Walmart Foils Terrorists!

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Walmart Foils Terrorists!


Post by ttorion » ... 001/NEWS01
Megahed and Ahmed Abdellatif Sherif Mohamed, 24, were traveling through Ocala in August and stopped at a Wal-Mart early in the morning, but did not buy any firearms because there was no one in that department to help them, the prosecutor said.
I always thought it was just poor service but it's really an anti-terror thing!

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Post by Doug.38PR »

HAHAHAHAHA. I've found myself having to wait and/or search for 20 minutes for somebody to come along just to buy ammunition of the service department :lol:

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Post by charlie »

Now that is funny and true.

I've found that in order to get service, I have to pick up the employee phone on the ammo dept counter and punch a lighted button and interrupt whatever conversation is in progress. I ask if they plan to staff the gun dept or make any sales or whatever smart alek thing I can think of saying. That usually gets someone stirred up.

It must be a universal thing because every Wal-Mart I've been in has no employees in the ammo dept. Wal-Marts dark hole I guess.

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Post by JLaw »

charlie wrote: Wal-Marts dark hole I guess.
Yes it is, sir, yes it is.

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Post by nra-life-member »

Nice... and True..

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Post by Drifter »

Likewise at the stores in north Harris County.

The only time I've ever found a warm body behind the counter was once while two people were restocking the cases, and then I had to wait for them to finish yacking with each other before I was waited on! :evil:

Even stranger, I have to wonder ===> if there is nobody selling it, why are they are always out of, or only have one box of, what I want?
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Post by Paladin »

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Post by charlie »


that's because the Wal-Mart system only has one box of ammo and it's on rotation from store to store.

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Post by MegaWatt »

This is one of my hot buttons with Walmart and have complained to managers of two stores in the Pearland area. I told them both I have NEVER gone to the sporting goods section to buy ammo, or anything, without having to search out another clerk and then wait while they page somebody two or three times. I've fussed at the clerks a few times and they apologized but said they're not assigned to the area and said to complain to the manager at the front of the store. All I got was lip service!!

At the height of hunting season preparation, last SATURDAY there were two families waiting at the counter and no one working in the area. Apparently it's a company policy. Maybe even a conspiracy! :shock:

I say we start an email campaign! :mad:

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Post by CompVest »

Send them a copy of this thread, then they will know what is being said about them. ;-)

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Post by TraCoun »

Drifter wrote: ... and then I had to wait for them to finish yacking with each other before I was waited on!
I had a similar experience in Pearland, except the 2 clerks (1 male, 1 female, roughly the same (young) age) were simply having a personal conversation as they propped themselves against the counter. They acted a bit surprised and bothered that I actually asked them for some help.

And there have been times that I've been standing in the area and one clerk or another walks by fairly close, definitely sees me, and does not register the first thought of saying or doing anything.


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Post by TXGLOCK23 »

In LaGrange, last week at the local Wally World, my wife needed a fishing license on our way to Fayette County Res. so we had an employee paged to the counter. He walked up looked at my wife and said "what". :shock: I thought I would lose it right there but the boss of me just squeezed my arm and said what she needed. :evil:

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Light Fires


Post by Zim »

Call 1-800-Wal-Mart and make a complaint.

My wife has had her rear kissed by the store manager after expressing her displeasure with his store and employees. Another time, just the mention of a phone call was enough to get the "customer service" person in gear after waiting for 45 minutes for a "manager" to appear.

This is one threat that will get you results.
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Post by LedJedi »

my mom is actually a big-wig manager for one of the top grossing walmarts in the country.

we had a conversation about this a while back because i've had the same issues, even going into her store where they know me.

She said it basically boils down to liability and that sooner or later walmarts are going to stop carrying guns and ammo alltogether. She said the stores have been sued several times and forced into settlements for even selling ammo and guns legally. They had one guy go into a store, buy a shotgun and ammo and go into the parking lot and blow his own head off. She said on that one the family sued everyone from the greeter at the door to the checkout person to the managers on duty.

At least in her store it's very open policy that if you dont feel right about a sale you refuse it. That was kind of a foreign concept to me but she said she's done it several times herself.

They have pulled the guns out of her store entirely and she said they are slowly doing it with all the stores. She said the ammo is next on the list.

I can't say i blame them on those decisions. The laws need to be fixed so that you can't hold every tom-dick-and-harry responsible for your own silly actions.

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Post by Broge5 »

Wow. That explains it I guess.

I have had to search out an employee to buy ammo in both the Rockwall and Forney stores.
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