A 23 year old man with a Texas CHL was stopped (in Texas) for a traffic citation by a DPS trooper. When he presented his CHL, he was disarmed by the trooper. Actually the trooper commanded the man remove the weapon from the holster and hand it over (which he did!!!!). Before returning the weapon, the trooper took the gun to his cruiser and ran the serial number to "make sure it isn't stolen." It was not. The weapon was returned. No citation was issued.
My question: Is this legal to run a serial number? Is this SOP for the DPS when dealing with CHL'ers? If it is legal (4th Amendment), how would the trooper articulate his suspicions that the weapon was stolen? Because he had a CHL? Isn't this a Catch 22 if someone had unknowingly purchased a weapon that, even inadvertently, turned up stolen?
The last thing I want is this to turn into an argument. I am curious about the legality of running serial numbers of guns just because they exist. And no, I don't have any stolen guns!