He said pepper sray is a must and reccomended the a stun taser combo gun for her. Pointed out that she could use her keys in her fist as a weapon if need be. He asked if I had a safe(which I do). He suggested i get the finger print ID safe that'll open when the owner touches it. Every second counts(I have a dial now). He basically said even tho response time is 3 to 5 minutes here and thats Local PD, Sherrif or Trooper depending on where the call is. That's a long time if your life is on the line while your out and about. And most times they wont be called till after the event has occured. He asked what I carried then told me my choice of the XD sub was excellent.

Then he went into the pitch about joining the Troopers(LOL) Evertime I talk to TXST they get recruity. Gotta love it tho. I walked away from this feeling even better about my decision to carry.[/quote]
I prefer using both.. Pepper Spray and Stun Taser Gun rocks also.! Just buy bought..