Springfield XDs 9mm 3.3 ESSENTIAL Black (I pulled the trigger)

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Re: Springfield XDs 9mm 3.3 ESSENTIAL Black (I pulled the trigger)


Post by rytchard »

jrs_diesel wrote:Triple T makes a very nice and comfy IWB holster.
Very nice!

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Re: Springfield XDs 9mm 3.3 ESSENTIAL Black (I pulled the trigger)


Post by stars200 »

It is great to hear all of the favorable reviews. We bought one in 9mm about 3 weeks ago for my wife. We have not shot it yet, just too busy lately to go. She is planning taking a class in the next few weeks, but not scheduled.

If you have not already go to the Springfield website, have some freebies for purchasing of any XD right now. A couple of extra mags, a mag holster and a range bag. Was really surprised how fast they were at sending those out.

We have put the Talon grips on it already. I have them on my carry guns and love them. They so far have held up well. My oldest set are about 3 years old and are on my every day carry S&W bodyguard I keep in a holster in my pocket.

I also have an Alien Gear 2.0 holster for a Beretta Px4 subcompact. It held up for about 3 months, they were great about replacing it. The plastic inside it broke near where the shell screws in. Still carried fine but was surprised how quick it broke and did not carry it every day.

So far we have not looked for a holster yet for the XDs, my wife is petite, if anyone has any recommendations that would be great. We have thought about another Alien Gear for her but she has not decided if she want an IWB. She tried mine on with the Beretta and she was not comfortable. She is petite and the double stack Beretta 40 was a little much for her, it printed through her shirt. However, with the XDs being slimmer I think she would be fine.
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Re: Springfield XDs 9mm 3.3 ESSENTIAL Black (I pulled the trigger)


Post by Pariah3j »

FastCarry wrote:how long have you had the Talon grips? Are they durable?
I've only had mine since June/July - mine has held up well -look like I just put them on the gun still. I've read they hold up very well on a couple of forums. From what I've read, as long as you apply them right and don't overlap the grip on the back, then the adhesive stays.
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Re: Springfield XDs 9mm 3.3 ESSENTIAL Black (I pulled the trigger)


Post by The Annoyed Man »

rytchard wrote:How is it for everyday carry, as far are comfort, able to conceal, etc.
Assuming you are asking me, and referring to carrying the XDS, it conceals very well and is very comfortable to carry. I only started carrying Glocks because my wife is familiar with that platform, it is increasingly important to me that she be able to handle and fire anything I might carry (and visa versa). Personally, I think that the Springfields are excellent guns. I have three of them - a 1911A1 Loaded, a XDm-45 Compact 3.8, and the XDs-45. They all shoot well and are very well made. They are also a somewhat more expensive than the Glocks. Heaven forbid I should ever be involved in a defensive shooting in which my firearm is confiscated - however temporarily - it won't hurt my feelings if it is a Glock, but it would hack me off if it was one of my Springfields. It would be like the difference of losing a Craftsman socket wrench versus losing a Snap-On socket wrench. Both are perfectly good socket wrenches which come with lifetime warranties, but one is "nicer".

Now that winter is coming, I will probably start carrying the XDs again as penetration through heavy winter clothing gives the .45 a leg up on the 9mm.
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Re: Springfield XDs 9mm 3.3 ESSENTIAL Black (I pulled the trigger)


Post by rytchard »

The Annoyed Man wrote: It would be like the difference of losing a Craftsman socket wrench versus losing a Snap-On socket wrench. Both are perfectly good socket wrenches which come with lifetime warranties, but one is "nicer".
Great analogy! On a similar note, it was difficult for me to justify the purchase of the XDS as I already owned two handguns both of which were fully functional. But after shooting the XDS I knew I would own it, or have to own it, might be a better choice of words!
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Re: Springfield XDs 9mm 3.3 ESSENTIAL Black (I pulled the trigger)


Post by jrs_diesel »

The Annoyed Man wrote:
rytchard wrote:How is it for everyday carry, as far are comfort, able to conceal, etc.
I only started carrying Glocks because my wife is familiar with that platform, it is increasingly important to me that she be able to handle and fire anything I might carry (and visa versa). .
That is precisely the same line of thought my wife and I had when we decided on the XD and XDs.

