6 weeks Taurus... 6 weeks

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Re: 6 weeks Taurus... 6 weeks


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

EastTexasRancher wrote:Both of mine have run flawlessly from day one, 11 years ago. Out of the box, on my bench, cleaned up, de-burred, and to the range.

Sorry y'all are having problems, that's got to be frustrating.

Some would consider de-burring as a step that should not be needed for a new gun to work flawlessly. That's a part of what I referred to above as a "fluff and buff". Personally, I am OK with fine tuning my $300'ish guns a bit, and I don't expect them to run perfect out of the box. I feel differently about an $800 gun, but that's not what we are talking about here.

Taurus makes a good product for the price. They are just inconsistent as heck. I feel the same way about Kel-Tec.
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Re: 6 weeks Taurus... 6 weeks


Post by The Annoyed Man »

rotor wrote:The Academy policy of not allowing one to check the trigger is a real turn-off to purchasing from them. You can't check the gun and you can't return it. Unless there is a great financial deal I won't buy a gun at Academy.
I have only ever purchased one handgun from Academy - a XDM-45 Compact 3.8 ......because they had it for $40 less than Bass Pro. This was a few years ago, so I don't remember if they had the trigger policy back then or not. But, I had previously had avery good experience with Springfield's customer services (a busted hammer on a M1A after 90-100 rounds of commercial match ammo), so I didn't really worry about it. I have bought a shotgun there - a Yldiz 20 gauge O/U for my wife - and as I recall at that time, they actually did let me try the trigger, since I was buying, not just shopping. But that must have been 6 or 7 years ago.

But given their current policy, I most likely wouldn't buy a handgun from them, UNLESS it was a pistol brand with a fairly spotless reputation for reliability......e.g. Glocks, or maybe Glocks. Taurus just isn't on that list for me (see cmgee67's previous thread about Taurus)......probably not ever, regardless of vendor.

But I don't worry about it most of the time. I buy most of my retail firearms these days through an FFL for whom I barter website work in exchange for firearms. It's all done legal-like at both ends, 4473 and everything, but I pay in work instead of cash. My FFL will let me handle and dry-fire the gun before taking delivery.
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Re: 6 weeks Taurus... 6 weeks


Post by puma guy »

Soccerdad1995 wrote:
zmcgooga wrote:When I purchased mine about a year ago the first time I went to the range it I couldn't get it to return to battery to I had to send it off for warranty repair. 4 weeks later I finally got it back but I will say I've put 500+ rounds through it without one malfunction and I trust it enough to carry it.

I do think the the rule at Academy were they won't let you test the trigger is asinine, it prevented be from buying a pistol there one day. The manager behind the gun bar looked at me like I was an idiot when I asked if I could test the trigger. I told him thank you, took out my phone, took a picture of the price and went across the street to Gander Mountain. They let me test the trigger on the same pistol and gave me 10% off Academy's price.
I think there are a lot of folks out there that believe dry firing will damage a pistol, and Academy is trying to appease them by showing that the display model has not been dry fired.
I sold guns in the 60's and 70's (long before Academy nee Southerns Sales) sold firearms and we always allowed customers to dry fire the displays ( as long as they didn't over do it) and the ones they purchased if they were inclined to do so. We sold a lot of firearms and many were displays because it was difficult to get S&W, Rugers and even some Colts in those days. Many of our higher end long arms were often times sold as displays since we would stock just a few calibers / gauges and were one of a kind. ( Sako, Colt-Sauer, Mannlicher-Schoenauer, Beretta, Franchi, Daly, Colt, etc.) Never had any complaints or returns. That said I don't encourage dry firing, but we considered it part of the business. I know Academy locks the triggers on displays, but I don't recall Academy preventing me from pulling the triggers on the guns I've purchased from them and I always check function. I think I would rethink buying from them if they did. I know you have to sign a no return form on firearms, but I'm not sure that would prelude making them replace or return (RTM) a defective weapon if they prevented you from discovering that it was bad order. IANAL
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Re: 6 weeks Taurus... 6 weeks


Post by cmgee67 »

I have checked the online status report and it has never updated at all. The only thing it says about my gun is that it has arrived and is waiting for repair. hopefully it comes back working but I highly doubt I'll keep it. If it comes back and it doesn't I ill send it back again until they fix or replace it.

