And we're all happy for you......and much relieved.barstoolguru never pulls my pants down....

Well you know that I'm a 1911 guy at heart too, and there's a 3" and a 5" in my carry rotation. But I have to say that as I age convenience and ease of use is getting to be more and more important to me. At the range, I still prefer to shoot my 1911s, but for EDC, I gravitate more and more to my Kahrs and to my wife's occasionally borrowed Glock 19 (SSSSHHHHH! Don't tell anybody). I love my M&P45, but it is pretty big (and heavy compared to the others), so I don't carry it that often anymore either unless I'm working from a shoulder holster.68Charger wrote:TAM is always talking about that darned Khar.. lol. I haven't shot one, but the way he swears by it makes it sound like it's a really good pistol.
But the Kahrs are just dirt simple. They're actually easier to field strip than a Glock. Being single stack guns, they are flatter and conceal more easily than any of my double stack guns, and the CW9 carries like a lighter version of my 3" Kimber UC II. Capacity of the CW45 is either the same or one more than a G36, but the grip fits my hand MUCH better. Perceived recoil is about the same as for my 3" Kimber and it manages the .45 ACP caliber surprisingly well. The trigger pull on the Kahrs is long, but it is very smooth and it's not at all heavy.
Although Kahr does offer some of their pistols in a version equipped with a thumb-safety, this is absolutely not necessary, and I suspect that the safeties were added to meet some kind of police large quantity purchase contract or something. The versions with the safeties cost more than the same pistol without the safeties. All Kahrs have an internal striker safety mechanism which is disengaged when the trigger is pulled. Shooting a Kahr is even more "revolver-like" than a Glock because the trigger is more "revolver-like," being a longer pull like a revolver, smooth, with little or no stacking, and specced out at 6 lb.
Fit and finish on the Kahrs is good, but they're not the eye candy that a really expensive 1911 or a high-end Sig is, and the CW/CM series are what I would describe as "utitlitarian" (also much like a Glock). My CW45 cost me $399.00, and that is hard to beat for a small, reliable, lightweight .45 that can fit into a front pocket. My wife's CW9 actually cost a bit more than that, but it was harder to find at the time that we bought it. The CW9 is exactly like the CW45, except a little smaller yet. It shoots very well. And the PM9 is comparable in size to my diminutive M&P340 snubbie....maybe even a tad smaller. It is for sure not as wide as the snubbie. It is so small in my front pocket as to be a little disconcerting some times. All 3 of our Kahrs shoot well, although the CW45 took a little more break-in than the others. Actually, I bought the PM9 used, and it was already broken in. The CW9 has run like a top right out of the box.
There are other good performers in the class, but the Kahrs hold their own against them, and the price can't be beat. And when you can get an easily pocketable and lightweight 9mm at a very affordable price with a demonstrated record of reliability, there just isn't any reason to go with a least not in my book.