Where to find S&W Model 39xx in DFW area?

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Heartland Patriot

Where to find S&W Model 39xx in DFW area?


Post by Heartland Patriot »

I know I'm not allowed to sell stuff, but I hope asking where I might BUY a certain pistol is okay...specifically, I'm looking for a Smith and Wesson Model 39xx. I've been looking for something in that middle range between big ol' 1911 and little "squirt pistol" things like the LCP, Kahrs, Taurus compacts, etc. I went and (tried) to hold some of those little ones today and just couldn't seem to get enough fingers on them. I can't imagine how much they must jump when you fire them without enough hand surface to control them. Anyway, I did some more reading and the S&W 3rd gen semi-autos got a lot of thumbs up...but, of course, they don't make them anymore. Any suggestions where to find a good used one would be helpful. However, I won't buy off the internet, already got bit on one of those deals, so I want to put hands on before cash down, ha ha. Thanks.

(Oh, and I can't afford high-end 1911 prices, either. I know some companies make compact carry models, but they ONE, seem hard to find and TWO, cost quite a bit more money. I know that my life is worth more than what any pistol costs, but when you just don't have the money, you just don't have it.)
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Re: Where to find S&W Model 39xx in DFW area?


Post by puma guy »

Heartland Patriot wrote:I know I'm not allowed to sell stuff, but I hope asking where I might BUY a certain pistol is okay...specifically, I'm looking for a Smith and Wesson Model 39xx. I've been looking for something in that middle range between big ol' 1911 and little "squirt pistol" things like the LCP, Kahrs, Taurus compacts, etc. I went and (tried) to hold some of those little ones today and just couldn't seem to get enough fingers on them. I can't imagine how much they must jump when you fire them without enough hand surface to control them. Anyway, I did some more reading and the S&W 3rd gen semi-autos got a lot of thumbs up...but, of course, they don't make them anymore. Any suggestions where to find a good used one would be helpful. However, I won't buy off the internet, already got bit on one of those deals, so I want to put hands on before cash down, ha ha. Thanks.

(Oh, and I can't afford high-end 1911 prices, either. I know some companies make compact carry models, but they ONE, seem hard to find and TWO, cost quite a bit more money. I know that my life is worth more than what any pistol costs, but when you just don't have the money, you just don't have it.)
I have a Kahr PM40 for my little squirt gun :tiphat: and I added Apex wrap arounds plus an extended mag with a finger extension. I also added some leather to the lower exposed part of the extended mag. I made a decision between concealment VS. size and it's a good compromise for me. Good luck on the search. I often carry this in my front pocket.

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Re: Where to find S&W Model 39xx in DFW area?


Post by LarryH »

H-P, now that you are no longer a "Junior Member", but a "Member", you are allowed to advertise stuff for sale on the forum.

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Re: Where to find S&W Model 39xx in DFW area?


Post by alvins »

they have some 3rg gens at collectors firearms in houston.

I have 3 of them. which one are you looking for?

sorry but those little pocket guns are garbage compared to the s&w 3rg gens.
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