LCP vs P238

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Re: LCP vs P238


Post by The Annoyed Man »

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68Charger wrote:TAM is always talking about that darned Khar.. lol. I haven't shot one, but the way he swears by it makes it sound like it's a really good pistol.
Well you know that I'm a 1911 guy at heart too, and there's a 3" and a 5" in my carry rotation. But I have to say that as I age convenience and ease of use is getting to be more and more important to me. At the range, I still prefer to shoot my 1911s, but for EDC, I gravitate more and more to my Kahrs and to my wife's occasionally borrowed Glock 19 (SSSSHHHHH! Don't tell anybody). I love my M&P45, but it is pretty big (and heavy compared to the others), so I don't carry it that often anymore either unless I'm working from a shoulder holster.

But the Kahrs are just dirt simple. They're actually easier to field strip than a Glock. Being single stack guns, they are flatter and conceal more easily than any of my double stack guns, and the CW9 carries like a lighter version of my 3" Kimber UC II. Capacity of the CW45 is either the same or one more than a G36, but the grip fits my hand MUCH better. Perceived recoil is about the same as for my 3" Kimber and it manages the .45 ACP caliber surprisingly well. The trigger pull on the Kahrs is long, but it is very smooth and it's not at all heavy.

Although Kahr does offer some of their pistols in a version equipped with a thumb-safety, this is absolutely not necessary, and I suspect that the safeties were added to meet some kind of police large quantity purchase contract or something. The versions with the safeties cost more than the same pistol without the safeties. All Kahrs have an internal striker safety mechanism which is disengaged when the trigger is pulled. Shooting a Kahr is even more "revolver-like" than a Glock because the trigger is more "revolver-like," being a longer pull like a revolver, smooth, with little or no stacking, and specced out at 6 lb.

Fit and finish on the Kahrs is good, but they're not the eye candy that a really expensive 1911 or a high-end Sig is, and the CW/CM series are what I would describe as "utitlitarian" (also much like a Glock). My CW45 cost me $399.00, and that is hard to beat for a small, reliable, lightweight .45 that can fit into a front pocket. My wife's CW9 actually cost a bit more than that, but it was harder to find at the time that we bought it. The CW9 is exactly like the CW45, except a little smaller yet. It shoots very well. And the PM9 is comparable in size to my diminutive M&P340 snubbie....maybe even a tad smaller. It is for sure not as wide as the snubbie. It is so small in my front pocket as to be a little disconcerting some times. All 3 of our Kahrs shoot well, although the CW45 took a little more break-in than the others. Actually, I bought the PM9 used, and it was already broken in. The CW9 has run like a top right out of the box.

There are other good performers in the class, but the Kahrs hold their own against them, and the price can't be beat. And when you can get an easily pocketable and lightweight 9mm at a very affordable price with a demonstrated record of reliability, there just isn't any reason to go with a least not in my book.
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Re: LCP vs P238


Post by jbirds1210 »

I shot the little Sigs on three occasions and had constant malfunctions from each of them. To be was very early in their release. A combination of it being a new design and my absolute disgust for the 1911 platform was likely a bad combination.

I have an LCP and carry it as a backup from time to time. The trigger is horrid and the sights nonexistent. I have run several hundred rounds through it and had one malfunction.

I would choose the LCP.

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Re: LCP vs P238


Post by johncanfield »

jbirds1210 wrote:I shot the little Sigs on three occasions and had constant malfunctions from each of them. To be was very early in their release.
The P238 is now on its third generation of magazines and we have put maybe 1,000 rounds through ours with the gen 3 mags and have had zero issues. Ours is 100% reliable. We did have problems with gen 2 magazines with occasional fail to feed and FTEs. I suppose this is a good reason to never buy a newly released model - let others vet it out first.
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Re: LCP vs P238


Post by wgoforth »

jbirds1210 wrote:I shot the little Sigs on three occasions and had constant malfunctions from each of them. To be was very early in their release. A combination of it being a new design and my absolute disgust for the 1911 platform was likely a bad combination.

I have an LCP and carry it as a backup from time to time. The trigger is horrid and the sights nonexistent. I have run several hundred rounds through it and had one malfunction.

I would choose the LCP.

