Double-Action Only Semi-Automatic Pistol

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Re: Double-Action Only Semi-Automatic Pistol


Post by LimaCharlie3 »

I bought a Beretta Pico .380 specifically because it’s DAO (and very concealable!). The trigger pulls the hammer back on each shot. The slide does not cock it. I’m quite satisfied with this pistol and carry it regularly.
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Re: Double-Action Only Semi-Automatic Pistol


Post by LabRat »

My EDC is a Beretta Model 8357, D. It is DAO; semi-automatic in 357Sig.
11 +1. No longer in production though.
I like it a lot, but parts are scarce.
What good for me is each trigger pull is exactly the same as the last one, no changes in the way it feels from the first round to the last.
I bought it for a good price, and knowing that if it breaks or is damaged, it's likely done for good.
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Re: Double-Action Only Semi-Automatic Pistol


Post by Tex1961 »

I'm sort of split in the middle on DA/SA / Safety for self protection.... The following are my 3 main self protection weapons and why..

1. Everyday Carry - S&W Shield w/safety.. Reason, I carry one in the pipe and NO safety HOWEVER... I never holster without the safety on... It just scares me to holster a loaded SA firearm without a safety...

2. BUG - Taurus Spectrum in Desantis pocket holster... Reason... DA only...

3. Home Defense / Nightstand gun - Sig SP2022.. Reason - DA/SA with hammer drop safety and rail with O-light attached.... I don't want something that's easily touched off at 3am... I'm fuzzy enough at 6am before my first cup of coffee..
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Re: Double-Action Only Semi-Automatic Pistol


Post by Liberty »

Tex1961 wrote: Fri Oct 04, 2019 7:37 am I'm sort of split in the middle on DA/SA / Safety for self protection.... The following are my 3 main self protection weapons and why..

1. Everyday Carry - S&W Shield w/safety.. Reason, I carry one in the pipe and NO safety HOWEVER... I never holster without the safety on... It just scares me to holster a loaded SA firearm without a safety...

2. BUG - Taurus Spectrum in Desantis pocket holster... Reason... DA only...

3. Home Defense / Nightstand gun - Sig SP2022.. Reason - DA/SA with hammer drop safety and rail with O-light attached.... I don't want something that's easily touched off at 3am... I'm fuzzy enough at 6am before my first cup of coffee..
I'm not split at all. I only own three handguns. All three are SA/DA with hammers. One is a Ruger P95, It's my truck gun, My EDC is a Beretta Storm SC. and I have a Beretta P92. Some of them I shoot more accurately than others, but all three have the same manual of arms. The safety is in the same place and the guns behave the same way. I know if the hammer is down and my thumb is resting on it the gun can't go off. I know if I get thrown to the ground or my gun falls to concrete it won't go off. I know when I draw my weapon. the safety will be snicked off before clearing leather. I can trust my weapons. I don't suggest that DA/SA is best for everyone in every situation, but I would advise anyone to carry only what you can trust and rely on.
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Re: Double-Action Only Semi-Automatic Pistol


Post by Boxerrider »

Smith & Wesson made some of their pistols in DAO. This link attempts to help sort our their model numbers. ... ic-models/
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Re: Double-Action Only Semi-Automatic Pistol


Post by Beiruty »

HK has LEM trigger which I assume it one way of DAO.
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Re: Double-Action Only Semi-Automatic Pistol


Post by flintknapper »

Beiruty wrote: Fri Oct 04, 2019 9:16 am HK has LEM trigger which I assume it one way of DAO.
Interesting. The 'LEM' trigger sounds as if it works exactly like the Para LDA's.
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Re: Double-Action Only Semi-Automatic Pistol


Post by oljames3 »

Liberty wrote: Fri Oct 04, 2019 8:29 am
Tex1961 wrote: Fri Oct 04, 2019 7:37 am I'm sort of split in the middle on DA/SA / Safety for self protection.... The following are my 3 main self protection weapons and why..

1. Everyday Carry - S&W Shield w/safety.. Reason, I carry one in the pipe and NO safety HOWEVER... I never holster without the safety on... It just scares me to holster a loaded SA firearm without a safety...

2. BUG - Taurus Spectrum in Desantis pocket holster... Reason... DA only...

3. Home Defense / Nightstand gun - Sig SP2022.. Reason - DA/SA with hammer drop safety and rail with O-light attached.... I don't want something that's easily touched off at 3am... I'm fuzzy enough at 6am before my first cup of coffee..
I'm not split at all. I only own three handguns. All three are SA/DA with hammers. One is a Ruger P95, It's my truck gun, My EDC is a Beretta Storm SC. and I have a Beretta P92. Some of them I shoot more accurately than others, but all three have the same manual of arms. The safety is in the same place and the guns behave the same way. I know if the hammer is down and my thumb is resting on it the gun can't go off. I know if I get thrown to the ground or my gun falls to concrete it won't go off. I know when I draw my weapon. the safety will be snicked off before clearing leather. I can trust my weapons. I don't suggest that DA/SA is best for everyone in every situation, but I would advise anyone to carry only what you can trust and rely on.
Well said, Liberty. "Carry only what you can trust and rely on." We must each decide for ourselves which risks we are willing to manage and which benefits matter most to us. I am willing to manage my striker fired, no safety M&P. Works for me and mine. Your mileage will vary.
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Re: Double-Action Only Semi-Automatic Pistol


Post by AdioSS »

It is actually very common because the mechanism is so simple.
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Re: Double-Action Only Semi-Automatic Pistol


Post by JustSomeOldGuy »

Smith and Wesson 4566 comes to mind (DAO 4506 variant). Also the S&W 5946.
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Re: Double-Action Only Semi-Automatic Pistol


Post by ntexaschl »

Might want to look at Kahr Arms.
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