Top Shot 3

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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by TXlaw1 »

HankB wrote:Top Shot is a half hour (minus commercials) shooting program shoehorned into an hour time slot.

It's best viewed on tape or DVR with one's finger on the "Fast Forward" button . . .

:iagree: That is the ONLY way I watch this show - FF through the commercials and "drama" - sure saves my time.
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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by Express »

My wife doesn't like guns, but likes to watch Top Shot.

I liked the first challenge - riding shotgun
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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by Express »

TXlaw1 wrote:
HankB wrote:Top Shot is a half hour (minus commercials) shooting program shoehorned into an hour time slot.

It's best viewed on tape or DVR with one's finger on the "Fast Forward" button . . .

:iagree: That is the ONLY way I watch this show - FF through the commercials and "drama" - sure saves my time.
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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by 74novaman »

Express wrote:My wife doesn't like guns, but likes to watch Top Shot.

I liked the first challenge - riding shotgun
Same. My wife is tolerant and supportive..but not interested in joining me for a range trip. However, she really enjoys top shot. Top Shot in my mind is good PR for non gunnies. It may drive us nuts that there is so much drama and extra junk thrown in, but thats what gets people that aren't into guns interested in watching, and hopefully someday trying the sport out themselves.

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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by steve817 »

I tried watching it last season I found one of the contestants to be a complete (insert word for a feminine hygiene product here) and wouldn't watch it any more.
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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by CEOofEVIL »

I really loved the first season. It really was great, as it went into new territory and kept the drama to a minimum. Last season, the drama got worse. I'd like to say that I didn't think that people were that big of jerks, but the general attitude of the the contestants remaining towards the end of the season was pretty dang lame. The show has become less and less about shooting skills, and much more of a popularity contest for those who have the most "impressive" resume or bravado.

I'll be honest, I'm not much of a person for competition - it's just not my thing. Watching a show that features folks who are skilled at shooting regardless of their employment or training really is fun though, because I truly LOVE seeing people enjoy our sport and do great while they're at it.

Now though, its turned into little more than a Pee-pee contest. Folks with huge egos just suck the fun out of it for me. I really hope this season wll change direction for the show, but I don't suspect it will. Each episode that airs both my wife and I loose interest in watching it.

Ultimately it's good to see more gun friendly TV shows on the air though. I can only think of a few shows where the main content is gun-centric. Sons' of guns entertains me, even though it is a reality show, as its neat to see someone from the Saiga community be given such a great opportunity. Sure, it doesn't show the finer points of reworking the gas system of an AK or the paperwork required for an SBS but that's OK with me. Then there is Top Shot, and I just shared my feelings on that. Both still have a positive impact for the shooting sports in my Opinion though. There is also Wednesday Night at the Range on Outdoor channel as well, but that is clearly geared more towards folks already into shooting and quite frankly I'm not much interested in it as the vast majority of the programs just aren't covering anything I find interesting (I really only care for The Best Defense).

Anyway, what I mean to say is while Top Shot seems to be going in a less enjoyable direction, its great to have a show that can get new folks into firearms in a good way. Just my 2 cents. :txflag:

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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by LTUME1978 »

Thought the show last night was really good. Good drill with the AK and the elimination round was fun to watch. Wish I had one of those rotating light bulb drums, that would be a lot of fun to shoot at. Glad to see them use the M&P 45 for that drill. I was surprised about the lady in the shoot off. She is former military and on a SWAT Team but hit very few of those light bulbs in that drill.

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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by Domineaux »

Yeah it was a good episode last night. The kid in the elimination really impressed me, but yeah Sarah seemed extremely flustered under pressure which I suspect is more about nerves from cameras. I would hope she could handle competition stress better with her background, but would not be use to camera pressure.
Jake did great on the course but was too far behind and then seemed to have a jam.
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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by puma guy »

I was disappointed that most of the team members automatically voted the female shooter (Sara I think) to the elimination round. Jake gave no indication why he singled her out. Of course the show is heavily edited but most of them just followed suit. The young shooter was quite impressive even though the practice targets Sara shot were dead on and he was low left. He did follow the instructor's advice to drop mags and reload high in line of sight. The young fellow may now be seen as a threat instead of inexperienced and become an automatice target (NPI )for elimination rounds.