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Re: 6 weeks Taurus... 6 weeks


Post by rotor »

cmgee67 wrote:I have checked the online status report and it has never updated at all. The only thing it says about my gun is that it has arrived and is waiting for repair. hopefully it comes back working but I highly doubt I'll keep it. If it comes back and it doesn't I ill send it back again until they fix or replace it.
You will get it back fixed or replaced. If they replace it they will send the new one to a FFL and then you will have to pay a transfer fee and Taurus will reimburse you (eventually), For me this gun is a "I don't care if it is stolen truck gun". Hang in there, they will come through. Get a receipt from your FFL if they give you a new gun so you can file for a refund. You can fax the receipt to 305-624-1126 for FFL refund. Don't give up. It will be fixed.

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Re: 6 weeks Taurus... 6 weeks


Post by cmgee67 »

I spoke with Taurus today and they said it's still waiting for inspection and repair and will be 6 weeks which will put me at 12 weeks. They said if they can't fix it then they will send a new gun. I told them make sure they check the full function of the gun before it's sent back
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Re: 6 weeks Taurus... 6 weeks


Post by Javier730 »

I've had several Taurus pistols. PT940, PT111, Pt140, PT92 and a few others. The only one that functioned correctly was the PT92. I think it was a lemon.
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Re: 6 weeks Taurus... 6 weeks


Post by SigM4 »

Not to pile on the OP or others here, but there have been more than enough stories about Taurus here and all over the internet that I'm shocked anyone beyond first time firearm buyers still buy them.
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Re: 6 weeks Taurus... 6 weeks


Post by parabelum »

The only Taurus I'd even remotely consider would be a six shooter. Their semi-autos have notoriously been plagued with issues, right out of the box. Imagine the performance after few years/few thousand rounds downrange.
Plus, with the documented safety issue with yours, I'd be uncomfortable selling or trading it due to potential legal issues etc. I just wouldn't want anything to boomerang back to me.

Why not just stick with Glock...like G17 or G19? ;-)
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Re: 6 weeks Taurus... 6 weeks


Post by Liberty »

parabelum wrote: Plus, with the documented safety issue with yours, I'd be uncomfortable selling or trading it due to potential legal issues etc. I just wouldn't want anything to boomerang back to me.

Why not just stick with Glock...like G17 or G19? ;-)
His issue with the Taurus was that the Safety didn't work., if he didn't care about the safety he could have just kept the broken Taurus. :smilelol5:

I almost bought one once, the Stainless P92, Was a lot cheaper than the Beretta. I got a real good deal on a Black Beretta for the same price but about 100 miles away. I never looked back. Unless it fell off into my hand that safety is never gonna fail me. All the same, this post reminds me that sometimes safeties don't work and they deserve to be tested when my handguns are cleaned and inspected.
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Re: 6 weeks Taurus... 6 weeks


Post by Liberty »

SigM4 wrote:Not to pile on the OP or others here, but there have been more than enough stories about Taurus here and all over the internet that I'm shocked anyone beyond first time firearm buyers still buy them.
The Millenium pt111 is a nice looking gun , and the specs/features sure look good. $300 MSRP. make it look real tempting. If they actually worked I would own one.
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Re: 6 weeks Taurus... 6 weeks


Post by cmgee67 »

I prob won't sell it when I get it back due to the fear of it messing up in the future on somebody else. I guess it will just be a good safe anchor. I told Taurus personally the reason they have a lifetime warrantee is because you will end up using it. They didn't have much to say back but I'm sorry you feel that way
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Re: 6 weeks Taurus... 6 weeks


Post by RPBrown »

Back in the late 60's and early 70's they were known as one of the Saturday night specials. Cheap and undependable
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Re: 6 weeks Taurus... 6 weeks


Post by puma guy »

RPBrown wrote:Back in the late 60's and early 70's they were known as one of the Saturday night specials. Cheap and undependable
Their revolvers were actually very good firearms. They were made on Smith and Wesson designed machines. I sold many of their revolvers back then and never had one problem or returned gun. They weren't considered Saturday Night Specials. That fell to Rohm and RG.
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Re: 6 weeks Taurus... 6 weeks


Post by Waco1959 »

I have four Taurus semi-autos that have been reliable for me: 738, 709 Slim, 638, and PT92. I prefer the PT92 over the Beretta because of the frame-mounted safety. The 638 is a nice gun for stepping folks up from a .22 since the .380 in a PT111-sized gun keeps the recoil down.

I did have a lot of FTFeeds with the 709 at first but figured out it was a magazine problem and Taurus replaced the magazine. No problem since except it doesn't like the bulk hollow points from Freedom Munitions.

I also have a 24/7 G2 that I haven't fired yet and a PT111 Mil Pro that I haven't had any problems with but haven't shot enough to say it is reliable.

One thing I did learn about most Taurus semi-autos, and any made in Brazil, is they tend to have a lot of grease in the firing pin channel and it will get sticky and frequently is out of the box. A thorough cleaning solves the problem.
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