
Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Re: Disarmed


Post by srothstein »

I have to agree with Flintknapper and ELB. The attitude displayed by this officer is clearly the wrong one. The law does not give him the "right" to disarm anyone. It gives him the authority to disarm some people under specific conditions. The "because I can" is not only an illegal and wrong reason for disarming, but it reflects a very unprofessional attitude towards the citizens he is supposed to be working with.

I would suggest that Flintknapper has it correct. The best result would be an informal meeting with the officer's immediate supervisor. Go by the station and ask to talk with him. Let him know that you are concerned about the officer's attitude. Make sure you let him know that you understand and don't mind officer's disarming people for safety, but the "because I can" answer indicates a power trip much more than a safety question. Explain that the background check and training should help the officer feel more safe already, as should the DPS maintained statistics on crimes committed by CHL's.


This might be an appropriate thing for TSRA to look into. A good speaker program with TSRA representatives talking with officers about CHL's and guns in general might go a long way towards the long term solution to problems like this.
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Re: Disarmed


Post by davidtx »

srothstein wrote: Charles,

This might be an appropriate thing for TSRA to look into. A good speaker program with TSRA representatives talking with officers about CHL's and guns in general might go a long way towards the long term solution to problems like this.
That's a great suggestion! :clapping:

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Re: Disarmed


Post by surprise_i'm_armed »

BayouHazard and TrueFlog:

I do not understand your adversarial stance with
LEO's asking about your gun. I feel that you are setting
yourselves up for a worse confrontation than is necessary.

What is this need you folks have to play cat and mouse with
a LEO who can make your day infinitely worse than it needs to be?

The facts that you have CHL's indicate that you have been good
citizens over the years.

So why go mano v. mano with The Man?

Just tell him what you're carrying and don't make the cop play
20 questions. When LEO's get attitude, they give you attitude


N. Texas LTC's hold 3 breakfasts each month. All are 800 AM. OC is fine.
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Re: Disarmed


Post by chabouk »

surprise_i'm_armed wrote:BayouHazard and TrueFlog:

I do not understand your adversarial stance with
LEO's asking about your gun. I feel that you are setting
yourselves up for a worse confrontation than is necessary.
This is why:
What is this need you folks have to play cat and mouse with
a LEO who can make your day infinitely worse than it needs to be?
For far too many years, we have tolerated the notion that insufficient deference towards police justifies making your day "infinitely worse than it needs to be". Actively challenging a LEO's authority is seen as "deserving" any harsh treatment that might follow.

The facts that you have CHL's indicate that you have been good
citizens over the years.

So why go mano v. mano with The Man?
I question why "The Man" wants to go mano-a-mano with people he knows have been good citizens over the years.

I'm not bashing LEOs. I support Peace Officers, but not those LEOs (I can't bring myself to call them "peace officers") who take such an us-versus-them approach to their work, who treat the public as the enemy, who treat every encounter as an opportunity to fish for something bigger.

And lastly, let me say that my most recent encounter was with a DPS trooper who was courteous, professional, didn't inquire about guns, patiently shined his flashlight while I dug through the stack of expired insurance cards to find the current one, and quickly released me with just a warning (it was almost midnight, he was looking for drunks, and I hadn't had a drop). He did his job and didn't go fishing for anything else.
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Re: Disarmed


Post by gigag04 »

ELB wrote:...they have the backing of their departments, legal powers, official immunity
Who has "official immunity?"
chabouk wrote:
...I support Peace Officers, but not those LEOs (I can't bring myself to call them "peace officers") who take such an us-versus-them approach to their work, who treat the public as the enemy, who treat every encounter as an opportunity to fish for something bigger.
Are you not taking the same us-versus-them approach?
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Re: Disarmed


Post by ericlw »

and the older generation wonders why people my age and younger have no respect of authority; because they dont usually deserve it and you have to earn it with me. ;-)

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Re: Disarmed


Post by chabouk »

gigag04 wrote:
chabouk wrote: ...I support Peace Officers, but not those LEOs (I can't bring myself to call them "peace officers") who take such an us-versus-them approach to their work, who treat the public as the enemy, who treat every encounter as an opportunity to fish for something bigger.
Are you not taking the same us-versus-them approach?
No. I don't initiate the interaction, and I don't assume every LEO is a threat.

I hope you realize I was talking about a specific mindset, not all cops. I tried to state that clearly.
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Re: Disarmed


Post by gigag04 »

chabouk wrote:
gigag04 wrote:
chabouk wrote: ...I support Peace Officers, but not those LEOs (I can't bring myself to call them "peace officers") who take such an us-versus-them approach to their work, who treat the public as the enemy, who treat every encounter as an opportunity to fish for something bigger.
Are you not taking the same us-versus-them approach?
No. I don't initiate the interaction, and I don't assume every LEO is a threat.

I hope you realize I was talking about a specific mindset, not all cops. I tried to state that clearly.
Understood. I will inform you that every LEO perceives you as a possible threat - don't take it personal. Most of us can still be professional and even polite - but I WILL be going home at the end of my shift with same number of holes that I came on with.

I highly recommend anyone that doesn't understand what being a city cop is like sign up for a ride. It's eye opening really.
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Re: Disarmed


Post by Bob Landry »

I still say play along, put up with his garbage, then when it's over, lawyer up and go after him. The results will be a lot more satisfying and you won't have been egotized on the side of the road.
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Re: Disarmed


Post by davidtx »

gigag04 wrote:
chabouk wrote:
gigag04 wrote:
chabouk wrote: ...I support Peace Officers, but not those LEOs (I can't bring myself to call them "peace officers") who take such an us-versus-them approach to their work, who treat the public as the enemy, who treat every encounter as an opportunity to fish for something bigger.
Are you not taking the same us-versus-them approach?
No. I don't initiate the interaction, and I don't assume every LEO is a threat.

I hope you realize I was talking about a specific mindset, not all cops. I tried to state that clearly.
Understood. I will inform you that every LEO perceives you as a possible threat - don't take it personal. Most of us can still be professional and even polite - but I WILL be going home at the end of my shift with same number of holes that I came on with.

I highly recommend anyone that doesn't understand what being a city cop is like sign up for a ride. It's eye opening really.
How do you sign up for a ride? Should I plan on leaving my gun at home?
Just to avoid any confusion - I'm serious.
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Re: Disarmed


Post by marksiwel »

gigag04 wrote:
chabouk wrote:
gigag04 wrote:
chabouk wrote: ...I support Peace Officers, but not those LEOs (I can't bring myself to call them "peace officers") who take such an us-versus-them approach to their work, who treat the public as the enemy, who treat every encounter as an opportunity to fish for something bigger.
Are you not taking the same us-versus-them approach?
No. I don't initiate the interaction, and I don't assume every LEO is a threat.

I hope you realize I was talking about a specific mindset, not all cops. I tried to state that clearly.
Understood. I will inform you that every LEO perceives you as a possible threat - don't take it personal. Most of us can still be professional and even polite - but I WILL be going home at the end of my shift with same number of holes that I came on with.

I highly recommend anyone that doesn't understand what being a city cop is like sign up for a ride. It's eye opening really.
I almost did a Ride along in Jonestown, but it sounded terrible (2 am-6am bleh)

You offering Ride alongs? Can we take our CCW? Can I play with the Siren? I'm bringing Show-Tunes!
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Re: Disarmed


Post by srothstein »

davidtx wrote:How do you sign up for a ride? Should I plan on leaving my gun at home?
Just to avoid any confusion - I'm serious.
The procedures are up to the individual department. Some allow any citizen to ride along, some restrictit to residents of their jurisdiction. Most require a background check (quick run through NCIC for warrants and criminal history) and a liability release. I have seen a few that only allow graduates of their Citizen's Police Academy.

The policy on your carrying is also up tot he individual department, but I have not seen one yet that permits it if known. I have seen a couple who did not think to put it in their policy either way, but it is almost always prohibited.

Enjoy yourself, it can be educational and fun. Oh yeah, and remember that there is no brake pedal on the passenger side of the car. I have seen a couple people who tired to put the brakes on there during chases or code 3 responses.
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Re: Disarmed


Post by marksiwel »

We dont need no breaks. If you go on a Chase, the only correct thing to do is yell "Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwww"
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Re: Disarmed


Post by boomerang »

I think I would need a potty break after that.
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Re: Disarmed


Post by gigag04 »

When I was being recruited I wasn't permitted to carry under my CHL.

However - the officer showed me how to work the shotgun/AR-15 release and deploy the rifle if need be (if he went down). He also showed me where the mic was to use the radio if I *had* to.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
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