Who Carries A Snub Nose Revolver

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Who Carries A Snub Nose Revolver


Post by carlson1 »

I know all the reason why you shouldn't that I have heard from the "operators." :banghead: But I would like to know from the general gun community if any one carries daily a S&W snub nose or a Ruger SP101, etc... I would like to also know how you carry and if (and how) you carry reloads.

I use to carry one every day and after my health became better I went back to my 1911 for most days. Yesterday I didn't feel well so when I got dressed for church I grabbed my S&W 442 with two speed strips.

Thanks in advance for the input and advice.

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Re: Who Carries A Snub Nose Revolver


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

I carry a S&W 360 PD on my ankle when I am not wearing shorts. It also sits in a pocket holster in my car, and frequently goes with me if I am running into the store and don't feel like strapping on my holstered 1911, or if I am wearing a tucked in shirt with no jacket and I am at all worried about offending anyone by OC'ing. Usually, I don't care too much about that last part, but there seem to be a lot of people (including some of the members of this forum) who think that anyone OC'ing is only doing it to get "attention".

This gun is so light (11 ounces unloaded) that I don't even feel it on my ankle.
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Re: Who Carries A Snub Nose Revolver


Post by Jusme »

carlson1 wrote:I know all the reason why you shouldn't that I have heard from the "operators." :banghead: But I would like to know from the general gun community if any one carries daily a S&W snub nose or a Ruger SP101, etc... I would like to also know how you carry and if (and how) you carry reloads.

I use to carry one every day and after my health became better I went back to my 1911 for most days. Yesterday I didn't feel well so when I got dressed for church I grabbed my S&W 442 with two speed strips.

Thanks in advance for the input and advice.

I don't know who the "operators" are that can determine what is best for everyone to carry, but i would have no problem carrying one, and am in fact looking at several options for just such occasions, when I don't want to carry my full size M&P.

The only drawbacks to a snubbie, that I could envision, are low round count, and diminished accuracy at distance. Neither of those would dissuade me, since, any SD situation, I would likely encounter, won't involve great distances, and if I need more than five rounds, I probably would not be able to defend myself even with more rounds. JMHO
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Re: Who Carries A Snub Nose Revolver


Post by oljames3 »

carlson1 wrote:I know all the reason why you shouldn't that I have heard from the "operators." :banghead: But I would like to know from the general gun community if any one carries daily a S&W snub nose or a Ruger SP101, etc... I would like to also know how you carry and if (and how) you carry reloads.

I use to carry one every day and after my health became better I went back to my 1911 for most days. Yesterday I didn't feel well so when I got dressed for church I grabbed my S&W 442 with two speed strips.

Thanks in advance for the input and advice.
My wife carries a Ruger LCR 38 in her purse with two speed loaders. Her 15 rounds are backup to my 65 9mm rounds.
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Re: Who Carries A Snub Nose Revolver


Post by lowdogtx »

S&W model 49 perfect pocket pistol . I used to carry in coat pocket too when making a questionable traffic stop in the winter.
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Re: Who Carries A Snub Nose Revolver


Post by JustSomeOldGuy »

Only if you count my days off where I stayed home all day. Pocket carry of Ruger SP101 2 inch. Could be out in the yard in jean shorts without being obviously carrying. Figured 5 was enough to either solve the problem or get me within reach of bigger stuff in the house.....if I was wearing cargo shorts, I'd have 1 or 2 hks speedloaders in an outer pocket.
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Re: Who Carries A Snub Nose Revolver


Post by karder »

I have carried the sp101 with relative frequency in the past. I like it a lot, but it is heavy. That is the main reason I don't carry it too often anymore. By the end of a long day, I notice the weight. My FiveseveN is a couple of ounces lighter than the sp101, and weight is a bigger issue for me than size. I'll still grab the sp101 for a quick trip to the store, but I often don't carry reloads. I have some speed strips but would be fibbing if I said I always pack them.
My wife always carries the S&W bodyguard .38 revolver 100% of the time. That one is really light and recoil is manageable. She doesn't carry reloads. I know, that's bad.
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Re: Who Carries A Snub Nose Revolver


Post by skeathley »

I occasionally carry a Rossi .357 snub. All steel, similar in size to a S&W 686. I like it, but use it more often for OC than CC, due to its girth. With a little understanding of revolvers, and some practice, these can be very practical at 10 yards, with major stopping power.

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Re: Who Carries A Snub Nose Revolver


Post by gthaustex »

Carry a S&W 442 in an ankle holster as a backup to a full size M&P on the hip. Also carry the 442 in a pocket holster when I am in shorts and a t-shirt instead of a longer shirt that covers the hip.
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Re: Who Carries A Snub Nose Revolver


Post by Excaliber »

I sometimes pocket carry an S&W 442 in a pocket holster when wearing cargo shorts and making a low threat area run - e.g., quick trip to Home Depot. I always drop at least one speed strip into a pocket as well becuz ..... well, you just never know.

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Re: Who Carries A Snub Nose Revolver


Post by ELB »

I sometimes carry a snub in an outside jacket pocket on the rare occasions when it is cold enough that I have to bundle up -- but I still have my G19 in an appendix holster. I really like snubs but I have not found them really any more convenient to carry than my G19 except for this one case. I have a beat-up looking Colt Detective that is also handy to stash as a back-up gun in dedicated hidey-holes, but it is always in addition to the G19, not in place of.

My wife carries an aluminum-frame snub in her purse, as far as I can tell solely because it is small and light and simple. She has a speed strip with her as well.
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Re: Who Carries A Snub Nose Revolver


Post by rotor »

I occasionally carry a Ruger LCR owb in DeSantis mini scabbard with 2 Bianchi speedstrips. Very comfortable. I have J2 speedloaders but rarely carry them.

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Re: Who Carries A Snub Nose Revolver


Post by stroo »

I generally carry one of my j-frames to church on Sunday. I generally carry OWB at 4 o'clock and it is concealed by my suit coat. Sometimes I will pocket carry.

I usually have a couple speed loaders and a strip in either my coat pockets or my pants pocket. So I have 15 extra rounds.

Since I put Hogue full sized grips on it, I have found that I can shoot it as accurately or more accurately at 25 yards in single action than my 1911, my Hipower or my M&P. So distance is not a downside for me. Capacity in the gun at five rounds is a concern but I live with it.
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Re: Who Carries A Snub Nose Revolver


Post by J.R.@A&M »

I have a small collection of SP101s. Some people like to wear their collection of hats, ties, or jewelry. I enjoy wearing my Rugers.

On most weekdays I carry one either in my pocket or under my shirt. I carry two more in matching Galco ankle gloves. This arrangement works well because I spend hours sitting in a car, and more hours at a desk. (It wouldn't work so well if I had to go stomping around a construction site, or go on an extended hike.)

Other advantages are having NY and NJ reloads, and the familiarity of the same trigger, grips, and sights.
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Re: Who Carries A Snub Nose Revolver


Post by Bruin98 »

2 days a week I carry an lcr357 in my pocket with a speed loader in off hand pocket.

Campus carry goes into effect in 6 weeks so I've just been practicing around town and at the range.

My regular carry would disappear, but I'm not an untucked polo and slacks kind of guy. Not into jackets either so it was a good excuse to buy a new gun.
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