its obvious which ones were taken with the phone, belts not pictured but they are 5.11 permastiff and TDU Operator
I started with my HK USP full size 45 and liked it, SO-2 IWB kydex tuckable, 15%OC, Surefire G2,
then after about a year I wanted a smaller 45 (and was good excuse to the wife to get another gun

so I got the Glock 30 and carried it since 2006, and still carry it off-duty now that I'm LEO, I like the size, grip, 10+1 and using spare G21 mags, night sights, Hogue grip, SO-2 IWB tuckable holster, blackhawk/5.11 spare mag pouch can go on belt or carry in cargo pocket, I don't have the Remington folder pictured in both of these anymore, now carry S&W OTF and SOG Trident, I also now have a Safariland ALS paddle holster and I carry OWB with over sized shirt and I like having the same ALS on it as I do my duty holster
I also sometimes carry my S&W 642 or Keltec P11 (BUGs for work) off-duty in DeSantis Nemesis holster in front right pocket, only picture I have of them (also in pic-"nightstand" G21 w/TLR1, wife's G26, Ruger GP100, German .22lr, my SOG Trident and S&W OTF, and my above mentioned Safariland ALS paddle holster right below the tan leather Galco):

642, Nemesis, HKS speedloaders, Hogue wrap around grips

my daily carry items at work

Safariland level 3 holster for the G17