Love the socket wrench analogy :tiphat:
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Re: Springfield XDs 9mm 3.3 ESSENTIAL Black (I pulled the trigger)


Post by rytchard »

Well, I picked up my new XDs from my FFl today. I brought it home, cleaned, and loaded it, so it is ready to go. I ordered an Alien Gear IWB and an OWB holster. I am hoping that the OWB is close and tight enough to the body to wear for concealed carry. So, with that said I guess this is .... to be continued. :tiphat:
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Re: Springfield XDs 9mm 3.3 ESSENTIAL Black (I pulled the trigger)


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Looking forward to your impressions of the 9mm.
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Re: Springfield XDs 9mm 3.3 ESSENTIAL Black (I pulled the trigger)


Post by FastCarry »

I have the original aliengear cloak and the owb. The owb is great, it does hug tight but sits a little low, a long shirt or sweater/jacket should do the trick

I shot my xds .45 last weekend along with my friends xds 9, we both bought them earlier in the week. Both felt great, grip is a little slim in my hands so I bought a pachmyr sleeve when I left the range, will try that this weekend. The .45 def has a hell of a kick, I lost my grip each shot no matter how I choked up on it or how tightly I held on. Hoping the sleeve helps. The 9mm was much more manageable and a pleasure to shoot, I hope you'll have the same experience.

I fed mine brass and aluminum 230gr fmj, no issues.

I also bought a Taurus Mill G2 9mm the same day because I liked my mill pro I had a while back, looked like they made some improvements. Well, It was sent back to Taurus that day with a stuck slide after about 25 rounds Ugh. It didnt stick while firing, just when i got home and and was trying to lock the slide back to clear and clean it. Hope it comes back nice and fresh.

Over all, I'm not confident in my ability with the .45 yet, hoping to feel better about my grip after running 100 or so more rounds through her.
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Re: Springfield XDs 9mm 3.3 ESSENTIAL Black (I pulled the trigger)


Post by rytchard »

I fired the 9mm at the range not too long ago as well as the .45 version. I was sold that day that I had to have this firearm. I really wanted to like the .45 as there wasn't much a difference when shooting them. For some reason the 9mm was more comfortable for me (at this time). I am still slightly scared I think, from the days I was in the Marine Corps where the .45 was my T/O and yearly qualifying weapon, and we used to make fun of it.

Since I got my CHL I learned quickly that this is and has been a learning experience. I have no doubt, especially after this purchase, that my next one (purchase) will be something in a .45 caliber.

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Re: Springfield XDs 9mm 3.3 ESSENTIAL Black (I pulled the trigger)


Post by FastCarry »

Received my gear up and go today, looks like about 12 days from submission.

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Re: Springfield XDs 9mm 3.3 ESSENTIAL Black (I pulled the trigger)


Post by The Wall »

I have a XD 9mm subcompact and it's a great little gun. I guess I should say it's my wife's gun. It's a really good shooter and we've had zero failures after hundreds of rounds. You made a good choice for sure. Just as an added note I have the full size XDM 9mm and it's also a great firearm. In my opinion there are certain gun manufactures you can't go wrong with. Springfield is one of them.
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Re: Springfield XDs 9mm 3.3 ESSENTIAL Black (I pulled the trigger)


Post by Charlies.Contingency »

The Annoyed Man wrote:I haven't shot the 9mm, but I own the .45 version and love it.
Same here, I run the .45 3.3, and it's become a part of me you could say. Everyday, everywhere, but mostly at my 6 carry. It is a part of my everyday attire, with an IWB tuck-able. Especially with colder weather now, I carry my full size (or two :mrgreen: ) at 3 and/or 9 position, atop of my everyday carry XD(S) at my 6. If I ever get disarmed, hopefully nobody would notice that I'm not just wearing an OWB full size, and that there is a tucked in .45 too. :fire
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Re: Springfield XDs 9mm 3.3 ESSENTIAL Black (I pulled the trigger)


Post by mloot »

I recently purchased an XDS 4.0 in 9mm. This is my first single-stack nine (normally I pocket carry a Ruger LCR) and so far I really like carrying it. I purchased an all-kydex IWB holster from Cook's Holsters and a single magazine pouch from them as well. This is my first all-kydex holster (this one is single-clip). When holstering the XDS, the lockup is very positive, although not so tight that I cannot easily draw my pistol. I have no worries that the gun will slip out of the holster, either. When I ordered the holster and mag pouch, the turnaround time was about 4 weeks. Here are a couple of pics of the setup:



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