As soon as I realize it's real Police, I casually put 1 hand high up on the door jamb, the other high up leaning on the door (not reaching for my gun)
Officer says: Did you call about the Geese?
Me: what? what geese? Seriously? Geese? I've been watching TV, ... Geese? what?
Officer turns away to keep from busting out laughing but I saw the smile as he turned and went back to his car and left.
I turn on scanner ... minutes later "Geese have moved on, I'm back in service"
"That's clear"
Now my eyes are watery from laughing and I wonder who reported geese and where and what the geese were doing to bother someone

(All I ever reported was a porcupine, about 2 years ago ... the only one seen in town, but I called Animal Control to check for rabies, not Police)