Really nice Garland PD contact today.

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Really nice Garland PD contact today.


Post by nitrogen »

First off, I was on my motorcycle on George Bush turnpike.
Second off, I was going way too fast. 85 in a 70.

Guy was extremely nice, and gave me a warning. Handed over my chl and told him I wasn't carrying. he looks at me and says, "Well, WHY NOT?"


So this leads to a question (if this is appropriate here):

What's the best way to pull over and stop on a motorcycle to keep an officer from freakign out?

Basically, I just pulled over, hit the hazards, got off and waited for him to approach me. Told him I had hearing protection in and i couldn't hear him, does he mind if i take my helmet off. he nodded, and I did, and everything went normally there.

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Re: Really nice Garland PD contact today.


Post by John Galt »

I think that you acted appropriately. If it was me on my Harley, I would have leisurely taken my helmet off while I was waiting for him.

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Re: Really nice Garland PD contact today.


Post by Countryside »

You did fine, and he was much nicer than I would have been back in my old LE days.

Fifteen miles an hour over the legal limit? No citation? Wow. :shock:

And he asked you a very good question. :mrgreen:

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Re: Really nice Garland PD contact today.


Post by Taypo »

nitrogen wrote:First off, I was on my motorcycle on George Bush turnpike.
Second off, I was going way too fast. 85 in a 70.

Guy was extremely nice, and gave me a warning. Handed over my chl and told him I wasn't carrying. he looks at me and says, "Well, WHY NOT?"


So this leads to a question (if this is appropriate here):

What's the best way to pull over and stop on a motorcycle to keep an officer from freakign out?

Basically, I just pulled over, hit the hazards, got off and waited for him to approach me. Told him I had hearing protection in and i couldn't hear him, does he mind if i take my helmet off. he nodded, and I did, and everything went normally there.

Out of curiosity, were you over by the Garland Ave exit?
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Re: Really nice Garland PD contact today.


Post by rytchard »

A little off the main subject here. But there were two people who gave me the idea or encouraged me to get my CHL. One was my boss (he got his) and the other is a customer/friend of mine who happens to be a LEO in Fort Worth. We talk guns and I ask his opinions and recommendations all the time. I remember specifically when he said, you should get yours (CHL)! Open carry has been approved and campus carry too!

The rest is history as they say. My point is, that at least with my experience LEO are our friends and they are our's. Notwithstanding, when they are on duty and we are involved, we must act accordingly. :tiphat:
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Re: Really nice Garland PD contact today.


Post by nitrogen »

Taypo wrote:
nitrogen wrote:First off, I was on my motorcycle on George Bush turnpike.
Second off, I was going way too fast. 85 in a 70.
Out of curiosity, were you over by the Garland Ave exit?
Yep right by the exit.
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Re: Really nice Garland PD contact today.


Post by srothstein »

To answer the question about how to act on the bike, I generally pull over and shut the bike down, put the kickstand down, and take off my helmet. I also stay on the bike until he gets there. Taking the helmet off and putting the kickstand down let the officer know I am not going to try to run or do anything with the bike and staying on lets him know I am not going to try to fight him. I always figured this was the best I could do to not be alarming.
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Re: Really nice Garland PD contact today.


Post by Taypo »

nitrogen wrote:
Taypo wrote:
nitrogen wrote:First off, I was on my motorcycle on George Bush turnpike.
Second off, I was going way too fast. 85 in a 70.
Out of curiosity, were you over by the Garland Ave exit?
Yep right by the exit.
Theyve been all over that stretch lately. Typically there's a motorcycle cop that's pretty busy between there and Firewheel.

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Re: Really nice Garland PD contact today.


Post by Ed4032 »

Typical Garland cop. Always nice. I got the lecture about not carrying too. Remember that the Garland traffic cops are known to take out two terrorist at a time...
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Re: Really nice Garland PD contact today.


Post by Pawpaw »

Ed4032 wrote:Typical Garland cop. Always nice. I got the lecture about not carrying too. Remember that 60-year-old Garland traffic cops are known to take out two terrorist at a time...
FIFY! :tiphat:
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Re: Really nice Garland PD contact today.


Post by thatguyoverthere »

srothstein wrote:To answer the question about how to act on the bike, I generally pull over and shut the bike down, put the kickstand down, and take off my helmet. I also stay on the bike until he gets there. Taking the helmet off and putting the kickstand down let the officer know I am not going to try to run or do anything with the bike and staying on lets him know I am not going to try to fight him. I always figured this was the best I could do to not be alarming.
:iagree: Same thing seemed to work well for me the few times I've been pulled over on my Harley (yes, a Geezer Glide can exceed the speed limit :lol: ). That, along with the typical CHL-to-LEO etiquette of not making a move with my hands until I state what that movement will be (or better yet, asking permission).

What seems to work best for me, though, is to just slow down a little. :thumbs2:
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