Riding the Wing, two up...spent the day in Luckenbach, heading home...traveling East outta' Marble Falls on the 1431, passing the Auto Salvage yard on my South; traffic was light, no vehicles in front of us. (( You know the area. ))
I did notice two patrol cars heading West, back towards town, end of the day.. 5:30-6:00 pm.
Speed limit signs posted are 50 MPH.
As I was watching two pick up trucks, pulling off the side of the road ... ( Deer problems ? ) ..I glanced back and sure as heck.. PD car had whipped a U-turn and lite me up ! ( I hate that feeling ! )

Officer Walden ..was very pleasant and professional with his duties. Stating why he stopped me (Speed)...asked for my license and other documents...AS I WAS, removing my CHL card, he remarked, no need to remove it.
What's that little device they're using now, to punch in your info ? Pretty cool !
I wanted to know what side arm he was carrying, but didn't ask. He was wearing four (4) horizonal magazine holsters, AND...his cross draw taser ! Neat looking gun belt & outfit.
... Officer Walden, thanks for the information, the road conditions, numerous
traffic accidents there, and my speed over the limit !
Like I said ... I'll take YOUR WARNING, SERIOUSLY !!
THANK YOU SIR.... appreciate your being here !