Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?

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Is the 380 to small to use as a CCW

Yes anything less than a 9mm is to Small.
No the 380 can be a good choice.
Its a personal choice of what caliber you use.
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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by bigmoney »

The arrogance of others is their own mistake. How exactly they know for sure it's such a horrible choice, is beyond me. Concidering the chances that any of them have been shot by a .380 to effectivley know that it's not a suitable weapon choice, being slim to none. It may not be the ideal weapon to take on a gang of thugs in an all out street war, but it's more than enough to handle one or maybe two losers trying to do you harm. This must be a group of fashionist who spend their time measuring one's worth by the size of his/her weapon. I'll see them on the other side, in the mean time, i'll carry what works for the dress code and situation and make do with what i have. A small .380 would work a lot better in my pocket in summer shorts and shirtless than a compact with a frame showing above my waistline.
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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by Beiruty »

If someone can buy XD9SC, or PX4SC you got 13+1 rds of +P JHP is not bigger or lot havier than .380 with 9rds or less. Why not?
para has single stack DAO 45 for those who prefer more muzlle energy.
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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by Texas Size 11 »

It's all about shot placement in my humble opinion...a .45 to the arm isn't go to do much better than a .380 to the head or important internal organ.

My daily is a .40, but I carry a .380 from time to time and am comfortable with it.
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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by surprise_i'm_armed »

Thinking back to the only story that I can remember about a .380
actually being used on someone (this is discussed at length on an old thread):

Scene: Burger King in south Florida.
BG carried an off brand <Bryco, IIRC> .380 and threatened the BK staff while robbing them.
GG carried a Glock <some model> in 9mm. He was waiting in line when BG
approached the counter and started the robbery.

The GG drew, but made the mistake of speaking to the BG first.
The BG put 3 rounds of .380 in the GG, resulting in severe wounds, but he survived.
The GG put an unknown number of 9's into the BG.
BG died.

That's just one story. It could have gone the other way, but it didn't.

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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by bigmoney »

My CHL class instructor the other weekend told that Burger King story. I don't remember hearing it persoanlly, but my instructor ended it by saying the GG took gut shots that ended up with him being damaged for life, and haveing to be fed through a tube. Exageration or truth? If truth, that's still a positive feat for the .380 caliber.
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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by The Annoyed Man »

bigmoney wrote:The arrogance of others is their own mistake. How exactly they know for sure it's such a horrible choice, is beyond me. Concidering the chances that any of them have been shot by a .380 to effectivley know that it's not a suitable weapon choice, being slim to none. It may not be the ideal weapon to take on a gang of thugs in an all out street war, but it's more than enough to handle one or maybe two losers trying to do you harm. This must be a group of fashionist who spend their time measuring one's worth by the size of his/her weapon. I'll see them on the other side, in the mean time, i'll carry what works for the dress code and situation and make do with what i have. A small .380 would work a lot better in my pocket in summer shorts and shirtless than a compact with a frame showing above my waistline.
Wow. I see someone hit a nerve.

I think that there is no inconsistency in recommending something with more stank on it, and still not wanting to step in front of one either. I don't want to step in front of a .177 caliber pellet pistol either, but that doesn't mean that I would recommend it as a carry weapon. Guess what.... you're right... I've never had any experience being shot with a .380. But, unlike most people, I have had a TON of experience treating gunshot patients, I can tell you with a great deal of certainty that .380 is not as good a carry caliber as 9mm or .45 ACP. It just isn't. It's not a terrible choice, but there are better choices... my opinion. Not if what you are talking about is to be able to effectively stop an assailant. That doesn't mean that it won't, but it won't do it as effectively. Don't take it personally.

It isn't about being a fashionista, as you put it, and your charge of arrogance is misplaced. The simple truth is that people make compromises every day in order to make CCW work for them. You have no trouble carrying a .380 in your shorts pockets. Good for you. I have no trouble concealing a larger, more powerful gun when I wear shorts, and I am more comfortable with that choice, but I don't criticize your choice, and you'll notice that I refrained from disparaging the character of people who disagree with my choices. No. You're the one who went there with your "fashionistas" and your "measuring one's worth by the size of his/her weapon," like this was about some kind of sexual fixation.

Frankly, I think you owe people an apology.
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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by Beiruty »

Most story of GG on BG while stopping a Robbery in progress, the GG would order the BG to drop his gun. I heard of only a case where the CHL shot the BG robbing a CVS impulsivley and with no warning. The BG was dead and haad an unloaded shotgun.

I do not call it a mistake to command the BG to drop the gun at gun point, but the GG should double tap in a blink if needed.
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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by RiverCity.45 »

bugsbunny45 wrote:The more I read on the other site the more I go Oh MY. I did a search on 380 and was reading some of the post here is one I came across.

