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Post by medicff0879 »

Gotta love Cabelas!! I have bought all but my shotgun there and the list will continue to grow. I used to live in NRH at 830 and 26 and we just moved to N. Beach and 820 so it cut that 25 min. 6 mile trip out of the equation when going to cabelas LOL!! Prices are very reasonable and I have found them to be just as good (im most cases better) than any local competition. Im trying to get my Girlfriend up there to look at an S&W AR, something about here getting to put her hands on the gun just makes it so much easier to convince her why we "need" one. She is not to fond of my recent purchase of the Mossberg 500 but I think thats because it weighs a ton with 7+1.
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Post by Crossfire »

seamusTX wrote:
llwatson wrote:If you are in DFW area and she wants to try out the Tomcat, she is welcome to shoot mine. I thought it would be a great carry gun, and have had it about 4 or 5 years now. Still can't hit the broad side of a barn with that thing.
Understand that this statement probably implies 4-inch groups at 15 yards.

- Jim
That's just an urban legend that has grown with the telling! :oops:
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Post by Keith B »

llwatson wrote:
seamusTX wrote:
llwatson wrote:If you are in DFW area and she wants to try out the Tomcat, she is welcome to shoot mine. I thought it would be a great carry gun, and have had it about 4 or 5 years now. Still can't hit the broad side of a barn with that thing.
Understand that this statement probably implies 4-inch groups at 15 yards.

- Jim
That's just an urban legend that has grown with the telling! :oops:
I think she is just being modest. ;-)
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Post by Rex B »

kauboy wrote:Yup, wives have the ability to shock and amaze sometimes.
Mine went to a gun show with me and fell in love with a Walther P22. Bought it, took it to the range, and she was doing better with it than me :cry:
Right before we got married, I took my fiance to a gun show - her first.
I found a deal on new Ruger P89s, so I and my LEO friend were doing the paperwork. Fiance wandered off a while, then found us again. She said "What do you think of this?" and showed me a mint Colt Agent she had bought. Still has it. She shoots it fine, but it hurts my hand to shoot it.
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Post by Baytown »

Now your talking. Make hay while the sun shines!

"Sweetie, this is a P7M13 for me, and a matching, but slimmer, P7M8 for you. You mean so much to me that I want us to carry the same style of gun."

See if that works, you never know.

Plus you can now get her into holsters. Women like to have all their holsters match belts and shoes.

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Post by CompVest »

Woman's perspective. Let her enjoy the gun she chose.

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Post by lawrnk »

Sadly, my wife would be concerned most about what colors and print styles they are available in. How about a Gucci Glock honey? :roll: :roll:
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Post by Crossfire »

lawrnk wrote:Sadly, my wife would be concerned most about what colors and print styles they are available in. How about a Gucci Glock honey? :roll: :roll:
And there's a problem with that?
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Post by Keith B »

lawrnk wrote:Sadly, my wife would be concerned most about what colors and print styles they are available in. How about a Gucci Glock honey? :roll: :roll:
Just don't buy one of those cheap knock-off's they sell at the flea markets. :lol:
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Post by zeroskillz »


Sigs are a bit addictive :grin:

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Post by lawrnk »

llwatson wrote:
lawrnk wrote:Sadly, my wife would be concerned most about what colors and print styles they are available in. How about a Gucci Glock honey? :roll: :roll:
And there's a problem with that?
Yeah, she would want that burberry plaid print or something. It would be embarrassing. Generally speaking I like my guns in chrome, blued, and black.
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Post by ea40ss »

Nice choice on the Mosquito! I have one and really like it. It's a fun gun, one the whole family can enjoy. I hope you picked up a few extra mags. I almost always have mine and a brick of ammo with me at the range whether I plan on shooting it or not.

A good friend of mine commented on the holes in the target..."what are those, Mosquito bites?" :smile:

Enjoy your Sig!

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Post by Dragonfighter »

Venus Pax wrote:I've got to agree with CompVest. Although I understand that the .32 isn't a bear-stopper, it's certainly better than nothing.
My dad often carries his in a front pocket. I'd rather him carry something bigger, but I'm glad he at least has the .32.
Here, here! One of the most profound statemnets I ever read was in an article of Handgun. The article was about evaluating the "best" carry weapons. It concluded by stating (paraphrasing)" the most reliable, heavy shooting and accurate pistol does no good if it in the dresser drawer at home. In the end, the best defense weapon is the one that you will carry."
I Thess 5:21
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Post by CompVest »

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