When the P238 first came out, they had 2 problems, bad recoil spring and improperly shaped magazine. Those are long since corrected and no probs at all. I agree with trigger on LCP. As to the sights on the LCP... designed for point n shoot upclose defense, where you wont be using sights anyway. They arn't very accurate at long distances anyway. The P238 on the other hand, has great sights and more accurate than I am at longer distances.
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Re: LCP vs P238


Post by CBuchanan »

I have not shot an LCP but if the trigger is anything like the LC9 I will never own one. I have shot a P238 and it is an awesome pistol. If I ever buy a .380 it will be the P238

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Re: LCP vs P238


Post by wgoforth »

CBuchanan wrote:I have not shot an LCP but if the trigger is anything like the LC9 I will never own one. I have shot a P238 and it is an awesome pistol. If I ever buy a .380 it will be the P238
All of the DAO .380's I have ever shot had thesame feel to the trigger. Why can't they make a DA/SA in these?? I do carry the 238, but the safety is still a little concern. I just don't like safeties on a carry gun.
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Re: LCP vs P238


Post by brewdawg »

Well I went and shot both of them last weekend. The 238 does have better sights and I was a little more accurate with it. I have to say that neither of them are something I want to put a couple of hundred rounds through on a range visit. I think I am leaning heavily towards the LCP, just based on the size and price, since I am wanting something small and lightweight to throw in my shorts pocket or when I need deeper concealment than I can get with my XD9SC.

Now just waiting to see if there are any Father's Day specials on them anywhere. Unless some of you have recommendations on where to find the best prices.
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Re: LCP vs P238


Post by garcia946 »

Ive had a LCP before nice for the price , like everyone said , I didnt like the loooong trigger but overall about the same size as 238 , as of now I have a 238 that I ran across at a local gun show and I had to get it....
Came with extra pinky magazine , normal magizine and factory laser and factory night sights with it , be honest gave $500 for it ( pretty good deal ) , and I can say I love this lil gun , but Im losing it to the wife now. May have to look into the Khar now.... ;-)
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Re: LCP vs P238


Post by johncanfield »

garcia946 wrote:.. but Im losing it to the wife now. May have to look into the Khar now.... ;-)
I lost mine to the wife several months ago :???:
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Re: LCP vs P238


Post by brewdawg »

So I ended up going with the LCP. pcgizmo was selling one and for the price it was a no-brainer. Haven't had a chance to take it to the range yet, but it has been nice to be able to drop it in my shorts for a quick run to the store rather than having to find a holster and belt for the XD.

need to get some true SD rounds for it, and go to the range and put some rounds through it to get more familiar. Just wish they would get the 2 new ranges in Frisco and Triple M in McKinney open. I have no desire to go back and shoot at Bullet Trap during the summer months.

Now I can scratch the pocket pistol off my wish list.
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Re: LCP vs P238


Post by wgoforth »

brewdawg wrote:So I ended up going with the LCP. pcgizmo was selling one and for the price it was a no-brainer. Haven't had a chance to take it to the range yet, but it has been nice to be able to drop it in my shorts for a quick run to the store rather than having to find a holster and belt for the XD.

need to get some true SD rounds for it, and go to the range and put some rounds through it to get more familiar. Just wish they would get the 2 new ranges in Frisco and Triple M in McKinney open. I have no desire to go back and shoot at Bullet Trap during the summer months.

Now I can scratch the pocket pistol off my wish list.
Congrats on a good lil' gun..... I hope you have a pocket holster rather than just dropping the gun into your pocket to flop around, allowing trigger to catch on a corner/edge of something. .380 vesectomies are not fun.

Check out such as the Desantis Nemesis holster. It will stay in the pocket but lets you pull the gun out easily. Keeps the gun in upright position everytime and helps keep down "printing."
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Re: LCP vs P238


Post by brewdawg »

pcgizzmo threw in that same holster along with the gun and the remainder of a box of .380 rounds. As I said, couldn't beat the deal I got. Plus I got to know a fellow IT guy that likes to shoot.
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Re: LCP vs P238


Post by PeaceOfMind »

wgoforth wrote:Don't think anyone has mentioned the LCP does not lock open on last round. For me that is a deal breaker. The Bodyguard and P238 do lock back. I have had the LCP, Bodyguard and now carry the P238. As said, the main question will be single or double action. The BG handles better all around than the LCP to me. The P238 better than any. Though the laser was more of a gimmick to me on the BG (your not going to need or have time to use it in an upclose defense) it does provide counterweight to the barrel and reduces muzzle flip.

