Add shipping and handling to that expensive dirt.Big Tuna wrote:The mail order catalog is fun to read but that's expensive dirt!

Moderator: carlson1
Add shipping and handling to that expensive dirt.Big Tuna wrote:The mail order catalog is fun to read but that's expensive dirt!
The Wal-Mart here hardly ever has any handgun ammo, mostly just shotgun shells.austinrealtor wrote:Not to rain on your parade, but I just boughta 100 pound brick of WWB .40 for $27.88 at Wal Mart two days ago.
I actually stopped ordering from CTD's web site because they seemed to be spiking ammo prices more than others.
Why? It's very good ammo... very good. Have you had issues with it? IMO it's clean, cheap, powerful, and accurate. Of all the 9mm I have, it is my preferred ammo, yes PREFERRED.Dragonfighter wrote: The one up the road had a couple boxes of the cruddy aluminum cased ammo at around $18.00 for 50, but I won't run that through anything I own.
I got some estimates for 15 yards of dirt to level my yard. Dirt did not seem cheap to me.martywj wrote:Cheaper than dirt is anything but cheaper than dirt.
I have tried it and it has fouled bores, gummed up ramps...generally dirty stuff. The casings use to fissure also and in the case of a revolver made clearing the cylinder less than smooth. They may have improved their quality but that ship has sailed for me.gmckinl wrote:Why? It's very good ammo... very good. Have you had issues with it? IMO it's clean, cheap, powerful, and accurate. Of all the 9mm I have, it is my preferred ammo, yes PREFERRED.Dragonfighter wrote: The one up the road had a couple boxes of the cruddy aluminum cased ammo at around $18.00 for 50, but I won't run that through anything I own.
I'm not a noob (shooting for over 40 years and carrying civilian and military, cross training in Eastern Block weapons or otherwise armed for over 30) nor was I thrilled about being "throttled". However, I have had a time finding good target ammo (I've got plenty of defense loads but I don't relish sending a $1.25 down range every time I pull the trigger) or a reasonable supply at all. When I did the prices were outrageous...$30+ for 50 rds and the like, so yeah I was thinking "good deal" and it was a TOO. The wise thing to do would have been ask around here, obviously.The OP is a perfect example of what I have been saying all along. The noobs to shooting are enabling this price gouging.
My apologies dragonfighter, I assumed you were new when you mentioned how hard .40 is to get and that 40 bucks for 100 as being a good deal. It was late when I read your post. I see now that nothing in it indicated you were new. Sorry about that...I probably shouldn't post after a long hard day.Dragonfighter wrote:I have tried it and it has fouled bores, gummed up ramps...generally dirty stuff. The casings use to fissure also and in the case of a revolver made clearing the cylinder less than smooth. They may have improved their quality but that ship has sailed for me.gmckinl wrote:Why? It's very good ammo... very good. Have you had issues with it? IMO it's clean, cheap, powerful, and accurate. Of all the 9mm I have, it is my preferred ammo, yes PREFERRED.Dragonfighter wrote: The one up the road had a couple boxes of the cruddy aluminum cased ammo at around $18.00 for 50, but I won't run that through anything I own.
03LightningrocksI'm not a noob (shooting for over 40 years and carrying civilian and military, cross training in Eastern Block weapons or otherwise armed for over 30) nor was I thrilled about being "throttled". However, I have had a time finding good target ammo (I've got plenty of defense loads but I don't relish sending a $1.25 down range every time I pull the trigger) or a reasonable supply at all. When I did the prices were outrageous...$30+ for 50 rds and the like, so yeah I was thinking "good deal" and it was a TOO. The wise thing to do would have been ask around here, obviously.The OP is a perfect example of what I have been saying all along. The noobs to shooting are enabling this price gouging.
Noob indeed
Embalmo wrote:Yep they're the ammo equivalent of a ticket scalper-They buy up all the ammo and boast that they are the only one's that have any and charge double, sometimes more. EMB
This begs the question then, who in the area has it and at what price? I need to stock up on practice ammo, I've got some training and teaching to do.Embalmo wrote:Yep they're the ammo equivalent of a ticket scalper-They buy up all the ammo and boast that they are the only one's that have any and charge double, sometimes more.