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WA: Car reportedly shot near police range

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 9:27 pm
by seamusTX
In the Seattle area, Monday, a car reportedly was shot near a police range. Part of the range is closed during the investigation. ... ge01m.html" onclick=";return false;

I'm sure it was a coincidence.

- Jim

Re: WA: Car reportedly shot near police range

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:20 pm
by srothstein
Must be a coincidence, Jim. After all, I have always heard how cops were really good shots and could shoot a attacker in the leg just right to bring him down without causing any permanent injury, even a scar. They can also shoot the guns right out of people's hands without injuring the hand (other than some numbness from the shock). At least, that is what I see in the newspaper after any police shooting of a really good boy who made an honest mistake when he shot at the cop.

So there is no way the cops could miss the target, and the backstop, and hit a car by accident.

Re: WA: Car reportedly shot near police range

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:46 pm
by flintknapper
srothstein wrote:Must be a coincidence, Jim. After all, I have always heard how cops were really good shots and could shoot a attacker in the leg just right to bring him down without causing any permanent injury, even a scar. They can also shoot the guns right out of people's hands without injuring the hand (other than some numbness from the shock). At least, that is what I see in the newspaper after any police shooting of a really good boy who made an honest mistake when he shot at the cop.

So there is no way the cops could miss the target, and the backstop, and hit a car by accident.

Somebody took a Sarcasm Pill today. :lol:

Pretty good! ;-)

Re: WA: Car reportedly shot near police range

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 8:55 am
by Keith B
Once I got through my training, I just used my Jedi-cop mind powers to make the gun fly out of their hand. :mrgreen:

Re: WA: Car reportedly shot near police range

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 10:29 am
by glbedd53
I saw Kojak shoot a bad guy off the roof of a tall building with his snubbie after the bad guy shot at him and missed with a bolt action with a scope.

Re: WA: Car reportedly shot near police range

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:59 pm
by Lonest4r
Maybe the bullet was from outer space, "Mars Attacks!"

Re: WA: Car reportedly shot near police range

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:56 pm
by A-R
srothstein wrote:They can also shoot the guns right out of people's hands without injuring the hand (other than some numbness from the shock).
Keith B wrote:Once I got through my training, I just used my Jedi-cop mind powers to make the gun fly out of their hand. :mrgreen:
You mean you guys can't do this? Amateurs :evil2:


Re: WA: Car reportedly shot near police range

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 11:09 am
by AustinMRH
I'm teaching myself to curve the bullets. Keep getting thrown out of ranges for swinging my arm while shooting. Safety nuts.

You think cops would be better shots if they trained with donuts as targets? Get it through the hole, eat the target.

Re: WA: Car reportedly shot near police range

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 11:38 am
by Excaliber
AustinMRH wrote:I'm teaching myself to curve the bullets. Keep getting thrown out of ranges for swinging my arm while shooting. Safety nuts.

You think cops would be better shots if they trained with donuts as targets? Get it through the hole, eat the target
Oooh, that hurt...... :lol: