Thanks for a heads up on that article, Cool stuff. I'm glad to see History will be producing another informative show about guns. I'm getting REALLY tired of the same old ones they show over and over again - it's about time they filmed something
new (preferably without the same old stuffy museum curators that they've had on their past shows), and It sounds like Colby will do good with it. I'll definitely watch that.
Here is a link to a chat that the Kit Up! Blog did with Jake. I won't lie, it's sort of boring and painful to read over, but basically Jake confirms that he only did the show for the publicity his "football coaching career" would receive.
What a putz.
Also, it would seem that A LOT of folks think that the show is rigged - I'm not exactly sure why. I honestly have a feeling that a lot of the folks that think this may be letting their opinion of the "reality show" characteristics of the show bias them into coming to those conclusions. I still want to know what makes them think this, though. There are a few things that I've observed with the show that make me go "Huh, that's not right" but I mostly chock them up to the show getting chopped and made to look better on TV. IE: The editors very clearly overlay sound effects during some of the shooting portions. I'm sorry, but the noise the .22's they have shot on the show sound NOTHING like a real .22. The finale also had some really cheezy sound effects dubbed for when the shooters would hit the metal swinging targets - each target made the SAME exact noise after being shot, which didn't sound like what the actual noise a steel target makes when shot IMHO. The sound effect sounds like it could be a car being shot in a summer action film. I personally feel that things like that are just the production/editing guys trying to "polish" the show up so that it looks and "sounds" better. They probably just pull the effects from the same archives Action film makers use. At any rate, I can see that perhaps if someone was viewing the show and noticed these inconsistencies that they might start to doubt how "real" it is. It's just a fact that regardless of what was actually filmed, what actually airs is going to be gone over with the good old hollywood spit shine to appease whomever has overall control of the show. It doesn't really bother me personally, but I have to wonder if things like this are what turn folks off to the show and make them think "OMG itz sooooo rigged".
ETA: I forgot to include another link where Jake answered a few questions submitted by Kit Up! Readers including his bad behaviour:
Click Here . I have a backlog of Caleb Giddng's podcasts/interviews to get through, as I'm curious to see what the rest of the contestants have to say (The last interview I heard was with Big Red).