HankB wrote:Top Shot is a half hour (minus commercials) shooting program shoehorned into an hour time slot.
It's best viewed on tape or DVR with one's finger on the "Fast Forward" button . . .

Moderator: carlson1
HankB wrote:Top Shot is a half hour (minus commercials) shooting program shoehorned into an hour time slot.
It's best viewed on tape or DVR with one's finger on the "Fast Forward" button . . .
Ditto!TXlaw1 wrote:HankB wrote:Top Shot is a half hour (minus commercials) shooting program shoehorned into an hour time slot.
It's best viewed on tape or DVR with one's finger on the "Fast Forward" button . . .
That is the ONLY way I watch this show - FF through the commercials and "drama" - sure saves my time.
Same. My wife is tolerant and supportive..but not interested in joining me for a range trip. However, she really enjoys top shot. Top Shot in my mind is good PR for non gunnies. It may drive us nuts that there is so much drama and extra junk thrown in, but thats what gets people that aren't into guns interested in watching, and hopefully someday trying the sport out themselves.Express wrote:My wife doesn't like guns, but likes to watch Top Shot.
I liked the first challenge - riding shotgun
The seal?bigmoney wrote:I liked the AK challenge setup too. But being an AK, did anyone else notice how cautious everyone was about handling it through the course? My first impression of the run through was a dirty course for a gun that can handle it, then all these fellas were crawling one handed, trying not to get it dirty or wet. I guess they were affraid it would blip on them and cost them the win.
I don't think i'm feeling very fond of this Jake guy. But then again, I just don't get along very well with overly bossy alpha male types like him. I'm waiting now for everyone to gang up on him for an elimination. I did like that statement that Sara made by bullseye shooting his target for calling her out like that.
yessirgigag04 wrote:The seal?bigmoney wrote:I liked the AK challenge setup too. But being an AK, did anyone else notice how cautious everyone was about handling it through the course? My first impression of the run through was a dirty course for a gun that can handle it, then all these fellas were crawling one handed, trying not to get it dirty or wet. I guess they were affraid it would blip on them and cost them the win.
I don't think i'm feeling very fond of this Jake guy. But then again, I just don't get along very well with overly bossy alpha male types like him. I'm waiting now for everyone to gang up on him for an elimination. I did like that statement that Sara made by bullseye shooting his target for calling her out like that.
At first I felt the same too. Then I got to thinking (I hate it when that happens!74novaman wrote: ... I'm fairly terrified that a swat officer could shoot that terribly with her duty weapon. She blamed it on pressure...but come on! Serving warrants on dangerous felons isn't pressure? Sheesh. Remind me to stay out of IL if that's the shooting capability of their officers.
As Dirty Harry said, "That's a hell of a price to pay for being stylish".............74novaman wrote:
Also, I'm fairly terrified that a swat officer could shoot that terribly with her duty weapon. She blamed it on pressure...but come on! Serving warrants on dangerous felons isn't pressure? Sheesh. Remind me to stay out of IL if that's the shooting capability of their officers.