"Welcome to the forum. You may want to reconsider the carry of the P238, as .380 is generally considered "not enough gun". Should you decide to continue its carry, most would appreciate that it not be mentioned on this forum per the TOS.
Once again, welcome"..

Very anti 380 carry
Ya gotta drink the [insert site owner's first name here] Kool-Aid to fit in on that site.
But I don't carry anything smaller than .38 special +P. Come to think of it, I won't even own anything smaller than that. To each his/her own, right?
Last edited by RiverCity.45 on Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by E150GT »

bugsbunny45 wrote:The more I read on the other site the more I go Oh MY. I did a search on 380 and was reading some of the post here is one I came across.

"Welcome to the forum. You may want to reconsider the carry of the P238, as .380 is generally considered "not enough gun". Should you decide to continue its carry, most would appreciate that it not be mentioned on this forum per the TOS.
Once again, welcome"..

Very anti 380 carry
I carry a Taurus PT738 TCP every day during the week. Its just so nice to slip in my pocket after work or during lunch. I can carry at work so putting my G19 holster on is a huge PITA if Im not at home. One the weekends I carry the glock. I do feel that in some situations ive been in, I wished I had my glock on me just for the extra round capacity. Im not saying Ive been in a situation where I have had to pull my gun, but I was glad I had one on me. I will not recommend anyone carry a P238. I have had nothing but problems with mine.
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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by Oldgringo »

Does size matter?

We really need to have someone who has been shot, under similar dress and other circumstances, with both a .380 acp and a .45 acp discuss their feelings on these two different calibers. It would be helpful if this person has also been shot with a .38 Spec. and .40 S&W but that's probably pushing the envelope.

Until we have a first person report or two, we're kinda' at the mercy of statistical theory and lab results on rats or something.

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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by E150GT »

Oldgringo wrote:Does size matter?

We really need to have someone who has been shot, under similar dress and other circumstances, with both a .380 acp and a .45 acp discuss their feelings on these two different calibers. It would be helpful if this person has also been shot with a .38 Spec. and .40 S&W but that's probably pushing the envelope.

Until we have a first person report or two, we're kinda' at the mercy of statistical theory and lab results on rats or something.
As ive heard here before, "aint nobody gonna thank me for shootin' him with a .380."

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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by bigmoney »

The Annoyed Man wrote:
bigmoney wrote:The arrogance of others is their own mistake. How exactly they know for sure it's such a horrible choice, is beyond me. Concidering the chances that any of them have been shot by a .380 to effectivley know that it's not a suitable weapon choice, being slim to none. It may not be the ideal weapon to take on a gang of thugs in an all out street war, but it's more than enough to handle one or maybe two losers trying to do you harm. This must be a group of fashionist who spend their time measuring one's worth by the size of his/her weapon. I'll see them on the other side, in the mean time, i'll carry what works for the dress code and situation and make do with what i have. A small .380 would work a lot better in my pocket in summer shorts and shirtless than a compact with a frame showing above my waistline.
Wow. I see someone hit a nerve.

I think that there is no inconsistency in recommending something with more stank on it, and still not wanting to step in front of one either. I don't want to step in front of a .177 caliber pellet pistol either, but that doesn't mean that I would recommend it as a carry weapon. Guess what.... you're right... I've never had any experience being shot with a .380. But, unlike most people, I have had a TON of experience treating gunshot patients, I can tell you with a great deal of certainty that .380 is not as good a carry caliber as 9mm or .45 ACP. It just isn't. It's not a terrible choice, but there are better choices... my opinion. Not if what you are talking about is to be able to effectively stop an assailant. That doesn't mean that it won't, but it won't do it as effectively. Don't take it personally.

It isn't about being a fashionista, as you put it, and your charge of arrogance is misplaced. The simple truth is that people make compromises every day in order to make CCW work for them. You have no trouble carrying a .380 in your shorts pockets. Good for you. I have no trouble concealing a larger, more powerful gun when I wear shorts, and I am more comfortable with that choice, but I don't criticize your choice, and you'll notice that I refrained from disparaging the character of people who disagree with my choices. No. You're the one who went there with your "fashionistas" and your "measuring one's worth by the size of his/her weapon," like this was about some kind of sexual fixation.

Frankly, I think you owe people an apology.
My words aren't meant to offend anybody here, but to express how unreasonable it is to deny people their right to talk about the carry of a smaller weapon. I'm not even in possession of a .380 yet, but would love to have one for the easier concealabilty because i'm a smaller guy. sorry if you see something wrong with my words, but with no offense intended, i don't see the issue.
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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by Beiruty »

9mm vs 380 with Ballistic performance:" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by The Annoyed Man »

bigmoney wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:
bigmoney wrote:The arrogance of others is their own mistake. How exactly they know for sure it's such a horrible choice, is beyond me. Concidering the chances that any of them have been shot by a .380 to effectivley know that it's not a suitable weapon choice, being slim to none. It may not be the ideal weapon to take on a gang of thugs in an all out street war, but it's more than enough to handle one or maybe two losers trying to do you harm. This must be a group of fashionist who spend their time measuring one's worth by the size of his/her weapon. I'll see them on the other side, in the mean time, i'll carry what works for the dress code and situation and make do with what i have. A small .380 would work a lot better in my pocket in summer shorts and shirtless than a compact with a frame showing above my waistline.
Wow. I see someone hit a nerve.

