22 caliber pistols - which one

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Re: 22 caliber pistols - which one


Post by A-R »

jayinsat wrote:My S&W model 622 is a sweet shooter. However, they d/c'd the line in the early 90's. I wouldn't trade it for the world. :evil2:
I'll give you 30 rounds of steel case 5.56mm and a dented aluminum AR-15 30-round mag with a weak spring and broken follower for it


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Re: 22 caliber pistols - which one


Post by jayinsat »

A-R wrote:
jayinsat wrote:My S&W model 622 is a sweet shooter. However, they d/c'd the line in the early 90's. I wouldn't trade it for the world. :evil2:
I'll give you 30 rounds of steel case 5.56mm and a dented aluminum AR-15 30-round mag with a weak spring and broken follower for it

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Re: 22 caliber pistols - which one


Post by jmra »

Songbird wrote:
jmra wrote:
Songbird wrote:
jmra wrote:Took out my new ruger SR22 for the first time the other day. Awesome. It loved the cheap bulk ammo.
That's what we've decided on. Now, if we can just find one!
Saw a few at the FW show last week. I'm going to try and pick up another one at the DMH show this weekend. I have two boys who love to shoot.
Nothing in Amarillo. We're going to the show in Lubbock in the morning. Maybe we can snag one there.
Found another one at the show today for $309. Now both of the boys are happy.
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Re: 22 caliber pistols - which one


Post by Songbird »

jmra wrote:
Songbird wrote:
jmra wrote:
Songbird wrote:
jmra wrote:Took out my new ruger SR22 for the first time the other day. Awesome. It loved the cheap bulk ammo.
That's what we've decided on. Now, if we can just find one!
Saw a few at the FW show last week. I'm going to try and pick up another one at the DMH show this weekend. I have two boys who love to shoot.
Nothing in Amarillo. We're going to the show in Lubbock in the morning. Maybe we can snag one there.
Found another one at the show today for $309. Now both of the boys are happy.
Ouch. We paid $379 in Lubbock today. :banghead: Husband was thinking "bird in the hand". Oh well, had a nice little road trip.
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Re: 22 caliber pistols - which one


Post by Abraham »

Browning Buckmark.

Best trigger I've experienced and my Glock 19 has a Glock 3.5 lb...

My Grand daughters love to shoot it and do so well...me to...

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Re: 22 caliber pistols - which one


Post by texanjoker »

Good info out there and I appreciate it.... new 22 coming VERY soon... just DON"T tell the wife@ :thewave
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Re: 22 caliber pistols - which one


Post by misterlarry »

Love my Ruger SR22!
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Re: 22 caliber pistols - which one


Post by princebarry »

i own 4 browning buckmarks. i absolutely love them. my father purchased me my first one when i was 13 or so. i have probably shot 50,000 rounds through that pistol. i have since purchased 3 more, and am looking for a 4th to add a threaded barrel to. i love my 2nd amendment right!!!

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Re: 22 caliber pistols - which one


Post by Rex B »

SR22. Like a Walther P22 except made better.
Bought one for my daughter for $289 shipped.
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Re: 22 caliber pistols - which one


Post by texanjoker »

hoping to get one maybe in the next week... don't tell the wife. Thanks all!
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Re: 22 caliber pistols - which one


Post by KahrGuy »

I also love my SR22 from a reliability, feel, and looks perspective! Also love how quick & easy it is to load up magazines! Now, what I do not care for is that there is definitely an accuracy issue with mine! It's no where close to the realiability of any other pistol I've ever owned. I can put a 3" paster up and get all rounds in there from 7 yards, but cannot do this with a 2" paster. Comparatively, I can use my Kahr P380 to fill the center of a 2" paster with no problem (w/laser).

If not wanting/expecting a bullseye driver, then this is a great piece. If wanting to make smiley faces on targets, then a Mark III would probably be a much better choice :tiphat:
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Re: 22 caliber pistols - which one


Post by myntalfloss »

Possibly off topic but I was looking for somewhere to post this.

I'm really enjoying my SR22. Fun to shoot, pretty accurate and allows me to practice a lot of the tactical drills that we all love to do. But, the 10 rd mags mean a lot of reloading. As such, I had been intrigued by the McFaden cliploader (http://www.mcfaden.com/cliploader.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;) and was wondering if one would work for my SR22. Turns out it won't but they had a link on their website for inquiries and so I asked if they had any plans for a SR22 cliploader.

Their response:

We plan on looking at the SR22, but we already have some prototype adapters to mold first before we get to the SR22. Each mold takes 2 - 3 month to make, it could take a year or so before we get to it.
Debbie Jamison
McFadden Machine Co., Inc.

Not trying to sell these but I learn a lot from these forums and if you're interested.... (SR22 interestees, write to them, maybe they''ll move it up in the queue.)

Guns that it works with:

Ruger Mark II, 22/45
Ruger Mark III and Hunter
Browning Buckmark
Colt Woodsman Mag. Series 3 Figures E, F
Old Military High Standard
Newer High Standard
Stoeger Luger 22 Cal.
AMT Lighting

Guns you could get it to work with:

Beretta U22 Neo
Smith & Wesson 22A (prior to Spring 2011)
Colt Cadet

Only by Modifying your Cliploader to work with your Magazine

Ruger Mark I
Guns that it does not work with:
Sig Mosquito 22 LR Colt Woodsmen Pre-War
Beretta 89 GSG .22lr 1911
Walther GSP Advantage Arms Glock conversion
Walther P22 Mossberg 702 Plinkster
Smith & Wesson 41 Marlin 795 10 round
S & W 422 Savage 64 series .22LR
S & W 622 Ruger SR22
Any 1911 conversions Phoenix Arms HP22
Savage 66 S&W MP 22
Beretta 21A Bobcat .22-LR Star F/FM/FR/FRS 22 Cal.
Kimber Rimfire Target ISSC M22
Hammerli Trailside Bersa Thunder

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Re: 22 caliber pistols - which one


Post by Shoot_First »

Songbird wrote:
jmra wrote:Took out my new ruger SR22 for the first time the other day. Awesome. It loved the cheap bulk ammo.
That's what we've decided on. Now, if we can just find one!
+2 for the SR22 for the same reason. Had a Ruger Mk III Hunter in stainless, but it was heavy and a bear to reassemble after deep cleaning unless you get an aftermarket bolt stop (forget who makes it.)
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Re: 22 caliber pistols - which one


Post by WildBill »

If price is the main consideration: Ruger 22/45
If you can spend some more: Browning Buckmark
If price is not a consideration: High Standard Supermatic Trophy or Victor

If I buy another 22LR pistol it will be a Browning. I already own a Ruger and two High Standards.
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Re: 22 caliber pistols - which one


Post by JSThane »

Oddly enough, I have the most fun with my Ruger single-action .22s, a Bearcat and a Single Six. I've got (several) other .22s, but there's just something about the single action that makes it more fun. The single-action aspect takes longer to shoot, and it takes even longer to reload, but I've been known to blow through a brick of .22 in a couple hours with one (that is, back when I could -find- .22 in bulk!).

You know it's time to clean it when the cylinder won't turn without assistance and the rounds don't want to go in the chambers. :biggrinjester:
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