You can find a plain jane P238 for $450, so price a little more compatable with the others.... this one does not have night sites and has plastic grips.
Exactly my thoughts...Slides that do not lock back don't sit well with me. No safety, not even a grip safety is not for me either. I have a basic P238 (not a fancy finish or night sights or grips for that matter) but I love it. Paid $430 otd at a GRB gun show. $20 more for some grips that look better and maybe $20 for a spare mag. Got a Tucker holster for it and I'm set. I think lasers are probably only good for training purposes so other than that I don't want one. Night Sights are nice but not necessary to me. At least in no way I can think of....If it is too dark to see my sights what makes me think I can see my target. I'm sure there is a rare chance I could need them but anywhere around Houston there will be ambient light that I can use and you WILL NOT catch me in a dark alley.

The finish on the P238 is great. No loose ends anywhere I can find. While cleaning, I dropped the slide on the garage floor from about 5'. Left the slightest of nicks in the finish. Oh well. About the grip size, the gun fires so smoothly that I see no need for an extended grip. Have one on my XD 40 SC and thought I would get one on every pistol. After shooting the P238 I decided not to get one. It doesn't even try to come out of my hand. A buddy (6'5" so naturally large hands) shot it and didn't even mention the grip so it must have been fine with him too. Oh and the guy will NEVER go without voicing his opinion :roll: so it REALLY must have not bothered him .

I have a KelTec P3AT also and was worried about my boys the whole time due to the lack of safety. Couldn't carry one in the chamber so why carry it? That's just how I live my life! :coolgleamA:

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Re: LCP vs P238


Post by wgoforth »

PeaceOfMind wrote:
wgoforth wrote:Don't think anyone has mentioned the LCP does not lock open on last round. For me that is a deal breaker. The Bodyguard and P238 do lock back. I have had the LCP, Bodyguard and now carry the P238. As said, the main question will be single or double action. The BG handles better all around than the LCP to me. The P238 better than any. Though the laser was more of a gimmick to me on the BG (your not going to need or have time to use it in an upclose defense) it does provide counterweight to the barrel and reduces muzzle flip.

You can find a plain jane P238 for $450, so price a little more compatable with the others.... this one does not have night sites and has plastic grips.
Exactly my thoughts...Slides that do not lock back don't sit well with me. No safety, not even a grip safety is not for me either. I have a basic P238 (not a fancy finish or night sights or grips for that matter) but I love it. Paid $430 otd at a GRB gun show. $20 more for some grips that look better and maybe $20 for a spare mag. Got a Tucker holster for it and I'm set. I think lasers are probably only good for training purposes so other than that I don't want one. Night Sights are nice but not necessary to me. At least in no way I can think of....If it is too dark to see my sights what makes me think I can see my target. I'm sure there is a rare chance I could need them but anywhere around Houston there will be ambient light that I can use and you WILL NOT catch me in a dark alley.

The finish on the P238 is great. No loose ends anywhere I can find. While cleaning, I dropped the slide on the garage floor from about 5'. Left the slightest of nicks in the finish. Oh well. About the grip size, the gun fires so smoothly that I see no need for an extended grip. Have one on my XD 40 SC and thought I would get one on every pistol. After shooting the P238 I decided not to get one. It doesn't even try to come out of my hand. A buddy (6'5" so naturally large hands) shot it and didn't even mention the grip so it must have been fine with him too. Oh and the guy will NEVER go without voicing his opinion :roll: so it REALLY must have not bothered him .

I have a KelTec P3AT also and was worried about my boys the whole time due to the lack of safety. Couldn't carry one in the chamber so why carry it? That's just how I live my life! :coolgleamA:
Glad you enjoy it... I wouldn't hesitate to carry a round in a chamber with a DAO like the LCP/KT/BG, etc. Long trigger pull, and in holster should not be problem. Remember that cops carry Glocks all the time w/o a safety. Remember "Keep your booger hook off the bang switch" and you'll be fine. Actually, I prefer sans safety as the fear in an emergency many people would not remember to switch it off. Might still give the extension a feels like a different gun with it, AND you are getting an extra round also.
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Re: LCP vs P238


Post by Dreamliner »

A friend and I did a compare over the 4th with his LCP and my P238. P238 wins hands down because of the SA trigger and low recoil due to it's weight. My friend didn't like the fact that the P238 is 1911 style with safety and he doesn't carry one in the pipe, but to each is their own, I rather have good shot placement.
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