of good info. I can NOT recommend a remote detector enough. Nothing stuck to your windshield to have to remember to take down, powers on with ignition, rates really well among all detectors.

I just installed a Bel Passport Qi45. Qi45 is supposed to stand for Quick Install, 45 mins. I took a lil while longer, but it was easy cheesy to install. I've got $700 invested in the Qi45 with the laser jammer add on. I will take pics of it installed. It's loud too!

The downsides are the cost, the (not so difficult) installation, not portable between cars, and . . . cost. I never thought I'd pay $700 for a radar detector, but I really like it thus far.

Now the big brother to the Qi45 is 9500Ci. It's $1500 - $2000 installed! But it ain't no joke! It uses GPS to warn you of known speed traps or speed cameras or red light cameras. It will even remember a consistent false alarm by GPS & ignore it in the future. It's updateable via computer. I could live without those features though.
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Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,


Post by BrianSW99 »

Wow, I guess I'm just not serious enough about speeding to be willing to invest that kind of money in a radar detector. It would take me about 20 years to recoup the cost of that based on how infrequently I get tickets.

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Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,


Post by baraco01 »

Those are pretty expensive and I personally cannot justify spending that kind of money... If I am ready to spend that much though - I'd just get either a colt or kimber :lol: I need either one so I'll have a piece to show my friends since my current pistols are the ones I show the bad guys :biggrinjester:
I've heard of a GPS unit that actually records your speed and exact location of where the speed were recorded. Can't find one though. As for the laser jammers, hmmmm, I'll do my best to keep on driving the speed limit.

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Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,


Post by Abraham »

How do consistent speeders rationalize the increased risk they pose for other drivers and their passengers, that is someone elses family, friends, co-workers when they speed or do they wave a dismissive hand at such considerations, cuz hey, they're EXCELLENT drivers...

I also see no speeder address what I think may be a big part of the equation: Breaking the law is fun for them, albeit low wattage.

Besides, they view speed limits applying only to law abiding chumps - not their elite selves.

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Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,


Post by baraco01 »

Unfortunately they don't..... simple as that.
I myself unintentionally go over the speed limit at times. But as soon as I look at the speedometer, I slow down. Even w/ cruise control on, your vehicle would tend to go over the set speed - - that's when awareness comes in. So even w/ my cruise on, I still need decrease speed by either cancelling the cruise or braking, depending on the situation.
I still want that gadget that would record the speed and location though. But I would want it in a GPS Navigation system so its dual purpose. When the time comes that I need to prove I was not speeding, this would come in handy. I already got cited for a speed I was not doing. I know they make mistakes but I still had to go through the defensive driving class and the other hassle of mailing those certificates to the court. If I had this kind of device, then I would have just went to the court and showed the Judge. I am not sure it will prove my innocence but is worth a try. I currently have 2 old GPS units. A garmin and a nokia but both needs updated maps which are expensive. So instead of throwing cash for updates, I would rather get a new gps navigation device.
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Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,


Post by LAYGO »

Abraham wrote:How do consistent speeders rationalize the increased risk they pose for other drivers and their passengers, that is someone elses family, friends, co-workers when they speed or do they wave a dismissive hand at such considerations, cuz hey, they're EXCELLENT drivers...

I also see no speeder address what I think may be a big part of the equation: Breaking the law is fun for them, albeit low wattage.

Besides, they view speed limits applying only to law abiding chumps - not their elite selves.
How do you perceive speeders? Someone that is nearly laying tracks at every red light or someone flying by you 20-30mph faster on the city streets?

As it is, for almost 10 years (95-05), I averaged a speeding ticket about once a year. 70% of them on the freeway. Some of them were not, but they were ridiculous (not yet out of a 55mph zone and into a 45mph zone, getting ticketed for 57 in a 45). I've slowed down as I've gotten more patient, but I'm still impatient on long drives. I just hit a higher top speed then those around me. Simple. I don't peel out at lights . . . even if I could . . . while I watch car after car after car bolt from a light only to hit "the wall" & I slowly pass them.

Would you not agree there is a risk with handling a firearm, hence the reason to "treat all firearms as if they're loaded"? You address that risk with training and practice.

I'm just addressing my risk . . .
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Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,


Post by Purplehood »

LAYGO wrote:
Abraham wrote:How do consistent speeders rationalize the increased risk they pose for other drivers and their passengers, that is someone elses family, friends, co-workers when they speed or do they wave a dismissive hand at such considerations, cuz hey, they're EXCELLENT drivers...

I also see no speeder address what I think may be a big part of the equation: Breaking the law is fun for them, albeit low wattage.

