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CHL Instructor Renewal Class

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:30 pm
by VViper
Has anyone been to the Instructor Renewal Class in Georgetown yet, who would like to give us a report?

Re: CHL Instructor Renewal Class

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:00 pm
by Greybeard
Yep, I'd be interested as well. ' Heard thru the grapevine some new procedures effective in March. I'm not scheduled in there until two weeks from today (on Sept. 15).

Re: CHL Instructor Renewal Class

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 4:43 pm
by Rusty
Attended yesterday(9-1-09).Class as boring as ever.Good news,no $5 for TRs.You can download CHL 100 forms free,on DPS web. I heard that we do not have to go back for 4 years,but my certificate expires in 2011. They may do renewal class online.I really do not think that they are sure yet,maybe I missed something.Only thing that bothers me is the fact that they preach and preach that we MUST make our classes 10 hours and they give a 9.5 hour class in 7.5 hours.A student has to renew in a 4 hour class,every 5 years and they been making us go every 2 years at $100 plus expense,and all day!!!Instuctors should not have to fire revolvers,If a student fires a semi-auto,they are trusted with both. Someone needs to give us a little break.

Re: CHL Instructor Renewal Class

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:46 pm
by Papacub
I'm attending the October 5th class, anyone else going to be there on the 5th??

Re: CHL Instructor Renewal Class

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:41 pm
by GaryTx
Rusty wrote:Attended yesterday(9-1-09).Class as boring as ever.Good news,no $5 for TRs.You can download CHL 100 forms free,on DPS web. I heard that we do not have to go back for 4 years,but my certificate expires in 2011. They may do renewal class online.I really do not think that they are sure yet,maybe I missed something.Only thing that bothers me is the fact that they preach and preach that we MUST make our classes 10 hours and they give a 9.5 hour class in 7.5 hours.A student has to renew in a 4 hour class,every 5 years and they been making us go every 2 years at $100 plus expense,and all day!!!Instuctors should not have to fire revolvers,If a student fires a semi-auto,they are trusted with both. Someone needs to give us a little break.
The biggest shocker was that Marion has been moved out of the Concealed Handgun Unit.

Re: CHL Instructor Renewal Class

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:27 am
by gpeloq
I was there 8/31/09. Found out Sgt. Holmes is transfering out of CHL dept. New rangemaster at Florence is Lt. Odie Hitt. They could not tell us on Monday what the new TR-100's would look like or if they would be available on 9/1/09. Lt. Hitt griped about some of us doing our qualifications with 6" barrel revolvers. He felt we should qualify with what we carry......
Go figure.

Re: CHL Instructor Renewal Class

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 11:15 am
by garcia946
gpeloq wrote:I was there 8/31/09. Found out Sgt. Holmes is transfering out of CHL dept. New rangemaster at Florence is Lt. Odie Hitt. They could not tell us on Monday what the new TR-100's would look like or if they would be available on 9/1/09. Lt. Hitt griped about some of us doing our qualifications with 6" barrel revolvers. He felt we should qualify with what we carry......
Go figure.

Lt Hitt is a good Instructor I had him in the class I attended in June.
The new for the CHL-100 in on the DPS website now for download.
As for him wanting you to qualify with what you usually carry , thats only so your used to you firearm , I bet

Re: CHL Instructor Renewal Class

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:38 pm
by Rusty
Lt.Hitt has got a good point about shooting small carry guns,but when I pay $100 and spend the whole day there,I'm gonna shoot the biggest thing in my closet.By the way,I normally carry a Springfield Mil.Spec. 45.He did not commend me for using it, and 230 grain hard ball. The only reason to carry a 45ACP,is,they don't make a 46.I worked at the prison and saw several convicts with 38 scars,9mm scars,25 scars,never saw one in 21 years that said it was a 45 scar.

Re: CHL Instructor Renewal Class

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:19 pm
by garcia946
I understand , when I was there , there was a guy trying to qualify with a S&W 500

Re: CHL Instructor Renewal Class

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 4:16 pm
by aardwolf
gpeloq wrote:Lt. Hitt griped about some of us doing our qualifications with 6" barrel revolvers. He felt we should qualify with what we carry......
Go figure.
I would be embarrassed if I couldn't score at least 95% with my DAO SP-101.

