Inspection Stickers as of 3/1

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Inspection Stickers as of 3/1


Post by Captain Matt »

As a companion to the Motorcycle Lighting Question for LEO thread, can LEO tell us what guidance they're getting on inspection stickers starting Sunday? Are they supposed to pull over vehicles operating without inspection stickers? Only ask for the inspection receipt if there's no sticker when they stop someone for another violation? Something else?

My mechanic has heard several different versions about what we're supposed to do if inspection expires next month and registration is good through October. The two most popular theories at the shop are (a) wait until October this year and (b) get inspected in March this year but wait until October next year. There's also theories about needing to get inspected twice in 2016. The only common theme is to make sure to keep the paper receipt as evidence when there's problems renewing the registration. :banghead:

So what are the police are being told?
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Re: Inspection Stickers as of 3/1


Post by oohrah »

there is a website called two stickers to one or something like that, that will let you enter your inspection expiration date, and your registration expiration date, and what you have to do. Found it," onclick=";return false;

according to the information you provided, you would have get an inpection within 90 days of renewing your registration, but I have no idea what the answer to your LEO question is.
Last edited by oohrah on Sat Feb 28, 2015 8:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Inspection Stickers as of 3/1


Post by BobCat »

You are right, it is and it basically says that if your inspection sticker is valid when your registration comes up for renewal, you are good to go with the renewal. You just have to get a new inspection next year, before you can renew again. I think...
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Re: Inspection Stickers as of 3/1


Post by Captain Matt »

Thank you. To be honest, avoiding a ticket is more important to me than being right but having to waste time and money getting a bogus ticket dismissed. Maybe I should get it inspected today or tomorrow while there's still stickers being issued. :headscratch
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Re: Inspection Stickers as of 3/1


Post by cb1000rider »" onclick=";return false;

I was curious too. Here's what I figured out.

If your registration sticker expires first, you're clear to register when it's due.

If your inspection sticker expires first, you need to seek inspection before registration.

So that sounds to me like you're going to end up eating some of the of potentially inspecting twice per yet, but I gather than this isn't the case:
No, you will not have to pay for more than one inspection in a year. During the sync up year from March 1, 2015-February 29, 2016, some vehicle owners will go beyond their 12-month inspection cycle to align the expiration dates for inspection and registration.
For example:
Registration sticker expires 3/15
Inspection sticker expires 9/15
The owner will be able to renew registration in March 2015 and not have to get the vehicle inspected again until 2016 because the inspection sticker is valid at the time of renewal (inspection sticker expires 9/15).
The following year, before the end of March 2016, both inspection and registration will be due.

So I assume that as long as your inspection is valid, you'll get the "new" sticker type without paying for an inspection?

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Re: Inspection Stickers as of 3/1


Post by cb1000rider »

Captain Matt wrote: To be honest, avoiding a ticket is more important to me than being right but having to waste time and money getting a bogus ticket dismissed. :headscratch
Interesting story:
In 2013, I was stopped for expired registration. Scanned the registration, took my license, came back with a ticket. I had forgotten to apply the sticker (my own fault). Presented the sticker (still in the glove box) - wrote a "failure to display" ticket tore up the "expired registration sticker". That's fair... Again my fault, but clearly not a safety issue.
Went to pay the ticket or see what a dismissal costs, waited 2 hours, was told that the ticket "wasn't in the system". Come back next week. They'll dismiss it if I can show that the sticker was valid (even if not displayed). Came back new week, waited 2 hours, showed proof. I think I paid $10 for the dismissal.

Definitely not worth 4 hours of my time off work... Cost much more than just paying it... But definitely my own dumb fault for not putting the sticker on there.

You're spot on.
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Re: Inspection Stickers as of 3/1


Post by longhorn86 »

For what it is worth, here is what I was told recently at a trip to our tax office:

My inspection on my truck expires in April, but my registration expires in August. I asked the lady there how this would be handled. She was not 100% sure but offered what she "thought" was the correct procedure, which made sense to me.

She told me that I would have to get the inspection in April but would not be given a sticker and I would have to pay the inspection station's portion of the fee. At this time your inspection would be entered into the states system so when I renewed registration in August, they could see that the inspection was current.

In August, I would renew my registration and have to pay the registration plus the state's portion of the inspection fee. I would not have to be inspected again until Aug 2016 so that the inspection/registration would then have the same expiration month.

Again, she was not totally certain, maybe someone will come along with a more "official" clarification.
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Re: Inspection Stickers as of 3/1


Post by SA_Steve »

I've got a car with registration that runs out in March. Do I have to wait for something in the mail or just go to HEB with some old paperwork to get a new registration sticker ?

I've been away from TX for many years..., left back when they were working on the crazy scheme to put in 8 or was it 12?, state run video monitored inspection stations for all of Houston.
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Re: Inspection Stickers as of 3/1


Post by Teamless »

SA_Steve wrote: Do I have to wait for something in the mail or just go to HEB
I think you need the form from Texas DPS to go to HEB, Krogers, etc.
I normally get it in the mail about 60 days prior to expiration
If you have not, you may need to take your current (soon to expire) to courthouse or whereever
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Re: Inspection Stickers as of 3/1


Post by b322da »

oohrah wrote:there is a website called two stickers to one or something like that, that will let you enter your inspection expiration date, and your registration expiration date, ad what you have to do. Found it," onclick=";return false;

according to the information you provided, you would have gt an inpection within 90 days of renewing your registration, but I have idea what the answer to your LEO question is.
Tks much, oohrah. Next year I will have been a lawyer for 50 years, and I have been unable to satisfy myself that I understand, using the confused media as my source, what our distinguished legislature has done here. I have asked three different inspection stations what it means, and not a one of them would venture more than a guess. I shall rely on the website you kindly provide until it is proven to be wrong. :)


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Re: Inspection Stickers as of 3/1


Post by powerboatr »

i was told this year is a catch up year so to speak
my rv tag exspires in 2016, but my inspection is this march
i was told this is a gimme year and used to marry up the inspections and registrations
shoot i drove for almost a whole year with an expired one

so at registration day if your inspection is not in the system you will get a flag....
at least that what my local dmv lady said

in florida we had to have the inspection in the systme before it would allow you to renew your registration....then they changed it after 6 years ???
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Re: Inspection Stickers as of 3/1


Post by JSThane »

What are inspection stickers?

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Re: Inspection Stickers as of 3/1


Post by Jumping Frog »

Well, I renewed my registration in February, 2015 and it is good until February, 2016.

Meanwhile, my current inspection expires at the end of March, 2015.

Per" onclick=";return false; website, I do not need to inspect my car again until next February, 2016 when I get ready to renew my inspection.

Works for me!
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Re: Inspection Stickers as of 3/1


Post by SA_Steve »

saves some folks a trip to the insp place

state still gets their part of the insp fee as if you got the insp done as usual

pretty neat

costs the insp stations a little bit for 1st year
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Re: Inspection Stickers as of 3/1


Post by Jason K »

Registration expires 04/15.
Inspection expires 07/15.

I get to wait a year! :woohoo
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