911 tape released - why we own guns!!

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Re: 911 tape released - why we own guns!!


Post by Toolguy »

ElGato wrote:You know if she had been in DC she might get arrested for having that gun.
Well, that is due to their police force. You see, people that live in DC don't need guns, becaue the police will protect them. Everyone knows that. ;-) There are some "informed" citizens that think we should let the police handle all situations like this. The police are, of course, better suited to protect us and we might end up shooting ourselves!! Or someone else!! :shock:

I have actually had to watch my father stand behind our front door with a pistol at 2 am. We were waiting for the police to arrive and arrest a nut beating on our front door. That 2-3 minutes is a loooong time. My father said later that he felt a chill when he realized that he might have to kill him. He said it was a strange feeling, starting with a chill and ending with a calm resolve. I will always remember that night.
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Re: 911 tape released - why we own guns!!


Post by nra-life-member »

Reality at it's best.

Thanks for the link

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Re: 911 tape released - why we own guns!!


Post by Boma »

"I was shaking so bad, I didn't think I'd hit him," the woman recalled Tuesday afternoon. "He just kept coming… I didn't want it to end this way."
I think this is a good line to remember if you ever had to shoot someone multiple times. I think sometimes we're much more knowledgable than most about guns we may accidently dig ourselves into a hole by explaining things technically.
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Re: 911 tape released - why we own guns!!


Post by jbirds1210 »

Thank you for posting the video......very powerful. Preparation is a beautiful thing.

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Re: 911 tape released - why we own guns!!


Post by texasmr2 »

Just another reason I took the CHL class and getting into law enforcement. I was actually hoping to hear her shoot him although what I heard was chilling enough.
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Re: 911 tape released - why we own guns!!


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

Listening to that made my stomach turn. I have a grown daughter that lives on her own. She has a firearm for protection and I prey that if she ever gets into a situation like that, she doesn't wait as long as that woman did to put bullets into the attacker.
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Re: 911 tape released - why we own guns!!


Post by Skiprr »

A sad and disturbing article in the Houston Chronicle today that reinforces 911 is an important tool, but not one to be relied upon solely:


College student Brittany Zimmermann, 21, called Madison, Wisconsin 911 from her cell phone on April 2.
Dane County Public Safety Communications Director Joseph Norwick said the dispatcher who received the call from Zimmermann's cell phone inquired several times to determine whether an emergency existed.
The dispatcher either didn't get a satisfactory answer, or got no answer at all, and decided to hang up, not call back (against policy, by the way), and did not send police to investigate.
Authorities refused to release the content of the phone call, but [Madison Police Chief Noble] Wray said it should have been enough for the Dane County 911 Center to take it seriously. "It would be accurate to state that there is evidence contained in the call, which should have resulted in a Madison police officer being dispatched," Wray said at a news conference. "The 911 center did not call back to the telephone number, Madison police were not notified and no officer was sent."
Brittany Zimmermann was later found by her fiance in the apartment they shared. She was dead. The cause of death was "a complexity of traumatic injuries."

Police believe that the act of violence may have been random, that someone broke into her apartment before killing her. They have not identified a suspect but have ruled out her boyfriend.

We may never hear the content of this 911 call, but it presents another chilling reminder that self-reliance has to come first. If emergency services has time to dispatch, and if the operator understands that there really is an emergency, 911 is an excellent tool.

But to paraphrase the familiar saying: "When seconds count, you can't rely on help that is minutes away."
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Re: 911 tape released - why we own guns!!


Post by fm2 »

Tom Givens has a quote something like " dialing 911 isn't a pause button". This soundtrack is very chilling.
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Re: 911 tape released - why we own guns!!


Post by nativenyerintexas »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:I need to figure out how to capture this video. I need this for my classes.

Look for a player called FLV Player. Install it. Empty your Internet cache (temporary files), then go to the site where the viseo is. Once the video is completely downloaded go back to the area where your computer stores your Temp Internet Files and look for a large file. Copy that file somewhere else, like on your desktop. Change the name to something else and use the extension ".flv" (without the quotes). If the file isn't there, I'm not sure what to say, some YouTube videos don't go to the Temporary Internet Files directory, but the Temp Files directory and I've had no success with copying from that directory. If you need more detailed help, feel free to email me or send me a message.