I think that there is no inconsistency in recommending something with more stank on it, and still not wanting to step in front of one either. I don't want to step in front of a .177 caliber pellet pistol either, but that doesn't mean that I would recommend it as a carry weapon. Guess what.... you're right... I've never had any experience being shot with a .380. But, unlike most people, I have had a TON of experience treating gunshot patients, I can tell you with a great deal of certainty that .380 is not as good a carry caliber as 9mm or .45 ACP. It just isn't. It's not a terrible choice, but there are better choices... my opinion. Not if what you are talking about is to be able to effectively stop an assailant. That doesn't mean that it won't, but it won't do it as effectively. Don't take it personally.

It isn't about being a fashionista, as you put it, and your charge of arrogance is misplaced. The simple truth is that people make compromises every day in order to make CCW work for them. You have no trouble carrying a .380 in your shorts pockets. Good for you. I have no trouble concealing a larger, more powerful gun when I wear shorts, and I am more comfortable with that choice, but I don't criticize your choice, and you'll notice that I refrained from disparaging the character of people who disagree with my choices. No. You're the one who went there with your "fashionistas" and your "measuring one's worth by the size of his/her weapon," like this was about some kind of sexual fixation.

Frankly, I think you owe people an apology.
My words aren't meant to offend anybody here, but to express how unreasonable it is to deny people their right to talk about the carry of a smaller weapon. I'm not even in possession of a .380 yet, but would love to have one for the easier concealabilty because i'm a smaller guy. sorry if you see something wrong with my words, but with no offense intended, i don't see the issue.
then I misunderstood you, and I owe you an apology. I thought you were talking about folks on this board, so I apologize. FWIW, I think that a rule forbidding discussion of any caliber is stupid.
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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by bigmoney »

The Annoyed Man wrote:
bigmoney wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:
bigmoney wrote:The arrogance of others is their own mistake. How exactly they know for sure it's such a horrible choice, is beyond me. Concidering the chances that any of them have been shot by a .380 to effectivley know that it's not a suitable weapon choice, being slim to none. It may not be the ideal weapon to take on a gang of thugs in an all out street war, but it's more than enough to handle one or maybe two losers trying to do you harm. This must be a group of fashionist who spend their time measuring one's worth by the size of his/her weapon. I'll see them on the other side, in the mean time, i'll carry what works for the dress code and situation and make do with what i have. A small .380 would work a lot better in my pocket in summer shorts and shirtless than a compact with a frame showing above my waistline.
Wow. I see someone hit a nerve.

I think that there is no inconsistency in recommending something with more stank on it, and still not wanting to step in front of one either. I don't want to step in front of a .177 caliber pellet pistol either, but that doesn't mean that I would recommend it as a carry weapon. Guess what.... you're right... I've never had any experience being shot with a .380. But, unlike most people, I have had a TON of experience treating gunshot patients, I can tell you with a great deal of certainty that .380 is not as good a carry caliber as 9mm or .45 ACP. It just isn't. It's not a terrible choice, but there are better choices... my opinion. Not if what you are talking about is to be able to effectively stop an assailant. That doesn't mean that it won't, but it won't do it as effectively. Don't take it personally.

It isn't about being a fashionista, as you put it, and your charge of arrogance is misplaced. The simple truth is that people make compromises every day in order to make CCW work for them. You have no trouble carrying a .380 in your shorts pockets. Good for you. I have no trouble concealing a larger, more powerful gun when I wear shorts, and I am more comfortable with that choice, but I don't criticize your choice, and you'll notice that I refrained from disparaging the character of people who disagree with my choices. No. You're the one who went there with your "fashionistas" and your "measuring one's worth by the size of his/her weapon," like this was about some kind of sexual fixation.

Frankly, I think you owe people an apology.
My words aren't meant to offend anybody here, but to express how unreasonable it is to deny people their right to talk about the carry of a smaller weapon. I'm not even in possession of a .380 yet, but would love to have one for the easier concealabilty because i'm a smaller guy. sorry if you see something wrong with my words, but with no offense intended, i don't see the issue.
then I misunderstood you, and I owe you an apology. I thought you were talking about folks on this board, so I apologize. FWIW, I think that a rule forbidding discussion of any caliber is stupid.
My mistake for not being more clear in the beginning i suppose. :tiphat: I'm definately not out to make any enemies on here. I enjoy the debates and information being shared. I feel the same way about such rules, that's what struck my nerve. :patriot:
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