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Carrollton Police Stop

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:17 pm
by LabRat
Was driving to work thru Carrollton on Monday morning.

CPD car pulled up alongside me at a red light. He'd turned behind me back about 1 mile before; but I was not speeding (40 in a 45). Sat at the light till it changed. I moved on and he slid in behind me and lit me up.

Pulled onto a side street. Window down a slight bit, car off, keys on the dash and hands clearly on the steering wheel.

Nice officer. Told me he got a "no confirmation" on insurance on my car. :???:

He asked for and got my ID - DL and CHL (1st time I've had to show it).
He also wanted my Proof of Insurance - gave him that next.

He checked the plate, VIN and then handed it all back to me. No mention on the CHL :thumbs2:

Told me he'd never had a "no confirmation" on a car registered to a large insurance company.

I told him I'd check with my agent. He cut me loose and was gone before I could get my ID and Ins. paper re-stowed.

Checked with my insurance agent that afternoon....he was puzzled; state database had everything on my vehicle. So, not sure what it was all about.

But good outcome on the CHL issues whatsoever.

Just like it's supposed to go. Would rather not have gotten stopped. But since it was the first time to show my CHL; I was curious as to how I would be treated.

Nice job Carrollton PD.


Re: Carrollton Police Stop

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:26 pm
by jayinsat
were you armed? Were you nervous?

Re: Carrollton Police Stop

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:20 pm
by gigag04
Odds are your policy covers a number if cars, and not specific vehicles.

Re: Carrollton Police Stop

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:35 pm
by anygunanywhere
jayinsat wrote:were you armed? Were you nervous?
Nothing makes Labrat nervous.


Re: Carrollton Police Stop

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:39 pm
by Jaguar
So an incomplete database is probable cause for a stop? :shock:

If that is the case, the police can stop anyone, anytime they want.

"Sir, I stopped you today because my computer isn't working and don't know if you have insurance."

Re: Carrollton Police Stop

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 8:07 pm
by tomtexan
This issue was talked about at great length here. And I still disagree with it. I consider it a fishing expedition and nothing more. They didn't pull you over prior to the availability of computerized confirmation when they simply had no idea whether or not you had insurance without a traffic stop. Did anyone ever get pulled over just for that reason before the insurance thing became available in a database over the computer? I think not!

Re: Carrollton Police Stop

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 8:10 pm
by JeepGuy79
LabRat wrote:.........He asked for and got my ID - DL and CHL (1st time I've had to show it)..........

He asked you for your CHL at contact?

Re: Carrollton Police Stop

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 8:16 pm
by Teamless
JeepGuy79 wrote:
LabRat wrote:.........He asked for and got my ID - DL and CHL (1st time I've had to show it)..........

He asked you for your CHL at contact?
LabRat wrote:.........He asked for and got my ID - DL and CHL (1st time I've had to show it)..........
He asked you for your CHL at contact?
I think it says "he asked for and got my ID - [and I gave him my ] DL and CHL

Re: Carrollton Police Stop

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 8:35 pm
by Munk
Jaguar wrote:So an incomplete database is probable cause for a stop? :shock:

If that is the case, the police can stop anyone, anytime they want.

"Sir, I stopped you today because my computer isn't working and don't know if you have insurance."

This makes me nervous... :iagree:

Re: Carrollton Police Stop

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:06 pm
by LabRat
jayinsat wrote:were you armed? Were you nervous?
Yes, armed. Not nervous. But I was wondering the whole time what was going on.


Re: Carrollton Police Stop

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:11 pm
by LabRat
Jaguar wrote:So an incomplete database is probable cause for a stop? :shock:

If that is the case, the police can stop anyone, anytime they want.

"Sir, I stopped you today because my computer isn't working and don't know if you have insurance."
The officer even said the database is not a legal requirement to have all information, but he justified the stop because it wasn't there and he said that gave him "reasonable suspicion" to pull me over.

I figured the side of the road was no place to debate the topic. I will say the officer was very nice, never asked any other intrusive questions, thanked me for the information. He said "please" and "sir".

Didn't demand or tell me something was my fault.

Me thinks now he was fishing....but I'm not sure what for. I drive a little Pontiac Vibe - nuthin' fancy or fast.


Re: Carrollton Police Stop

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:13 pm
by LabRat
JeepGuy79 wrote:
LabRat wrote:.........He asked for and got my ID - DL and CHL (1st time I've had to show it)..........

He asked you for your CHL at contact?
No, maybe my sentence structure was faulty.

He asked for my ID. (I put a hyphen in there - not the best choice for punctuation)

I gave him my DL and CHL....yes I was armed at the time. He didn't ask for the CHL...probably didn't know I was carrying if previous threads are correct on what's tied to the vehicle plates.


Re: Carrollton Police Stop

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:18 pm
by LabRat
gigag04 wrote:Odds are your policy covers a number if cars, and not specific vehicles.
Now sure how that could work.

My policy lists all my vehicles - Very specific on the makes, models, VIN, etc.


Re: Carrollton Police Stop

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:46 pm
by powerboatr
he probably thought OMG someone is driving a vibe, better pull em over to see if they are embarrassed :biggrinjester: "rlol"

your description of the event makes me nervy, sounds like a "i was bored so i pulled over a guy"
maybe it near end of shift and he was killing time so he wouldn't get caught up in another call for service

Re: Carrollton Police Stop

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:04 am
by LabRat
powerboatr wrote:he probably thought OMG someone is driving a vibe, better pull em over to see if they are embarrassed :biggrinjester: "rlol"

your description of the event makes me nervy, sounds like a "i was bored so i pulled over a guy"
maybe it near end of shift and he was killing time so he wouldn't get caught up in another call for service
No prob. :lol: I'm not embarrassed...I've owned 3 Vibes over the years....they're a Toyota Matrix with Pontiac trimmings.
I've found them to be reliable with pretty good (but not great) gas mileage.

It was between 0630 and 0700 hrs, so maybe he was the overnight shift getting off at 0700 hrs?
He was with me for about 5 - 6 minutes, max. If he was bored, it ended quickly and he took off.

I didn't eyeball him much when he was beside the car, but I'm sure he gave it the once-over to see if anything was visible.

I answered his questions and volunteered only idle chitchat. He stuck to the "no confirmation on insurance in his database" story. No questions about what firearm I was carrying, where it was or anything.

If he thought I was riff-raff to begin with, he might have probed that topic a bit; but he didn't.

Without further information, I'm putting it down to idle curiosity for the moment. Not what I want to see; but 1 time does not a trend make.