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Re: 911 tape released - why we own guns!!


Post by nativenyerintexas »

ElGato wrote:You know if she had been in DC she might get arrested for having that gun.
In NYC too, without a doubt. :mad5

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Re: 911 tape released - why we own guns!!


Post by eric »

wow, what a recording, Hope that lady is ok, she did it by the book and thanks to the friend who loaned the gun, hope there was no problem there. Without that gun she would be gone. Dispatch did good but, well you know the story, when seconds matter-------------- . That is a hair raising thing just to hear, much less be there. Dispatcher did fine job and should get A+, it does take time to get from pointA to B and not her fault. It should be on cnn every other day and some may wake up.

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Re: 911 tape released - why we own guns!!


Post by israel67 »

The thing that strikes me when listening to this tape (aside from thanking G-d the lady had the means to defend herself), is how the people who oppose the right to carry, can still peddle their 'the police will protect us' claptrap.

I mean, you get them in front of a camera, you let them hear the tape, and then you ask them, 'in what way did the police help to protect that woman?' Then you watch them squirm, turn red, pull on their collar ..

It's like trying to convince someone that the earth isn't flat. You present the evidence, satellite photos etc., and they look at 'em. They nod, they stroke their beards, and then they say, 'Yes, very good. Now, as I was saying, the earth is in fact flat ...'

Doesn't anyone else have the desire to slap these idiots??
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Re: 911 tape released - why we own guns!!


Post by israel67 »

I just remembered an exchange with the person on whose sofa I was sleeping when in Texas last month. I told her she needed to get a gun to protect herself. 'We don't need one .. you think Amarillo is overrun with crime?? You're wrong!!' was her response. :oops:

A couple of days later, two AM and I can't sleep. Here in France, not being sensitive to the cold, my windows are open three hundred and sixty-five days a year: I just love fresh air (insofar as we get any here in Paris ..). So anyway, I get up and open a small window in the kitchen, and finally get some zees.

Next morning, my hostess is making coffee and she sees the window. 'Who opened that?' she asks. 'I did,' I reply. 'What if someone had crawled in??' she asks. 'He might have had a gun!!' :fire

'But you said that Amarillo doesn't have crime ...' I replied.

When I go over there, I wanna get my two lovely and adored nieces into shooting. They've both already told me that they'll come to the range with me, but maybe they said that thinking, 'he'll never get over here except on vacation...'. They're in for a surprise. :thewave
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Re: 911 tape released - why we own guns!!


Post by BigDan »

The link to that article is no longer valid. =-[

Here's a story from another news source: http://www.thedailypage.com/isthmus/art ... icle=22485

That one is really sad.

I sent my wife the mp3 via email yesterday. I asked her to send it on to her anti-gun boss in a second email. Turns out as soon as she got the first one, she sent it on ANYWAY!

My wife has been very neutral about the guns we have in our house. She has in the past just rather not know about them, etc. However, she's really starting to come around and I may even get her to start carrying. She can't carry inside her work, but she can always use a lock box like I do. =-]
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Re: 911 tape released - why we own guns!!


Post by 64zebra »

israel67 wrote:I just remembered an exchange with the person on whose sofa I was sleeping when in Texas last month. I told her she needed to get a gun to protect herself. 'We don't need one .. you think Amarillo is overrun with crime?? You're wrong!!' was her response. :oops:

A couple of days later, two AM and I can't sleep. Here in France, not being sensitive to the cold, my windows are open three hundred and sixty-five days a year: I just love fresh air (insofar as we get any here in Paris ..). So anyway, I get up and open a small window in the kitchen, and finally get some zees.

Next morning, my hostess is making coffee and she sees the window. 'Who opened that?' she asks. 'I did,' I reply. 'What if someone had crawled in??' she asks. 'He might have had a gun!!' :fire

'But you said that Amarillo doesn't have crime ...' I replied.

When I go over there, I wanna get my two lovely and adored nieces into shooting. They've both already told me that they'll come to the range with me, but maybe they said that thinking, 'he'll never get over here except on vacation...'. They're in for a surprise. :thewave
I guess they don't pay attention to the news here then, I could give them some examples (maybe we could hit the range together when you're here :cool: )

great 911 call for the collection to share with my friends that need/want self-defense info and training
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