Huh? Sneaking in booze...

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Huh? Sneaking in booze...


Post by android »

I was chatting with the cop hanging out at the roller rink on adult night. He's usually only there on Fri and Sat night, but was present on Tue night this week. I asked him if the the parking lot break ins had happened again and he said no, he was there because people were sneaking in booze. I asked how this was against the law and he said the rink would get in trouble with TABC since they don't have a license. Huh? I don't think TABC has any authority if they don't have a license and don't sell booze. About the only thing I could think would be that they would have to be asked to leave and then charged with criminal trespass if they didn't. Is sneaking booze into non-booze establishment breaking any law?

Not that I like this at all, I hate the half drunk skaters, they are a menace to navigation. But I don't see that it's a crime.
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Re: Huh? Sneaking in booze...


Post by marksiwel »

I think they cant allow booze, but they can give it away. That or the COP was just wrong.
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Re: Huh? Sneaking in booze...


Post by srothstein »

As I understand it, there is nothing in the law about anyone bringing any alcoholic beverages into a non-licensed business. You can do it if they allow it. TABC will not care. And yes, a business can give away all of the alcohol they want if they do not have a license. But they must be willing to give it away to everyone who is of age and they cannot charge for it by some other means, such as a cover charge or admission charge. Since there is probably and admission charge to the skating rink, someone probably accused the rink of giving the alcohol away if TABC got interested.

Of course, TABC is also very interested in underage drinking and in places that promote this activity. Somehow, i can see a lot of teens hanging around a skating rink and there being a problem with underage drinking if someone is sneaking booze in.

I would guess it is more likely the officer was wrong about things, but either of these two possibilities is also a good choice.
Steve Rothstein
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