Sorry for mobile link, I'm in the iPad. Maybe someone can post the desktop version.
Re: DHS Checkpoint vids
Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 8:19 am
by RoyGBiv
Just changing the "m." to "www." usually works... (and deleting the #/ in this case )
Re: DHS Checkpoint vids
Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 8:43 am
by knotquiteawake
That last one was awesome. Overall most of the officers he interacted with in that video were just fine. Their job is to ask and to press the issue on getting ID/Citizenship info, but when push comes to shove they did let them go as they are legally required to do.
Re: DHS Checkpoint vids
Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:53 am
by Robert*PPS
I'll tell you one thing....since joining this forum, I've learned a ton about the rights of citizenship, and how complacency has trained most of us to not even question certain situations. I feel like was a well informed, responsible U.S. citizen, but turns out, I have much more to learn!
The checkpoint totals for Wednesday included:
85 total citations 68 for no Driver's License
1 arrest (possession of controlled substance & child endangerment)
60 tows
Re: DHS Checkpoint vids
Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 5:13 pm
by handog
There's something wrong when you can't drive to the corner store for milk without showing your papers.
“When we accept or even welcome automobile checkpoints, random searches, mandatory identification cards, and paramilitary police in our streets, we have lost a vital part of our American heritage. Subservient societies neither maintain nor deserve freedom for long.”
― Ron Paul
Re: DHS Checkpoint vids
Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:12 pm
by Jaguar
This is the best one I've seen.
Re: DHS Checkpoint vids
Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:30 pm
by C-dub
Jaguar wrote:This is the best one I've seen.
I don't think I could pull that off with a straight face.
Re: DHS Checkpoint vids
Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 2:41 pm
by jerry_r60
I watched the immigration and agriculture checkpoints and then i watched the video about the license / insurance checkpoints. Given that a driver must comply with the request for drivers license at the license checkpoint, would it then make it a mandatory identification request if the immigration and agriculture checkpoints just asked for drivers license?
Re: DHS Checkpoint vids
Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 3:39 pm
by jerry_r60
george wrote:
jerry_r60 wrote:I watched the immigration and agriculture checkpoints and then i watched the video about the license / insurance checkpoints. Given that a driver must comply with the request for drivers license at the license checkpoint, would it then make it a mandatory identification request if the immigration and agriculture checkpoints just asked for drivers license?
If a federal officer is not able to enforce state laws, why would I have any obligation to show a driver's lisence, even if I am driving?
So is that correct that in Texas we are not required to show drivers license when we have been driving and are requested to do so if it's a federal officer and not a state officer? Not arguing it, i'm just curious, enjoy the education.
Re: DHS Checkpoint vids
Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 3:48 pm
by Jaguar
I would recommend discretion if someone is wanting to do this. The preacher (above) was once removed from his vehicle by force, tazed, head cut open by being forced into the broken window glass, and taken to jail because a BP agent claimed a drug dog alerted on his car. They found no drugs but still charged him with resisting (false) arrest.
He beat the wrap, but not the ride. Lots of attorney fees and several stitches later all charges were dropped.
Was he "taught a lesson"? Nope. He still refuses to cooperate at suspicionless checkpoints.
Re: DHS Checkpoint vids
Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 9:12 pm
by dac1842
I don't have my Penal Code/CCP/Traffic code handy, but it seems to me that Texas law states that you must present your DL when asked to do so by a peace officer. In the CCP under 2.12 it used to recognize the feds as peace officers. They may not be able to right you a ticket, but you have the duty to identify.
Re: DHS Checkpoint vids
Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:48 am
by Keith B
george wrote:That is interesting. For some reason I was led to believe in a chl class in Texas, that feds were not classified as peace officers in Texas. Does anyone know definitively? Sure wouldn't be the first time I have confused the facts.
That does, however bring up another point, concerning the specific area of authority. I assume an isd cop is considered a bona fide peace officer, but he probably has more authority at his school than outside it.
Assuming a fed is classified in Texas as a peace officer, can he enforce state/local infractions?
In Texas Federal Officers are considered Special Investigators and have power of arrest, search and seizure for felony offenses. it is defined here ... 22.00.html" onclick=";return false;
As for school resource officers, most K-12 schools I know use regular police officers from the city they are in, so they are have the same authority under as any local cop. Colleges sometimes have their own police force with TCLEOSE certified officers and they will have the same powers as any peace officer in the state of Texas. A lot of their capability to enforce something comes from any agreement they have for jurisdiction with the city or county they are in.