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Another Warning

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 3:22 pm
by Blindref757
I was headed home about midnight after umpiring a "minor league" baseball game. I was approaching my turn on a dark, tree-lined East Texas FM road when I saw the red and blues in my mirror as I made the turn. As I was retrieving my wallet from my console (where my gun was located), I noticed a very well-lit driveway so I quickly pulled off the highway under that light. Handed the officer my cards and insurance and he informed me of my violation...62 in a 55. He pushed the CHL and insurance back to me and took my DL. Told me up front that I would be getting a warning tonight and that he'd be right back. Sure enough...he promptly returned with a warning and my DL. We exchanged some small talk about how hot it was wearing an umpire vest vs a bullet vest in the heat as I put my DL in my wallet. I asked him politely if he was OK with me putting my wallet back in my console right now and he replied, "I think I'm a pretty good judge of character and if you were gonna shoot me, you would have already done it!" I replied laughing, "Sir, you could probably shoot me 10 times before I could get that thing out of this console!" He wished me a safe drive home and I wished him a safe shift and I was on my way.

Re: Another Warning

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 10:46 pm
by budroux2w
sounds like a great encounter to me! :tiphat: