Pulled over for speeding - you won't believe what happened next!

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Pulled over for speeding - you won't believe what happened next!


Post by imkopaka »

I had a totally uneventful contact with Texas DPS. Sorry for the clickbait! :biggrinjester:

I was doing about 80 in a 75 and got pulled over by DPS. I fully expected a ticket based on stories I've heard about DPS being a bunch of hard guys, but he let me off with a warning. I was carrying my .45 OWB at 3 o'clock and my .380 in my back pocket. Once he asked for my license, I informed him that I was carrying and that I had a license, told him where they were and where my wallet was. He almost seemed more at ease upon hearing it. He asked about my military service and we chatted for a moment. Once everything was done we got him to say hello to our oldest son, who was just enthralled to be talking to a "plees man." Already left a compliment with DPS on their website.

All in all, it reinforced what we've been saying for ages: be polite, be professional, be respectful, and you probably won't have any problems with the po-po. :tiphat:
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Re: Pulled over for speeding - you won't believe what happened next!


Post by TexasJohnBoy »

Every experience I’ve had with Texas State Troopers have been positive. I’m glad yours was as well
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Re: Pulled over for speeding - you won't believe what happened next!


Post by skeathley »

These are good guys, with a tough job. If you are polite and respectful, they will be the same. You might still get that ticket, but OTOH, they tend to be supportive of the LTC, and realize that having people out in the field that support LE might be a good deal for them sometime.

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Re: Pulled over for speeding - you won't believe what happened next!


Post by strogg »


I've only had one interaction with a Texas state trooper. I was a passenger when we were pulled over right outside Memphis. My friend bought a pre-loved car from Tennessee and didn't know the process of getting it properly registered, etc to drive on the road. The two officers were very nice folks. We chatted quite a bit. Apparently, one of their highest priorities is to look for drug runners. They explained how big of an issue it is in Texas, so they always like to be friendly and chatty. When the gesture is reciprocated, things go smoothly and they know that they don't have a drug runner or any other kind of criminal on their hands. When the people they pull over aren't as friendly, things can go south very quickly.

All in all, I have great respect for our local and state LEOs. They really do have a tough job. It doesn't help that they are also getting a bad rap from other not-so-nice people. Sure there may be a very small handful of bad apples, but there are bad apples in every organization or company. Unfortunately, those bad apples tend to define all police organizations, which makes it tough for all the good apples to shine through. :cheers2: to all the good LEOs out there.

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Re: Pulled over for speeding - you won't believe what happened next!


Post by Tex1961 »

Sort of a different encounter I had many years ago. Sometime around 1993 or so. I was working on a phone system at a DPS station in the San Antonio area. I had been there for about a week so kind of started getting to know a few of the officers. One day I got into a conversation with one of them about shooting and told him how much and often I liked to shoot... He didn't believe me and so he pulled his service revolver, removed the ammo and handed it to me. He put a dime on the end of the barrel and told me to fire it without having the dime fall off the end. I was able to pull the trigger 6 times in DA without it falling off... His look was priceless.... I kind of just shrugged and grinned at him as I handed him back his revolver. He just couldn't believe one of us civilians had that much control over firing a weapon... Now 25 years later I should probably try that again just to see if I am still steady enough..

Just editing this post.. Now that I had time to think about this encounter, I think I now have a great way to train new shooters. I see so many jerking the trigger. I think this would be an excellent training tool to use before I take them to the range.

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Re: Pulled over for speeding - you won't believe what happened next!


Post by montgomery »

Tex1961 wrote:Sort of a different encounter I had many years ago. Sometime around 1993 or so. I was working on a phone system at a DPS station in the San Antonio area. I had been there for about a week so kind of started getting to know a few of the officers. One day I got into a conversation with one of them about shooting and told him how much and often I liked to shoot... He didn't believe me and so he pulled his service revolver, removed the ammo and handed it to me. He put a dime on the end of the barrel and told me to fire it without having the dime fall off the end. I was able to pull the trigger 6 times in DA without it falling off... His look was priceless.... I kind of just shrugged and grinned at him as I handed him back his revolver. He just couldn't believe one of us civilians had that much control over firing a weapon... Now 25 years later I should probably try that again just to see if I am still steady enough..

Just editing this post.. Now that I had time to think about this encounter, I think I now have a great way to train new shooters. I see so many jerking the trigger. I think this would be an excellent training tool to use before I take them to the range.
Spent brass with primer side down on slide works well too. Another method is to load cylinder / magazines for the shooter - randomly place in a snap cap. You will see any and all jerking when the shooter anticipates a shot and no bang.