Re: CHL Instructor Renewal Class

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 12:08 am
by DoubleActionCHL
Kymberly and I attended the instructor renewal Tuesday and, I must admit, I was somewhat disappointed. Lt. Hitt did a pretty good job, but the presentations used haven't been changed in years. The misspellings haven't been corrected, and they're still teaching from pre-2007 statutes; the Castle Doctrine language (Section 9.32) was obsolete. Ms. O'Shaw refused to answer any questions on 46.02 concerning unlicensed carry, stating that she'll only discuss CHL related statutes. While the questions weren't terribly important, I was concerned that they won't explain or even discuss statutes that we're charged with discussing in our curriculum, and even appear on the test 3 times!

I was even more concerned that the DPS instructor who administered the written test said 14 of the 36 CHL instructors missed the "sender, message, receiver, feedback" question. The fact that our requirements are really not significantly higher than the average student is just disappointing.

Re: CHL Instructor Renewal Class

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 3:54 pm
by gpeloq
DoubleActionCHL wrote:Kymberly and I attended the instructor renewal Tuesday and, I must admit, I was somewhat disappointed. Lt. Hitt did a pretty good job, but the presentations used haven't been changed in years. The misspellings haven't been corrected, and they're still teaching from pre-2007 statutes; the Castle Doctrine language (Section 9.32) was obsolete. Ms. O'Shaw refused to answer any questions on 46.02 concerning unlicensed carry, stating that she'll only discuss CHL related statutes. While the questions weren't terribly important, I was concerned that they won't explain or even discuss statutes that we're charged with discussing in our curriculum, and even appear on the test 3 times!

I was even more concerned that the DPS instructor who administered the written test said 14 of the 36 CHL instructors missed the "sender, message, receiver, feedback" question. The fact that our requirements are really not significantly higher than the average student is just disappointing.
:iagree: Those 14 individuals should not be instructing!

Re: CHL Instructor Renewal Class

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:06 pm
by Greybeard
Quote: Those 14 individuals should not be instructing!

There were some in my class that fit in that category too. Sgt. Holmes ripped some of 'em pretty hard, rightfully so. Lady on my right during revolver qualifications was milkin' a big old Model 66 - maybe closing her eyes ??? - and put 5 rounds into MY target. :???:

Re: CHL Instructor Renewal Class

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:46 pm
by gpeloq
Quote: There were some in my class that fit in that category too. Sgt. Holmes ripped some of 'em pretty hard, rightfully so. Lady on my right during revolver qualifications was milkin' a big old Model 66 - maybe closing her eyes ??? - and put 5 rounds into MY target. :???:[/quote]

And I bet before the day was over she Passed. That ain't right! :nono:

Re: CHL Instructor Renewal Class

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 11:26 am
by bsouth401
DoubleActionCHL wrote: Kymberly and I attended the instructor renewal Tuesday and, I must admit, I was somewhat disappointed. Lt. Hitt did a pretty good job, but the presentations used haven't been changed in years. The misspellings haven't been corrected, and they're still teaching from pre-2007 statutes; the Castle Doctrine language (Section 9.32) was obsolete. Ms. O'Shaw refused to answer any questions on 46.02 concerning unlicensed carry, stating that she'll only discuss CHL related statutes. While the questions weren't terribly important, I was concerned that they won't explain or even discuss statutes that we're charged with discussing in our curriculum, and even appear on the test 3 times!
I have to agree. I attended the November 2nd class and noticed right away that Lt. Hitt's power point was a little dated. He stated that 9.31, 9.32, 9.33 only applied in your own home or in your vehicle, which is not what the statute says. Read the whole statute, specifically the end. Lt. Hitt is probably a fantastic firearms instructor, but I was very disappointed in his presentation of the statutes. It was apparent to me that he has not done his homework and when it became obvious he got defensive. Mrs. O'Shaw was her usual self, refusing to answer questions that should and need to be answered. She kept falling back on the "I can't give you legal advice". None of us were asking for advice.
I came away from the class a little disenchanted, I chose to be an instructor, pay my money, pay my expenses, and take time away from my schedule to travel to Georgetown, because that is what they require from me. I don't need to be handled softly but, I certainly at a minimum expect the DPS's Instructors to be knowledgeable of the subject matter that they are supposed to be teaching and at least not be condescending. Everything at the range was fantastic. Kudos’s to Sgt. Dews for running a safe and efficient range and Sgt. Bamsch was very pleasant.
I miss Riddle, Holmes, Ripps and others from the past, it was obvious that they had pride in their program. I hope this is not a sign of where we are headed with the whole CHL Bureau.