.45 ACP Hardball

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Post by KBCraig »

JLaw wrote:Is Winchester Ranger an LEO only load, or can civilians purchase that line of ammunition?

Ranger is the re-branded (re-named) Black Talon. You recall all the furor over those eeeeeevil black bullets, so Winchester pulled them from public sale. Stopped painting them black, called them Ranger, and voila!


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Post by graysoncountyffl »

JLaw- you can buy Rangers from internet suppliers

I dont mind at all using ball ammo for my .45. I have used mostly ball for my carry ammo, until just recently I got some Gold Dots (as per a previous topic ;-) )
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Post by carlson1 »

I purchased my Rangers in .45 at the DFW Gunrange in Dallas. They function 100% reliable in all of my 1911's. :fire

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Post by Lonegun1894 »

I love the .45Colt, but honestly, the loads i carry in that Ruger, i'd be very nervous to touch off in anything built any weaker. Taurus makes a great gun in my opinion, but I dont think they are on the same level as a Ruger in the overengineering department. I would definitely buy one of those Taurus guns in .45 Colt, but I have 2 Vaqueros and 2 Blackhawks, all in .45 Colt, and i dont wanna take the chance of accidently slipping one of my warm loads into that snubby cause i wasnt paying attention or it was dark or something. Murphy likes to visit me too much to take that chance. I have always been told the Taurus was made to handle standard loads, and these hunting/carry loads arent in the same class as most of the factory ammo out there pressure wise. Then again, i totally agree with your recommendation, at least to someone who is smarter than me and either doesnt reload, or at least is organized enough to keep them separate from the warm stuff.
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Post by mushoot »

Hardball was good enough for our military for many years. I like to think of it as pre expanded 9mm. A lot of times I alternate rounds in the magazine, hardball, hollow point, hardball etc. John

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Post by longtooth »

John, I have heard of several who do this. I have no problem w/ it. Give some reasoning behind it. I like learning. ;-)
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Post by Lonegun1894 »

I usually alternate mine too, if carrying an auto. Kinda curious if others use the same reasoning as i do. My reason is to have some expanding rounds and some for penetration--cardoors, windshields, and other types of "soft" cover. I figure if i do need to fire, i was trained for "pursuit by fire". In this case, keep shooting til they are down, not just til they start going down, so i know i'll be hitting them with some of each type. Anybody else have different reasoning behind doing the same thing?
USN/USMC '00-'05
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