Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?

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Re: Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?


Post by rtschl »

It was around 1988 or 1989, I had just returned to Dallas in the middle of the night and was washing my friend's truck I had borrowed. I saw two guys walking towards me. I should have listened to my instincts and left, but I didn't. I was robbed of my money ($20.00) at gun point with a revolver and then forced to lie on the ground. They took off running. There was a DPD officer at the 7-11 half a block away. I got in the truck sped off and reported it to him. They were never found.
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Re: Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?


Post by narcissist »

Kinda it was while teaching my wife years ago when she first started learning how to shoot. I was behind her left shoulder giving her instructions and when she finished while not paying attention she had turned around and pointed it loose handedly with finger still on the trigger right at my head, my heart dropped. Then I grabbed that gun as fast as I could. After the lecture I gave her she was pretty mad but not before hand so I guess it doesn't count.

Besides that got shot in the right leg by a "drive by" ricochet, small caliber id say 380? Hit the outer side of the calf basically where the two muscle join and went up and cut the front high shin area.

Still doesn't count though, I'll let ya know if it happens in the future, if i live through it.
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Re: Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?


Post by WTR »

Had a LEO place a muzzle against the back of my head and then heard him cock the revolver Made me pucker
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Re: Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?


Post by SQLGeek »

I've had an MP5 pointed at me once with a very loud GET ON THE GROUND!

Thankfully it was full of simmunitions and it was a SWAT training scenario I was part of but the adrenaline dump was very real.
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Re: Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?


Post by EastTexasRancher »

Yes. Two times. One time I "disarmed" the attacker. The other time, the situation de-escalated.

Both were over 40 years ago. I hope it NEVER happens again.

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Re: Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?


Post by magillapd »

When I was a teenager I had a kid I went to school with point a fully, cocked? Nocked..whatever compound bow right at me as I was treversing the woods during hunting season. Said he could get away with it of he shot me.

Never much liked the kid, made me mad more then anything but there was always something off about him.

Wife was mugged at gunpoint at her apartment complex prior to me moving to Texas.

Not in anger but I vol to assist local swat team with training and had MANY weapons pointed at me.
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Re: Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

When I was around 20-21 I met a guy that moved his trailer two down from mine. He was around 29 but he had a really nice looking 21 year old wife who would flirt with me. I didn't really do anything to discourage it, to be honest. I was sitting on his trailer steps when she came in from work and once again flirted a bit with me. She went inside. He then lifted up his 38 revolver, pulled the hammer back and put it right in my face. I just stared in his eyes while trying to decide if I should grab it or not. He had a drinking problem at the time and as usual was drunk. After what seemed like forever he took it out of my face. He never really said why he did it. I just kind of figured he was getting jealous his wife was flirting with me. I pretty much stood down from her advances from then on out. Looking back, I miss her. I think I was falling for her. :mrgreen:

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Re: Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?


Post by On_Code »

Yes, I was robbed at gunpoint once. :shock:
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Re: Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?


Post by Maxwell »

Working at a a couple of LGS/Ranges I have felt that "heebeegeebee-weak-in-the-knees" looking down the business end of a firearm being moved from case to case. It will wake you up!
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Re: Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?


Post by easy10 »

guessing this guy has, more than once

https://nypost.com/2019/08/29/man-with- ... d-robbery/
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