I like the variety of set-ups for the teams to shoot. Very innovative or maybe I'm just behind the times for shooting game setups.
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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by bigmoney »

I liked the AK challenge setup too. But being an AK, did anyone else notice how cautious everyone was about handling it through the course? My first impression of the run through was a dirty course for a gun that can handle it, then all these fellas were crawling one handed, trying not to get it dirty or wet. I guess they were affraid it would blip on them and cost them the win.

I don't think i'm feeling very fond of this Jake guy. But then again, I just don't get along very well with overly bossy alpha male types like him. I'm waiting now for everyone to gang up on him for an elimination. I did like that statement that Sara made by bullseye shooting his target for calling her out like that.
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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by gigag04 »

bigmoney wrote:I liked the AK challenge setup too. But being an AK, did anyone else notice how cautious everyone was about handling it through the course? My first impression of the run through was a dirty course for a gun that can handle it, then all these fellas were crawling one handed, trying not to get it dirty or wet. I guess they were affraid it would blip on them and cost them the win.

I don't think i'm feeling very fond of this Jake guy. But then again, I just don't get along very well with overly bossy alpha male types like him. I'm waiting now for everyone to gang up on him for an elimination. I did like that statement that Sara made by bullseye shooting his target for calling her out like that.
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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by bigmoney »

gigag04 wrote:
bigmoney wrote:I liked the AK challenge setup too. But being an AK, did anyone else notice how cautious everyone was about handling it through the course? My first impression of the run through was a dirty course for a gun that can handle it, then all these fellas were crawling one handed, trying not to get it dirty or wet. I guess they were affraid it would blip on them and cost them the win.

I don't think i'm feeling very fond of this Jake guy. But then again, I just don't get along very well with overly bossy alpha male types like him. I'm waiting now for everyone to gang up on him for an elimination. I did like that statement that Sara made by bullseye shooting his target for calling her out like that.
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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by 74novaman »

He's had several statements that make me kind of go :???: . Claimed to have been accepted to the Naval Academy as a freshman in high school. Then later stated he spent 5 years there. (prep school I guess?).

Word on some of the other boards is that he isn't very well respected on the Teams because as soon as he got out (after only 4 years or so) he started bad mouthing to the press about how racist the seals were. :headscratch

Also, I'm fairly terrified that a swat officer could shoot that terribly with her duty weapon. She blamed it on pressure...but come on! Serving warrants on dangerous felons isn't pressure? Sheesh. Remind me to stay out of IL if that's the shooting capability of their officers.
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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by CEOofEVIL »

74novaman wrote: ... I'm fairly terrified that a swat officer could shoot that terribly with her duty weapon. She blamed it on pressure...but come on! Serving warrants on dangerous felons isn't pressure? Sheesh. Remind me to stay out of IL if that's the shooting capability of their officers.
At first I felt the same too. Then I got to thinking (I hate it when that happens! :lol: ). She stated that she was familar with the M&P as she was issued one, but she didn't say if it was actually the same caliber or not. I know that if I picked up a Glock 22, 21, 31, etc I may not shoot as accurately or well with it, even though I'm very comfortable with my Glock 17. Sure the ergo's and overall operation are the same but the cartridge would make enough difference to throw one off. It also occured to me that it seemed she was taking more time to line up her shots than the other guy. I thought this might have had to do something with the Friendly targets mixed up with the Enemy targets, as after all any LEO would catch hell in a hand basket if they accidentally shot a friendly. This sort of makes sense to me specially considering the bulbs weren't a Torso or the size of a B27 target.

OR she just cracked under the pressure, ;-).

At any rate, just thought I'd play devils advocate, hehe.

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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by ske1eter »

74novaman wrote:
Also, I'm fairly terrified that a swat officer could shoot that terribly with her duty weapon. She blamed it on pressure...but come on! Serving warrants on dangerous felons isn't pressure? Sheesh. Remind me to stay out of IL if that's the shooting capability of their officers.
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