Having been a LEO firearms instructor, my experience is the average civilian or recreational firearms enthusiast shoots more in one weekend that the average LEO shoots all year - not surprised you passed the test.
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Re: Pulled over for speeding - you won't believe what happened next!


Post by Lynyrd »

Tex1961 wrote: He didn't believe me and so he pulled his service revolver, removed the ammo and handed it to me. He put a dime on the end of the barrel and told me to fire it without having the dime fall off the end. I was able to pull the trigger 6 times in DA without it falling off... His look was priceless....
:thumbs2: That's a great anecdote!
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Re: Pulled over for speeding - you won't believe what happened next!


Post by warnmar10 »

TexasJohnBoy wrote:Every experience I’ve had with Texas State Troopers have been positive. I’m glad yours was as well
Me too except maybe for troopers at the drivers license office.
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Re: Pulled over for speeding - you won't believe what happened next!


Post by Keith B »

warnmar10 wrote:
TexasJohnBoy wrote:Every experience I’ve had with Texas State Troopers have been positive. I’m glad yours was as well
Me too except maybe for troopers at the drivers license office.
Many times assignments like the License Office are punishment jobs. I know this from an negative encounter with a Sargent and the subsequent communication with the DPS Lieutenant over the office. Needless to say the Sargent got to spend a few days on vacation without pay over the issue.
Texas LTC Instructor, Missouri CCW Instructor, NRA Certified Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun Instructor and RSO, NRA Life Member

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Re: Pulled over for speeding - you won't believe what happened next!


Post by Mel »

warnmar10 wrote:
TexasJohnBoy wrote:Every experience I’ve had with Texas State Troopers have been positive. I’m glad yours was as well
Me too except maybe for troopers at the drivers license office.
Just renewed my driver's license 2 days ago. No problem at all with any of the officers there. They were all very friendly to my carrying.
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Re: Pulled over for speeding - you won't believe what happened next!


Post by twomillenium »

Keith B wrote:
warnmar10 wrote:
TexasJohnBoy wrote:Every experience I’ve had with Texas State Troopers have been positive. I’m glad yours was as well
Me too except maybe for troopers at the drivers license office.
Many times assignments like the License Office are punishment jobs. I know this from an negative encounter with a Sargent and the subsequent communication with the DPS Lieutenant over the office. Needless to say the Sargent got to spend a few days on vacation without pay over the issue.
At least that is what they told you! :tiphat:
Texas LTC Instructor, NRA pistol instructor, RSO, NRA Endowment Life , TSRA, Glock enthusiast (tho I have others)
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Re: Pulled over for speeding - you won't believe what happened next!


Post by warnmar10 »

Mel wrote:
warnmar10 wrote:
TexasJohnBoy wrote:Every experience I’ve had with Texas State Troopers have been positive. I’m glad yours was as well
Me too except maybe for troopers at the drivers license office.
Just renewed my driver's license 2 days ago. No problem at all with any of the officers there. They were all very friendly to my carrying.
In my neighborhood the entire building is posted 30.06 and 30.07. Denton County Precinct 3 multi-agency building. There is at least one courtroom upstairs along with the driver license office, DMV office and other stuff I've so far never needed so not sure what else. The largest 30.06/30.07 signs you ever saw but the location where they are posted is very easy to miss even if you're looking for them.
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Re: Pulled over for speeding - you won't believe what happened next!


Post by oohrah »

I also have an LTC, was carrying, and am a vet, and yet my most recent encounter with a DPS trooper was extremely unpleasant (without going into further details to avoid violating forum decorum).
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Re: Pulled over for speeding - you won't believe what happened next!


Post by stroo »

I have been pulled over a couple times by State Troopers. (I inherited a bit of a lead foot from my Mom! I try to control it but every once in a while it gets away from me.) Both times the troopers were great. Once one asked me to get out of the car but then we had a good conversation off the road while his trainee did all the checking on my license. Ended up with a warning rather than a ticket.

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Re: Pulled over for speeding - you won't believe what happened next!


Post by kw5kw »

Keith B wrote:
warnmar10 wrote:
TexasJohnBoy wrote:Every experience I’ve had with Texas State Troopers have been positive. I’m glad yours was as well
Me too except maybe for troopers at the drivers license office.
Many times assignments like the License Office are punishment jobs. I know this from an negative encounter with a Sargent and the subsequent communication with the DPS Lieutenant over the office. Needless to say the Sargent got to spend a few days on vacation without pay over the issue.
No, not at all! DL office jobs are a highly prized post!

Retired DPS Communications Operator PCO III January 2014.
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