What's Your Preferred Grain in 9mm for range and s.d.?

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What's Your Preferred Grain in 9mm for range and s.d.?


Post by Abraham »

I'll start at 115/124/147 for either range or S.D. . Heck, there's even some out there made by Federal in 150 JHP, but they're pretty exotic and painfully expensive.
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Re: What's Your Preferred Grain in 9mm for range and s.d.?


Post by oljames3 »

Abraham wrote:I'll start at 115/124/147 for either range or S.D. . Heck, there's even some out there made by Federal in 150 JHP, but they're pretty exotic and painfully expensive.
124 grain for both. I like to keep training and every day as close to the same as possible. By using the same weight bullets for both range and self defense, I feel that my pistol will function and the bullets will follow the same trajectory in both uses. 124 is both reasonably priced and readily available in my neck of the woods. Works for me.
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Re: What's Your Preferred Grain in 9mm for range and s.d.?


Post by skeathley »

I had been using 115 for range (I carry a .45), as that is easiest to get. However, I recently did a side-by-side test of 115 vs 124 vs 147 (same brand), to see if the difference in accuracy was noticeable.

It was, and it was dramatic. That would likely vary with the gun, length of barrel, and gun weight. I used a full sized CZ-75. 124 and 147 gr were very close in accuracy and consistency, but they both beat the pants off of 115.

Felt recoil also differed. For that gun, 147 gr has a very controlled, polished feel to it, and great consistency.

The ammo I used was Remington UMC FMJ.

I have also done A/B testing with different brands of the same weight, and out of 4 brands, the best seemed to be

Remington UMC
Freedom Munitions

followed closely by American Eagle (better than expected)

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Re: What's Your Preferred Grain in 9mm for range and s.d.?


Post by allisji »

Abraham wrote:I'll start at 115/124/147 for either range or S.D. . Heck, there's even some out there made by Federal in 150 JHP, but they're pretty exotic and painfully expensive.
I have some 124 g +P JHP for my self-defense ammo, but I've pretty much used 115 grain FMJ ammo for the range, though I've noticed that some of my range ammo is just powerful enough to cycle the action, but doesn't successfully lock the slide back on the last round. I basically bought the cheapest brass case factory ammo I could in bulk from sgammo.com
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Re: What's Your Preferred Grain in 9mm for range and s.d.?


Post by LeonCarr »

124 Grain +P for Defense, Ranger/Gold Dot/HST, whichever is the most accurate in a particular gun.

Whatever is cheapest (I get several of the cheap variations and see which one is the most accurate) for practice, usually some form of plated 115 Grain FMJ.

Just my .02,
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Re: What's Your Preferred Grain in 9mm for range and s.d.?


Post by mdubtx »

124gr +P Gold Dot for SD. I haven't shopped for opinions / ballistic tests in while though so thank you for this thread. tnoutdoors9 and his various ballistic tests weighed heavily when I did.

I prefer 124gr Speer FMJ at the range, but I won't frown on a deal for 115gr plinking either. 124gr Winchester NATO is a good match when I happen upon a deal there also. You can always find an argument online but I like to practice with "some" +P without beating up the gun.
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Re: What's Your Preferred Grain in 9mm for range and s.d.?


Post by Bitter Clinger »

147 is subsonic unless you run +P:

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Re: What's Your Preferred Grain in 9mm for range and s.d.?


Post by cmgee67 »

I run 115’s in just about all my 9mm’s for range and S.D.
I get faster follow up shots and can manage recoil better especially in my Glock 43.

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Re: What's Your Preferred Grain in 9mm for range and s.d.?


Post by Abraham »

Thanks all for responses.
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Re: What's Your Preferred Grain in 9mm for range and s.d.?


Post by bblhd672 »

I usually use 115 fun for training and range use. 124 hp for self defense loads. Although I did just purchase a supply of 124 +p for my Shield and 147 +p for my full size and compact 9mm, as well as the Keltec Sub2000.
Really need to start shooting 124 and 147 for range some too.
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Re: What's Your Preferred Grain in 9mm for range and s.d.?


Post by Jeff B. »

As far as I recall, I've only run 115g through my nine's. This thread has been very interesting and has given me the bug to try the 124 and 147g rounds. I also tend to buy in bulk at SG Ammo and took a look at their offerings in the heavier bullets, and there's a really solid assortment, some in the Speer Lawmen TMJ 115 I've been shooting, meaining they have both the 124g and 147g rounds.

Thanks to everybody for an interesting and informative discussion!

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Re: What's Your Preferred Grain in 9mm for range and s.d.?


Post by Maxwell »

I have to agree with skeathley, the 147gr SD rounds just feel smoother than anything else. They are much easier to come back on target after recoil than lighter +P rounds. But both of my 9mm’s are small frame. My EDC, an M&P40c has 165gr in it and my full size PX4 .40 has 180gr ( nightstand gun so sub Sonics are nice).

For practice I use WWB in whatever low grain/cheap I can find. I always finish my range time with a couple a Mags of carry ammo so I remember what it can do. At 25 yards I’m not threading needles. If I can hit decent groups on center mass and head shots with cheap practice ammo I’ll hit it with the good stuff too. The key, for me, is knowing where my guns are sighted at.
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Re: What's Your Preferred Grain in 9mm for range and s.d.?


Post by parabelum »

I run Underwood’s 124gr +p+ in my g19. They run flawlessly.

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Re: What's Your Preferred Grain in 9mm for range and s.d.?


Post by MaduroBU »

.357 Sig here. I only shoot reloads. My practice ammo is 115 Hornady HAP at 1450 and SD ammo is 147 XTP at 1450 (both from a 5.7" barrel). The 115s are downloaded to the minimum that will cycle the action with a standard 22 lb spring, and the 147s are absolute max loads (melted primers, some popped). I don't mind that the 147s are too hot because if I am ever forced to use them, the health of the brass will be irrelevant. Further, it's a stainless frame gun with a recoil buffer spring.

My carry gun is a P232 that I leave in its holster.
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Re: What's Your Preferred Grain in 9mm for range and s.d.?


Post by Beiruty »

LeonCarr wrote:124 Grain +P for Defense, Ranger/Gold Dot/HST, whichever is the most accurate in a particular gun.

Whatever is cheapest (I get several of the cheap variations and see which one is the most accurate) for practice, usually some form of plated 115 Grain FMJ.

Just my .02,

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