Stag Arms Stag-15 (16" Gas Piston AR in 5.56) DFW TX

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Stag Arms Stag-15 (16" Gas Piston AR in 5.56) DFW TX


Post by orionengnr »

I bought this AR when a friend of my wife passed away. She remembers it as being 2014 or 2015 (I can't remember what I had for breakfast yesterday). Anyway, his 20-something year old daughter came down from MA--she had inherited his worldly possessions. She was happy to sell the house and head back to the Commonwealth, but she had no desire to take any unholy assault rifles back to MA, and her friends told her she would go to prison or rot in Hell (probably both) if she so much as considered it. So I helped her sell off his rifles, and I gave this one a home.

Nick had never fired it (or most of his guns, unfortunately) and I have never fired it either. Last time I shot a rifle was about a year ago, and before that...probably ten years.

I have owned a number of ARs in the past, but I have never owned a gas piston AR. I understand the theory, but have never fired one.

I don't remember what mags it came with, but I have a number of USGI and other 30-round mags, so I will include at least two. This is somewhat negotiable, so talk to me if you are interested. If you are a reloader, I have a complete set of dies and Dillon caliber conversion for 5.56/.223. And if you are not a reloader, I have several thousand rounds of factory loaded ammo, in both brass-case and steel-case flavors.

I had a cancer diagnosis in July, had surgery to remove my prostate three weeks ago, and now...well, let's just say, we are not done yet. So it is time to start selling off.

Price is $750 ORO. If you are local (I am in Lewisville, TX) I will be happy to meet you at one of the local ranges if you would like to take a test drive.

email is rich at rabidjackal dot com, or pm me here.
More pics at
There are also pics of a bunch of S&W revolvers plus two 1911s there on THR.
Images are not as good as I would like; I will try again in the next day or so (maybe let the wife have a try at it)
Last edited by orionengnr on Sat Sep 28, 2024 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Stag Arms Stag-15 (16" Gas Piston AR in 5.56) DFW TX


Post by orionengnr »

If you don't like my price, make a reasonable offer....
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