Question about revolver

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Question about revolver


Post by JRG »

I went shooting at TargetMasters in Dallas. Mainly to shoot my new M&P 9mm compact. It is a fine shooting weapon.

I wanted to rent a S&W 642 to see if I really wanted one. They didn't have one to rent but did have a Ruger SP101 I think that was the number. It was for 357 ammo but the guy said I could shoot .38 in it. The trigger had a real long pull to get it to fire. I do not know if it was me or the gun, but by the time I got the trigger to fire, I could have gone for a margarita and nachos. If I cocked it first, it was better. I have been thinking I wanted a 642, but if it is anything like the Ruger tonight. I want no part of it.

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Post by nitrogen »

Do you mean that the trigger pull was really long and heavy, or do you mean that after pulling the trigger, and the hammer falls, the round doesn't fire from the gun right away?

The first is "normal" the second is not. (and I think is usually an ammo problem
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Post by longtooth »

Across the board S&W has a better out of the box trigger than Ruger.
I own a Ruger GP100 so I can say that. I would like a SP101 & you did have the right #. The 642 will stilll have a long trigger pull double action. Try to shoot one before you buy. If you can find a Taurus T-85 it will be much closer to the 642 than the Ruger. The Smith trigger will still be better than the Taurus.
My opinion & others will give theirs. Good shopping.
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Post by The Marshal »

"gone for a margarita and nachos" :grin:

I could just imagine getting you on the mobile phone....

"Hey Joe, watcha doing?"
"Aw not much Bill. Just down here at the Range, waiting for this pistol to go off.."
{Bill} "???"
"Yep, I pulled the trigger on it a few minutes ago. Darn thing is slow. I just laid it down over there on the table...gonna check it in a few minutes to be sure that the hammer hasn't fallen yet.... what are you doing?"


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Post by Wildscar »

The Marshal wrote:"gone for a margarita and nachos" :grin:

I could just imagine getting you on the mobile phone....

"Hey Joe, watcha doing?"
"Aw not much Bill. Just down here at the Range, waiting for this pistol to go off.."
{Bill} "???"
"Yep, I pulled the trigger on it a few minutes ago. Darn thing is slow. I just laid it down over there on the table...gonna check it in a few minutes to be sure that the hammer hasn't fallen yet.... what are you doing?"

:smilelol5: :rolll :lol::
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Post by JLaw »

:iagree: :smilelol5:


Revolvers do have a much longer trigger pull than semi-autos, it takes some practice to get used to them but will be worth your effort. Like longtooth said above, try a S&W 642 or a Taurus 85, they are both some fine shooting firearms. You won't regret the investment, a good 5 shot snubby sure comes in handy! ;-)


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Post by JRG »

Yes, I meant that it seemed to be a very heavy trigger pull. It was my first time to shoot a revolver so I really didn't know what to expect. I need to give it another try sometime.

Anyone in the DFW area got a S&W 642 they would not mind me shooting a few times? I'd be happy to pay your range fee and ammo for the privilege.

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Post by flintknapper »

JRG wrote:Yes, I meant that it seemed to be a very heavy trigger pull. It was my first time to shoot a revolver so I really didn't know what to expect. I need to give it another try sometime.

Anyone in the DFW area got a S&W 642 they would not mind me shooting a few times? I'd be happy to pay your range fee and ammo for the privilege.


Theres your answer.

As previously stated....a "Smith" will have a better out of the box trigger, but most Rugers smooth out quickly with use.

ALL double action revolvers will have a long trigger pull, you can't get around that.
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Post by Crossfire »

JRG wrote:Yes, I meant that it seemed to be a very heavy trigger pull. It was my first time to shoot a revolver so I really didn't know what to expect. I need to give it another try sometime.

Anyone in the DFW area got a S&W 642 they would not mind me shooting a few times? I'd be happy to pay your range fee and ammo for the privilege.

I do, and if you like it, you might could work out a deal for it. I prefer my Ruger GP100. Are you close to Winchester (Shooting Gallery)?
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Post by longtooth »

I like my GP100 too. :thumbsup:
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Post by ccoker »

sounds like you were shooting in double action mode where the majority if the trigger pull is cocking the hammer and the last part releases it and the gun fires..

if you were to cock the hammer first and shot it in single action mode it would have been a LOT shorter and lighter trigger pull

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Post by PatrickS »

JLaw wrote::iagree: :smilelol5:


Revolvers do have a much longer trigger pull than semi-autos, it takes some practice to get used to them but will be worth your effort. Like longtooth said above, try a S&W 642 or a Taurus 85, they are both some fine shooting firearms. You won't regret the investment, a good 5 shot snubby sure comes in handy! ;-)


My primary carry is an SP-101 hammerless, and I had an action
job done on it as I didn't have the patience to wait 2000 rounds for
it to smooth out on its own ;-)

Carried "ultralight" with nothing but a clipdraw I almost forget it's
there (almost ;-)

The S&W airlights and Taurus total titanium model 85s will be about
10 oz lighter, but the extra weight is appreciated when shooting full
.357 loads, and the Ruger is built like a tank.



Post by pbandjelly »

JRG wrote:Anyone in the DFW area got a S&W 642 they would not mind me shooting a few times? I'd be happy to pay your range fee and ammo for the privilege.

I have a Taurus 85. send me a PM if yer interested in shootin' it.

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Post by JRG »

I think part of the problem with the shooting yesterday was that the SP101 was a rental and I had no idea about how well it has been maintained or cleaned. I do know that the extractor rod required quite a push to even get the shells out far enough for me to pull them out by hand.


You probably don't remember me but I took your Utah class at Carlson's church. I'm in Mesquite so I do not know where Winchester's is. I would not mind a roadtrip to the Ft. Worth area.

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Post by Crossfire »

Joe - I remember you, just didn't remember your handle here!

I have a class on Saturday, but maybe we could meet up there on Sunday afternoon. Winchester is on the far east side of Ft Worth, at East Loop 820 and Lancaster, so it's about as close to you as I can get and still be in Ft Worth.

Send me a PM if you want to get together.
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