Besides, they view speed limits applying only to law abiding chumps - not their elite selves.
How do you perceive speeders? Someone that is nearly laying tracks at every red light or someone flying by you 20-30mph faster on the city streets?

As it is, for almost 10 years (95-05), I averaged a speeding ticket about once a year. 70% of them on the freeway. Some of them were not, but they were ridiculous (not yet out of a 55mph zone and into a 45mph zone, getting ticketed for 57 in a 45). I've slowed down as I've gotten more patient, but I'm still impatient on long drives. I just hit a higher top speed then those around me. Simple. I don't peel out at lights . . . even if I could . . . while I watch car after car after car bolt from a light only to hit "the wall" & I slowly pass them.

Would you not agree there is a risk with handling a firearm, hence the reason to "treat all firearms as if they're loaded"? You address that risk with training and practice.

I'm just addressing my risk . . .
1 ticket a year average? Wow, that is high. You do realize that peeling out and hitting that wall is probably the driver simply reaching the speed limit?
Once you get your CHL I am guessing that you will slow down a tad. It tends to make you more thoughtful.
These are just observations on your statement above. In reality you might drive better than I do.
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Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,


Post by LAYGO »

I can guarantee I'm a more attentive driver than most. Like yesterday morning seeing a concrete truck slowly turning right . . . right in front of a rock hauler. Ever see that scene on Mythbusters where two semi's collide? I was thinking I was about to witness it with the rock hauler immediately to my right. I accelerated out of the 'danger zone' and most likely sped in the process, while watching my rear view for the imminent collision. I don't know how, but they did not. The rock hauler must've been empty because he slowed down.

Also, I'm originally from Houston. I'm sure my Houston brethren will attest to, if you're not doing 75-80, you better be in the right hand lane! I can tell I'm getting close to Houston is when I'm getting passed & I'm already doing 75-80 (typically around conroe/woodlands when 45 opens up).

Oh, and my Mom taught me to drive . . . and she was a paramedic for 20yrs. All her ambulance driving rubbed off on me during my formative years.

But again, I'm a way more patient driver now. Don't take the risks I used to (ie, being able to almost grab something off someone's rear bumper during a lane change). Just less patient on long drives when I just want to get to my destination. My worst ticket was on one such drive. 92 in a 70 in Georgetown, heading north from Austin to Dallas after my band played in Austin. He was using a laser & my old Bel 975R was of no use. Light traffic. I got it both ends too because of the points penalty I have to pay the State (having X many points in a 3 year span). I think I made my last penalty payment last year.
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Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,


Post by PUCKER »

My not at all humble opinion is that speed limits need to be raised on Interstate's not the speed that kills but the sudden stop....but seriously, the differential in speed is the biggest danger and the unknown actions of a slower car in front of you. I got to spend a week driving on the Autobahns in Germany a few years was INCREDIBLE!! I never witnessed "ego-driven" bad driving/driving over there. "Slower traffic keep right" actually means something in Germany! "Pass on left" too!

The unrestricted portions of the 'bahn were simply amazing, cruising at 100+ mph equals covering some serious distance.

You've gotta live by the rules, if everyone on the road lived by the rules then raising speed limits to "unrestricted" might be something to look at...I know, I know, different design on thee Autobahns...but I think raising the current Texas limit to 75 would be just fine, other states have it and it's NICE! :tiphat:
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Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,


Post by gigag04 »

For every 10mph you add, your risk of dying in a collision doubles.
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Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,


Post by baraco01 »

Some parts of I-10 outside of El Paso going East have 80MPH speed limit already.
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Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,


Post by LAYGO »

gigag04 wrote:For every 10mph you add, your risk of dying in a collision doubles.
I'm sure some physics major could easily debunk that.

It's kinda like guitar amplification. A 100 watt guitar amplifier is not necessarily twice as loud as a 50 watt amplifier. (Inverse Square Law)

I forget the particularly named "rule" or "law" about it, but I call hokum! ;)
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Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,


Post by LAYGO »

HEHEHEHE ... d-in-court" onclick=";return false;
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Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,


Post by Hoi Polloi »

PUCKER wrote:My not at all humble opinion is that speed limits need to be raised on Interstate highways...
The speed limit was reduced because the federal government tied state funding to it on the basis of having a vested interest in reducing air pollution. Most highway deaths come from people driving too slow (elderly, drunks, etc) and not from speed.

Reckless driving such as weaving in and out of traffic at fast speeds is stupid and puts many lives at risk, but that is not the same thing as driving 85 with the flow of traffic which is rather safe.
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Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,


Post by PUCKER »

Hoi - yep, like I mentioned, it boils down to the differential in speed. Remember when Texas has a different set of speed limits on the interstates for passenger-type vehicles (70) and trucks (65)? It was definitely not a good idea.
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